AVR465: Single-Phase Power/Energy Meter
with Tamper Detection
? Cost-Effective and Flexible Single-Phase Energy Meter
? Fulfills IEC 61036 Accuracy Requirements for Class 1 Meters
? Detects, Signals and Continues to Measure Accurately Under At Least 20 Different
Tamper Conditions
? Design Easily Downgrades to Fit Normal Single-Phase Energy Metering
? Compact Design With Internal Flash Memory, SRAM and EEPROM
? Includes USART and Programmable I/O
? LCD Is Easily Added By Migrating To Other AVR Microcontrollers
? Secure and Reprogrammable Flash Memory Enables Flexible Firmware Updates
? One-Time, Quick, and Accurate Digital Calibration Gives Added Benefits
- Calibration Can Be Automated
- No Need for Trimming Components
- No Need for External EEPROM, as Calibration Coefficients Are Stored Internally
? Adjustable Energy Pulse Output Goes Beyond 10.000 Impulses / kWh
? Active Power, Voltage and Current Measurements are Easily Accessible Over
USART Interface
? Design Easily Migrates to Any Other AVR Microcontroller
? Low-Power AVR Microcontroller Allows Operation Down To 1.8V