原创 whatistheearcorrection

2010-2-8 10:49 1491 3 3 分类: FPGA/CPLD

ear correction 
(耳矫正手术)Ear correction surgery can correct overly prominent or protruding ears. This problem can cause severe personal insecurities. Many of our patients experience increased confidence and a new found freedom to wear their hair however they want after having surgery to correct prominent ears.

what this procedure involves ear correction  ear correction      hair transplant  hair transplant   ear correctionsurgery is performed by our highly experienced medical team under a local anaesthetic and sedation.Theincision is made along the crease line behind the ear and the excess cartilage that is causing the ear to protrude is carefully removed. The ear is then pinned back along the fold to its new position.

The closed-anterior-scoring technique has been used over the past 3 years to correct 56 prominent ears in 32 patients at the West Midlands Regional Plastic Surgery Unit at Wordsley Hospital. A review was carried out to assess the result of this surgical procedure. We briefly discuss the historical development of other surgical techniques for prominent-ear correction, and describe in detail the operative technique for this procedure, which includes closed scoring and suturing of the cartilage.ear correctionWeused this technique to treat 24 patients with bilateral prominent ears and eight patients with unilateral prominent ears. The series comprised 20 females and 12 males, 26 children and six adults. The age range was from 4 to 24 years old. There weretwo complications (an upper-pole recurrence and protrusion of a buried prolene suture). Patients were followed up for between 6 months and 3 years (mean: 1.5 years). This procedure is quick and tear correctionechnically easy to learn, with no anterior scars or posterior cartilage overlap. Minimal dissection is involved, leading to a low rate of complications. The learning curve is rapid; this paper represents the experience of a specialist trainee (SST) after he was taught the technique by the senior办公室  办公室装修  办公室装潢   办公室装潢  办公室  办公室设计   装潢    装修   装修   办公室装修  上海办公室装修 防静电工作服   防静电工作服   制服  制服   职业装 职业装   fillersface lift    fmlqq205


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