原创 Labwindows/cvi8.5 读写 ini 文件

2010-6-13 14:39 5942 11 11 分类: 软件与OS

// Labwindows/cvi8.5 读写 ini 文件
// 改写自 Labwindows 自带的例程
// szlihongtao
// 2010-06-13
/*                                                                           */
/* FILE:    ini.c                                                            */
/*                                                                           */
/*          This example opens an existing *.ini file and allows you to      */
/*          display, add, and remove sections and items from the inifile.    */
/*                                                                           */
/* NOTES:   The Inifile instrument driver treats empty tag items as if they  */
/*          are not defined.  For example, if the Ini file contains,         */
/*            [Ports]                                                        */
/*            COM1 = 9600                                                    */
/*            COM2 =                                                         */
/*          then the COM2 tag will not be read in as a value.                */
/*                                                                           */
#include <utility.h>
#include <userint.h>
#include "inifile.h"
#include "ini.h"
#define MAX_NAME_SIZE 256
static int     g_changesMade   = 0;
static char    g_fileName[MAX_PATHNAME_LEN];
static IniText g_myInifile = 0;
int UpdateUIR (int panelHandle);
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
    int panelHandle;

    if (InitCVIRTE (0, argv, 0) == 0)
        return -1;
    if ((panelHandle = LoadPanel (0, "ini.uir", PANEL)) < 0)
        return -1;
    DisplayPanel (panelHandle);

    /* 一打开软件,就提醒用户选择某个INI文件 */
    FilenameBrowse (panelHandle, PANEL_FILENAME_BROWSE, EVENT_COMMIT, 0, 0, 0);
    RunUserInterface ();

    /* Write the file back out if the user has made changes */
    if ((g_myInifile)    // 内存中有ini文件  
  && (g_changesMade))  // ini文件有了改变
        if (ConfirmPopup ("Save Changes",
            "Do you want to save changes?"))
            Ini_WriteToFile (g_myInifile, g_fileName);
    if (g_myInifile)     // Disposes of the in-memory list of tag/value pairs identified
        Ini_Dispose (g_myInifile);   /* Destroy the Inifile memory object*/  
    DiscardPanel (panelHandle);
    CloseCVIRTE ();
    return 0;
/* Allow the user to browse for an INI file, and load it into memory.         */
/* 选择ini文件,并且装入内存                                                  */
int CVICALLBACK FilenameBrowse (int panel, int control, int event,
                                void *callbackData, int eventData1,
                                int eventData2)
    char tempFileName[MAX_PATHNAME_LEN];

    switch (event)
        case EVENT_COMMIT:
            /* Ask user which file to open */
            if (FileSelectPopup ("", "*.ini", "*.ini",  /* 默认为当前工作目录 */
                                 VAL_SELECT_BUTTON,    /* 按钮显示为 "select" */
                                 0,       /* 0-不严格限制文件路径 */
                                 0,          /* 0-不严格限制文件扩展名 */
                                 1,       /* 1-允许不选择文件,直接退出 */
                                 1,       /* 1-允许创建文件夹,不知道是什么原因,选择0也可以创建文件夹???????? */       
                                 tempFileName) /* 文件名 */
                != VAL_EXISTING_FILE_SELECTED)
                return 0;
             0-------VAL_NO_FILE_SELECTED       没有选择文件
             1-------VAL_EXISTING_FILE_SELECTED   还是选择以前的那个文件
             2-------VAL_NEW_FILE_SELECTED     选择了一个新的文件
            /* Write the currently loaded file, if any, back out */
   // 如果刚才打开并且更改了一个ini文件,则提示保存
            if ((g_myInifile)    // 打开过ini文件吗?
    && (g_changesMade))  // ini文件已经更改过
                if (ConfirmPopup ("Save Changes",
                                  "Do you want to save changes before opening "
                                  "a new file?"))
                    Ini_WriteToFile (g_myInifile, g_fileName); // 保存ini文件

   // 新打开的文件名
            strcpy (g_fileName, tempFileName);   /* 字符串赋值,完全copy  */

            /* Destroy the Inifile if it currently exists */
            if (g_myInifile)  // 从内存中删除ini文件
                Ini_Dispose (g_myInifile);   // Disposes of the in-memory list of tag/value pairs identified
                g_myInifile = 0; // 句柄复位
            g_changesMade = 0;  // 表示文件刚刚打开,还没有更改过

            /* Create a new Inifile object and read it from a file */
            if (!(g_myInifile = Ini_New (0)))
                MessagePopup("Inifile","Error allocating memory for Inifile");
                goto Error;
   // g_myInifile=0则表明出错
   // g_myInifile!=0则表示ini文件的句柄
            if (Ini_ReadFromFile (g_myInifile, g_fileName))
                MessagePopup("Inifile","Error reading Inifile");
                goto Error;
            SetCtrlVal (panel, PANEL_FILENAME, g_fileName);
            UpdateUIR (panel);   /* 使用当前信息更新界面上的显示  */
   SetCtrlAttribute (panel, PANEL_BUTTON_SET, ATTR_DIMMED, 0); // 设置为正常显示
    return 0;

    if (g_myInifile);     
        Ini_Dispose (g_myInifile);   // 从内存中删除ini文件 

    return 0;
/* Update the UIR with the current information.                               */
/* 使用当前信息更新界面上的显示                                               */
int UpdateUIR (int panelHandle)
    int    sections = 0;
    int    items = 0;
    int    section = 0;
    int    item = 0;
    int    booleanValue;
    int    integerValue;
    char   *sectionName = NULL;
    char   *itemName = NULL;
    char   *stringValue;
    double doubleValue;

    if (g_myInifile)
        /* Set total section information */
        sections = Ini_NumberOfSections (g_myInifile);   /* 文件中的总节数 */   
        SetCtrlVal (panelHandle, PANEL_TOTAL_SECTIONS, sections);   /* 显示总节数 */ 
        SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle, PANEL_SECTION, ATTR_MIN_VALUE,
                          (sections > 0));
        SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle, PANEL_SECTION, ATTR_MAX_VALUE,sections);/* 设置列表框的最大值 */

        /* Set sections and item information */
        if (sections)   /* 至少有1个节 */
            GetCtrlVal (panelHandle, PANEL_SECTION, &section);  /* 读取节选择  */
            Ini_NthSectionName (g_myInifile, section, &sectionName);
            if (sectionName)
                SetCtrlVal (panelHandle, PANEL_SECTION_NAME, sectionName); /* 选择节的名称  */
                items  = Ini_NumberOfItems (g_myInifile, sectionName); /* 读取项目数 */
                SetCtrlVal (panelHandle, PANEL_TOTAL_ITEMS, items);    /* 显示项目数 */
                SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle, PANEL_ITEM, ATTR_MIN_VALUE,
                                  (items > 0));
                SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle, PANEL_ITEM, ATTR_MAX_VALUE,
                                  items);      /* 设置列表框的最大值 */
                if (items)     /* 至少有1个项目 */   
                    GetCtrlVal (panelHandle, PANEL_ITEM, &item);/* 选择项目 */ 
                    Ini_NthItemName (g_myInifile, sectionName, item,
                                     &itemName); /* 项目名字 */
                    if (itemName)    /* 项目名字非空的话 */ 
                        SetCtrlVal(panelHandle, PANEL_ITEM_NAME, itemName);   /* 显示项目名字 */
                       /* 判定项目值的类型 */
                        if (Ini_GetBoolean (g_myInifile, sectionName, itemName,
                                            &booleanValue) > 0)
                            SetCtrlVal (panelHandle, PANEL_ITEM_TYPE, 1);   /* 显示为 boolen 型 */  
                            SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle,
                                              ATTR_VISIBLE, 0);
                            SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle,
                                              ATTR_VISIBLE, 1);
                            SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle,
                                              ATTR_DATA_TYPE, VAL_INTEGER);
                            SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle,
                                              ATTR_MIN_VALUE, 0);
                            SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle,
                                              ATTR_MAX_VALUE, 1);
                            SetCtrlVal (panelHandle, PANEL_ITEM_VALUE_NUMERIC,
                        else if (Ini_GetInt (g_myInifile, sectionName,
                                             itemName, &integerValue) > 0)
                            SetCtrlVal (panelHandle, PANEL_ITEM_TYPE, 2);    /* 显示为 int 型 */
                            SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle,
                                              ATTR_VISIBLE, 0);
                            SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle,
                                              ATTR_VISIBLE, 1);
                            SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle,
                                              ATTR_DATA_TYPE, VAL_INTEGER);
                            SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle,
                                              ATTR_MIN_VALUE, -2147483647);
                            SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle,
                                              ATTR_MAX_VALUE, 2147483647);
                            SetCtrlVal (panelHandle, PANEL_ITEM_VALUE_NUMERIC,
                        else if (Ini_GetDouble (g_myInifile, sectionName,
                                                itemName, &doubleValue) > 0)
                            SetCtrlVal (panelHandle, PANEL_ITEM_TYPE, 3);      /* 显示为 double 型 */   
                            SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle,
                                              ATTR_VISIBLE, 0);
                            SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle,
                                              ATTR_VISIBLE, 1);
                            SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle,
                                              ATTR_DATA_TYPE, VAL_DOUBLE);
                            SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle,
                                              ATTR_MIN_VALUE, -HUGE_VAL);
                            SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle,
                                              ATTR_MAX_VALUE, HUGE_VAL);
                            SetCtrlVal (panelHandle, PANEL_ITEM_VALUE_NUMERIC,
                        else if (Ini_GetPointerToRawString (g_myInifile,
                                 sectionName, itemName, &stringValue) > 0)
                            SetCtrlVal (panelHandle, PANEL_ITEM_TYPE, 4);      /* 显示为 string 型 */   
                            SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle,
                                              ATTR_VISIBLE, 1);
                            SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle,
                                              ATTR_VISIBLE, 0);
                            SetCtrlVal (panelHandle, PANEL_ITEM_VALUE_STRING,
                            MessagePopup ("Inifile",
                                          "Error retrieving Inifile value.");

    /* Set Dimming of Controls */
    SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle, PANEL_NEW_SECTION, ATTR_DIMMED,
    SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle, PANEL_DELETE_SECTION, ATTR_DIMMED,
                      (!g_myInifile) || (!sections));
    SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle, PANEL_SECTION, ATTR_DIMMED,
                      (!g_myInifile) || (!sections));
    SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle, PANEL_SECTION_NAME, ATTR_DIMMED,
                      (!g_myInifile) || (!sections));
    SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle, PANEL_TOTAL_ITEMS, ATTR_DIMMED,
                      (!g_myInifile) || (!sections));
    SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle, PANEL_NEW_ITEM, ATTR_DIMMED,
                      (!g_myInifile) || (!sections));
    SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle, PANEL_DELETE_ITEM, ATTR_DIMMED,
                      (!g_myInifile) || (!sections) || (!items));
    SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle, PANEL_ITEM, ATTR_DIMMED,
                      (!g_myInifile) || (!sections) || (!items));
    SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle, PANEL_ITEM_NAME, ATTR_DIMMED,
                      (!g_myInifile) || (!sections) || (!items));
    SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle, PANEL_ITEM_TYPE, ATTR_DIMMED,
                      (!g_myInifile) || (!sections) || (!items));
    SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle, PANEL_ITEM_VALUE_STRING , ATTR_DIMMED,
                      (!g_myInifile) || (!sections) || (!items));
    SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle, PANEL_ITEM_VALUE_NUMERIC, ATTR_DIMMED,
                      (!g_myInifile) || (!sections) || (!items));
    SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle, PANEL_TOTAL_SECTIONS, ATTR_DIMMED,
    SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle, PANEL_TEXTMSG_VALUE, ATTR_DIMMED,
                      (!g_myInifile) || (!sections) || (!items));
    return 0;
/* Create a new section in the INI object.增加节                              */
int CVICALLBACK NewSection (int panel, int control, int event,
                            void *callbackData, int eventData1,
                            int eventData2)
    int  section;
    int  sections;
    int  found;
    char *sectionName;
    char userSectionName[MAX_NAME_SIZE];

    switch (event)
        case EVENT_COMMIT:
            userSectionName[0] = 0;
            if ((GenericMessagePopup ("New Section",
                                      "Please specify name of new section",
                                      "OK", "Cancel", "", userSectionName,
                                      MAX_NAME_SIZE-1, 0,
                                      VAL_GENERIC_POPUP_BTN2) == VAL_GENERIC_POPUP_BTN1)
     && (userSectionName[0] != 0))
                if (Ini_SectionExists (g_myInifile, userSectionName))  // 已经有了这个节名
                    MessagePopup("Inifile","Error, section already exists");
                else   // 新的节名字
                    /* We have to add a dummy item and then remove to create */
                    /* a new section */   // 创建新的节
                    Ini_PutString (g_myInifile, userSectionName, "Dummy_tag_name", "");
                    Ini_RemoveItem (g_myInifile, userSectionName,"Dummy_tag_name");
                    g_changesMade = 1;
                sections = Ini_NumberOfSections (g_myInifile);   // 重新得到总的节数
                found = 0;    // 0表示没有找到这个节
                for (section = 1; (section <= sections) && (!found); section++)
                    if ((Ini_NthSectionName (g_myInifile, section, &sectionName) >0)
       && (!strcmp(sectionName, userSectionName)))
                        found = section;
                if (found)  // 非0 表示刚刚输入的节名称已经在ini文件中有了
                    section = found;
                    sections = Ini_NumberOfSections (g_myInifile);  // 总的项目数
                    SetCtrlAttribute (panel, PANEL_SECTION, ATTR_MAX_VALUE, sections);
                    SetCtrlVal (panel, PANEL_SECTION, section);
                    UpdateUIR (panel);
    return 0;
/* Delete a Section from the INI object. 删除节                               */
int CVICALLBACK DeleteSection (int panel, int control, int event,
                               void *callbackData, int eventData1,
                               int eventData2)
    char sectionName[MAX_NAME_SIZE];
 int result;

    switch (event)
        case EVENT_COMMIT:
            sectionName[0] = 0;
            GetCtrlVal (panel, PANEL_SECTION_NAME, sectionName);  // 空白显示
   result=Ini_RemoveSection (g_myInifile, sectionName);  // 1表示成功,0表示没有找到这个节
            if (result==0)
                MessagePopup("Inifile","Error removing item from section");
            g_changesMade = 1;   // 1表明ini文件有变化
    return 0;
/* Change which Section is currently displayed. 改变项                        */
int CVICALLBACK ChangeCurrentSection (int panel, int control, int event,
        void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2)
    if (event == EVENT_COMMIT)
        UpdateUIR (panel);
    return 0;
/* Create a new Item in the INI object. 增加项                                */
int CVICALLBACK NewItem (int panel, int control, int event,
                         void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2)
    int  item;
    int  items;
    int  found;
    char *itemName;
    char sectionName[MAX_NAME_SIZE];
    char userItemName[MAX_NAME_SIZE];

    switch (event)             
        case EVENT_COMMIT:
            userItemName[0] = 0;
            if ((GenericMessagePopup ("New Item",
                                      "Please specify name of new item",
                                      "OK", "Cancel", "", userItemName,
                                      MAX_NAME_SIZE-1, 0,
                                      VAL_GENERIC_POPUP_BTN2)== VAL_GENERIC_POPUP_BTN1)
    && (userItemName[0] != 0))
                GetCtrlVal (panel, PANEL_SECTION_NAME, sectionName);
                if (Ini_ItemExists (g_myInifile, sectionName, userItemName))
                    MessagePopup ("Inifile", "Error, item already exists");
                    goto Error;
                Ini_PutString (g_myInifile, sectionName, userItemName, "");
                g_changesMade = 1;
                items = Ini_NumberOfItems (g_myInifile, sectionName);
                found = 0;

                for (item = 1; (item <= items) && (!found); item++)
                    if ((Ini_NthItemName (g_myInifile, sectionName, item,
                        > 0) && (!strcmp (itemName, userItemName)))
                        found = item;

                if (found)
                    item = found;
                    items = Ini_NumberOfItems (g_myInifile, sectionName);
                    SetCtrlAttribute (panel, PANEL_ITEM, ATTR_MAX_VALUE,
                    SetCtrlVal (panel, PANEL_ITEM, item);
                    UpdateUIR (panel);
    return 0;
/* Delete an Item from the INI object.    删除项                              */
int CVICALLBACK DeleteItem (int panel, int control, int event,
                            void *callbackData, int eventData1,
                            int eventData2)
    char sectionName[MAX_NAME_SIZE];
    char itemName[MAX_NAME_SIZE];

    switch (event)
        case EVENT_COMMIT:
            sectionName[0] = 0;
            itemName[0] = 0;
            GetCtrlVal (panel, PANEL_SECTION_NAME, sectionName);
            GetCtrlVal (panel, PANEL_ITEM_NAME, itemName);
            if (!Ini_RemoveItem (g_myInifile, sectionName, itemName))
                MessagePopup("Inifile", "Error removing item from section");
            UpdateUIR (panel);
            g_changesMade = 1;
    return 0;
/* ChangeCurrentItem                                                        */
int CVICALLBACK ChangeCurrentItem (int panel, int control, int event,
        void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2)
    switch (event)
        case EVENT_COMMIT:
            UpdateUIR (panel);
    return 0;
/* QuitCallback                                                             */
int CVICALLBACK QuitCallback (int panel, int control, int event,
        void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2)
    switch (event)
        case EVENT_COMMIT:
            QuitUserInterface (0);
    return 0;
int CVICALLBACK Callback_set (int panel, int control, int event,
  void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2)
 switch (event)
            g_changesMade = 1;
   Ini_PutInt (g_myInifile, "sectt", "PageControl1Index", 56);
   //Ini_PutInt (g_myInifile, "sectt", "N2Checked",88);
            Ini_PutString (g_myInifile, "sectt", "新增加的项1", "str");
            Ini_PutBoolean  (g_myInifile, "sectt", "新增加的布尔", 1);
 return 0;



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