原创 LaserSkin Resurfacing

2010-2-4 18:10 1523 3 3 分类: 汽车电子


One ofmost popular skin procedures is laser skin resurfacing, which has proved to be one of the top anti-aging procedures around. In 2008 there was 400,262 laser skin resurfacing procedures performed in the US that's up 134% since 2000, laser skin hair transplant  hair transplant  ear correction  ear correction so this procedure has definitely caught on.

Procedures in anti-age skin resurfacing were limited to high-risk and high pain treatments such as microderm abrasion, chemical peels, and dermabrasion which can draw blood and basically wounds the skin. Laser skin resurfacing is less harmful, and is becoming the go-to option in reducing wrinkles, decrease skin coloration, with minimal scarring.

Procedures in anti-age skin resurfacing were limited to high-risk, and high pain treatments such as microderm abrasion, chemical peels, and dermabrasion which can draw blood and basically wounds the skin. Laser skin resurfacing is less harmful, and is becoming the go-to option in reducing wrinkles, decrease skin coloration, with minimal scarring.

Ben Joven works is an advertising consultant for a top laser hair removal Los Angeles Medical Spa.

Interested in learning more about laser hair removalcontact directly South Coast Medspa directly in Newport Beach or Beverly Hills.

Trichloracetic acid (TCA) peels are the next most aggressive level of peels. The primary benefit is a more uniform. color to your skin. Check out the results in Figure 8-5. In addition, you should notice some reduction in fine lines and wrinkles, as well as some restoration of skin elasticity. This peel also removes some precancerous lesions.

Your doctor can perform. TCA peels with or without anesthesia. If the concentration of the acid is over 15 percent (TCA peel solutions are available for clinical use in concentrations from 5 percent to 40 percent), I recommend sedation and local anesthesia with monitoring of your vital signs. Your doctor probably will prescribe antibiotic and antiviral medications that you'll start the day before the peel and continue until you're healed.

Your skin will need from three to ten days to completely peel, depending upon the depth of the peel. Most often these peels are done as medium to deep peels, so peeling will not be complete for seven to ten days. After the peel, you'll have very little discomfort. Here are a couple tips on how to care for your skin after the peel办公室  办公室装修   办公室装潢   办公室装潢  办公室   办公室设计  装潢   装潢   装潢   装修  装修  装修   装修  办公室装修  上海办公室装修  防静电工作服   防静电工作服 制服   制服   职业装   职业装    Do not assist in the peeling process by pulling off the loose flakes or sheets of skin.fillersface lift  fmlqq204



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