最后,介绍一个关于Belkin和Maxim开发团队通力协作的故事。Belkin通过与Maxim工程师一起合作,增加智能电能监测功能,充分发挥其在包装及通信领域的最新技术成果。Belkin的WeMo Insight Switch为消费者监测和管理家庭用电提供了一套经济、适用的解决方案。Belkin实际上是将科技的力量置于我们手心中,以及电源插座上。只需59.99美元即可购得WeMo Insight Switch,现在就能够开始构建您的家庭网络。
利用诸如WeMo Insight Switch这样的工具,您能够预见到什么呢?您有任何关于将微型电表嵌入到产品内部的想法吗?您是否有项目可利用Maxim的电能测量技术进行增强呢?您有任何想法,均可通过Twitter和Facebook联系我们。非常感谢。
WeMo是Belkin International, Inc的注册商标。
Wi-Fi是Wi-Fi Alliance Corporation的注册商标。
About the Author
Paul Michael Daigle is a technology enthusiast who is fond of using closed-loop decision processes that rely on accurate measurement. He has a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering from Syracuse University. He expands depth of B2B customer engagement at Maxim Integrated in his role as a Business Development Executive. Paul specializes in electronic components that enable OEMs to build devices such as utility meters that are so accurate and reliable that they are trusted as the means of accounting and billing for power consumption of residential, commercial, or industrial buildings.