原创 The Athenaeum, Part

2010-9-16 09:47 576 0 分类: 工程师职场


A., and he immediately rose to go; and on being pressed to stay a couple of hours longer, or explain why he could not, he told the trench Colonel the nature of the message he had received from the Duke. ' Oh,' said the French Colonel, ' if that's all, I'll manage that for you. Ill move my ugg boots men back the distance that the Duke requires, and then yours will be in their right position.' And he did so. The other anecdote related more immediately to the Duke himself, and is of great interest and importance, as his own life or death was involved in it. He had been persuaded to try a beautiful white charger, which he proceeded to do, attended by one person only (an orderly, I think B—— said); and, without much thinking where he was riding, he suddenly came right in front of the French piquet, who, seeing the white charger, and supposing that it was some one of consequence, and that they were part of a larger party, instantly raised their guns and pointed at the Duke. 'I thought it was all over with me,' the Duke said, in relating the anecdote, ' but the man who followed me cried out," Stop, stop; ce n'est Hen, ce nest Hen,"—we are not followed ugg by anybody!' The Frenchmen immediately withdrew their guns,' and my life was saved,' the Duke added.B then related another story arising out of thesemilitary recollections. When he was at Naples, three or four years ago, he was introduced personally to the King, who has not an idea in his head but of military matters, and who delights in nothing but in ' playing at soldiers.' And not supposing that it could be deemed worth while by the people about him to present any foreigners but such as had distinguished themselves in a military way, he took it for granted B was a military hero, and treatedhim accordingly. 'You are very young, Mr.B ,' he said, 'were you at Waterloo ?' (Mr. B.was about ten years old when Waterloo was fought.) ' I do uggs not recollect your name in connexion with any remarkable events, though I hear you have greatly distinguished yourself. Are you fond of reviews'; I will give you a review, if you like; or, perhaps, you would like yourself to review my troops ? I gave your countryman, General Sir Walter Scott, a review when he was here.' * * Hunt started a theory about poetry, that it was the result of immediate feeling, and nothing else ; that there was no such thing as a poetry of thought. Thought, he said, was merely the reflection of feeling—feeling at second hand ; and, in illustrating his theory, he went on as follows, giving it as an instance of the poetry of feeling:—' One of my boys had been out walking, and on his return he could not get in; for we (meaning all the rest of the family) were out, and the servant, it appeared, was asleep. At last, he got in—[at the window, I suppose, for I did not understand exactly how, she being asleep and nobody else at home] and there he found her, as he said, lying asleep on a sofa, crouched up, LOOKISO HOT AJTD Fubiotjs.' This was what he gave as an instance of the poetry of feeling. Another little incident I hadalmost forgotten. and were expatiatingtogether on the bust of Dante, tracing very learnedly his whole ' life and character,' discount ugg boots in the lines.



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