Head : Green Tinted Goggles – Obtained from 150 Engineering, or a better choice if you can get it is the Lucky Fishing Hat – Obtained from winning the weekly STV fishing tournament Shoulders : Talbar Mantle – Down every druid of the fang boss in WC, then start the escort at the entrance to the cave by talking to the Tauren. Kill the Giant Murloc and loot a shard from him. It begins the quest (Level 15) In Nightmares that will award you the shoudlers. Back : Sentry Cloak – World Drop but can be found in the Auction House. If you can't find one the next best is the Glowing Lizardscale Cloak which drops off Skum in Wailing Caverns. Chest : Blackened Defias Armor – Drops off VanCleef in Deadmines Wrists : Forest Leather Bracers – This is an uncommon world drop, and can best be found on the Auction House. If you can't find one try to find a good “of the monkey”, “of stamina”, or “of Agility”. Gloves : Scouting Gloves of the Monkey – Its an uncommon world drop that is easiest to find on the Auction House. If you can't find one try to find a good “of the monkey”, “ of stamina”, or “of Agility”. Also a good alternative is the Red Whelp Gloves. The pattern can be bought off Wenna Silkbeard in Wetlandsand is limited supply. You may be able to find them on Auction House as well. Belt : Deviate Scale Belt – This is a pattern from quests above Wailing Caverns entrance in the cave. The mats for this can only be found in Wailing Caverns. Legs : Leggings of the Fang – Drops off Lord Cobrahn in Wailing Caverns.Cheap wow gold buy wow power leveling aion Hi! I enjoy the music so much! It always reminds me of
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wow powerleveling Only boss on the left when you enter Wailing Caverns. Boots : Nat Pagle's Extreme Anglin' Boots - Obtained from fishing quest Rare Fish - Brownell's Blue Striped Racer in Stranglethorn Vale. Quest is only avaiable from Fishbot 5000 on Sundays from 2-4pm server time. He is located at next to the Inn. 125 Fishing skill is required. Trailblazer Boots - (Horde Only) Obtained as a quest reward in The Barrens. Quest is a chain that starts at when you get The Runed Scroll from killing Aean Swiftriver in The Barrens Feet of the Lynx – Can be found on the Auction House. A good alternative is the Footpads of the Fang which is dropped by Lord Serpentis in Wailing Caverns. Rings : Seal of Sylvanas – Reward for the quest “Arugal Must Die” (Horde Only) for SFK obtained at level 18. Begins in Sepulcher from Dalar Dawnweaver, located in Silverpine Forest at 44,39. Requires you to kill Arugal, the final boss in SFK. For Alliance you should get the Seal of Wrynn which is from a chain quest for killing VanCleef in The Deadmines. For your second ring, you should get the Blood Ring which can be found on the Auction House. If you can't find one try to find a good “of the monkey”, “of stamina”, or “of Agility”. Neck : Alliance - Sentinel's Medallion Warsong Gulch neck peice when Honored with Silverwing Sentinals. Silverwing Sentinels Rep Vendor is located at 61,84 in Ashenvale. Horde - Scout's Medallion when honored with the Warsong Outriders. Weapons : recommend Fiery enchants on your weapons because of the frequent procs when in combat. Mainhand : Shadowfang – Drops in Shadowfang Keep or can be found in the Auction House (Be prepared to pay a large price for it). Cruel Barb – Drops from VanCleef in The Deadmines Assassin's Blade – Very Rare drop in SFK off trash or bosses. It can also be found on the Auction House. Wingblade – (Horde Only) Reward from a quest in Wailing Caverns to kill all the bosses. Starts with “Hamuul Runetotem” from Tonga Runetotem in The Barrens, located at 78,28. Offhand : Assassin's Blade – Very Rare drop in SFK off trash or bosses. It can also be found the Auction House. Ironpatch Blade – Rare world drop that can be found in the Auction House. Night Watch Shortsword – Rare world drop that can be found in the Auction House. Ranged : Lil Timmy’s Peashooter – Can be found in the Auction House. Venomstrike – dropped from Lord Serpentis in Wailing Caverns.
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