原创 excited about - wedding dresses

2010-3-17 16:18 2008 5 5 分类: 工程师职场
Apparently, I was at least semi-coherent in my bio earlier this year since I was asked to contribute something meaningful for the newsletter. This time around, I’ll be going into a bit more detail about what we're doing and where we currently are in the process of birthing this MMO. I'd like to start off by thanking the fans that have been vocal and constructive both before and after seeing evidence that we're actually making anything playable out here in Virginia. Even though you might not hear from developers but once in a blue moon, we're always watching. (Well... not ALWAYS... that would just be creepy!) There have been a fair number of questions and assumptions made on various venues on the 'net, many of which will be answered or clarified (however vaguely) below if you read carefully. So for the lack of a better literary device: "Let's get started." On Technology and Philosophy WAR is a new game with a new animation system. I'm really excited about how far we've gotten with it, and how much further we can take it. This one doesn't even require DOS! It's all crazy point-and-click new-fangledness. Aside from the performance improvements we'll be seeing, it's got a lot of really nifty features that let us blend motions together in very cool ways. It's important to me your character in the game be more aware of its surroundings than you are. After all, it’s the one who's actually in the world, and you're just looking at the back of its head. There are so many things that I’d love to do that would really plant your character solidly in a tangible world. Alas, time, money, and resources. wedding dresses aion gold wow power leveling wedding dresses also, doing it on a server such as alleria (thats notorious for like 75:1 alliance:horde ratio) must have As stated on general chat the only other attempts on this was on the horde side on hellscream and they aion gold succeded so yes they got the world first but we have world first for the aliance no other alliance faction has succeeded where were have so yea we may not have the WORLD FIRST to the accomplishment wedding dresses hehe sorry about that =P, also sorry for any holy shield burns, hamma smashes to the face or consecration burns to the feet that you or your faction leaders may have sustained =P but mostly wedding dresses for being a nsmlweaasxxa sport and not trolling or QQing like the others. Were just posting about this because were happy we did something fun together. and i look forward to being overwhelmed by mass wedding dresses ames one night in IF and mostly likely ROFLSTOMPED right on the spot XD. but hey! i wont give up So I just read this trilogy thing on g4.com from SCII. Not what I was hoping for, but meh. Then, I saw wow power leveling StarCraft II will arrive in three separate race campaigns, arriving in the following order: Since our focus is on RvR, it's more crucial that we focus on combat than my nifty-keen system for... well, I’ve got a lot of nifty-keen systems for a lot of things that I’m not going to talk about because they are not going to be in the game. That being said, we're already leveraging a lot of the new tech. Animation, audio, and special effects are also working more closely than ever, and we're now able to define an exact frame within an animation that triggers a particular effect. We are making sure that if you attack while you're running that you keep running for the duration of the swing and don't skid across the ground. We are making sure that when your character looks at a friend or an enemy, he turns his head and spine to keep them in view. This can make even the most mundane actions look great, such as sitting on horseback and waving to someone without popping up and down awkwardly. Using the weapon tech and additional code support, I’m hoping to be able to make innkeepers actually wash dishes (by equipping a mug and a rag) or sweep the floor (by equipping a broom).
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