原创 She-Ra Princess

2010-8-16 09:56 1033 3 3 分类: EDA/ IP/ 设计与制造
She-Ra Princess
of Power Season 2 The excitement of the positive pregnancy test, for most expectant mothers, can be clouded with concern for a healthy pregnancy and baby. But, if you have RA or Lupus, it can be multiplied. You also have to worry about if your pregnancy will cause a flare-up, what medicines are safe for your baby, and whether or not your condition will afnhl jerseysfect your growing fetus or your own long-term health. This article addresses the issues of two, out of many, rheumatic conditions: rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and systemic lupus erythematosus (lupus). RA and lupus are autoimmune diseases and in autoimmune diseases the immune system, which is suppose to protect your body from any foreign substances that may harm it, malfunctions and attacks your own body's tissues. If you have RA or lupus you are probably taking medication that reduces the immune systems to take just in case you have a flare after your baby is born. GHD If it's possible, try to have someone to help you at home during the transition time. If you are unable to, there are some things you can do to make it easier on yourself, such as; having some extra meals stashed in the freezer so that all you have to do is to pull them out of the freezer when things get difficult. Planning is the key and it will go a long ways to helping you ease the stress of your worst flare. The good news is that RA doesn't have a negative impact on the baby, it doesn't increase the rate of miscarriages, and it doesn't cause any problems in the baby. What if you have lupus If you have systemic lupus erythematosus, it's a bit more complicated. The reason it's more complicated is that lupus can affect many parts of the body, such as the skin, joints, kidneys, blood ugg shoes cells, heart and lungs. The most common symptoms are a rash on the face, pain and swelling in the joints and a fever with kidney disease being the most serious symptom. Lupus is more common in women then men and it will usually show up when you are between the ages of 15 and 45. Doctors of the past would often counsel women with lupus against getting pregnant based on the assumption that pregnancy would always cause lupus flares, possibly serious flares, and that babies would do so well. These were and are valid concerns, but there is now a better understanding of lupus and how to treat it that has made pregnancy very realistic and a safe option if you decide to get pregnant. vlv bags There are several studies that have shown that being pregnant may increase your risk of flares and yet other studies that have found that it doesn't. This confusion in part lies with how the different researchers measure and define a flare. And also, during any nine-month period you may have a flare or flares whether you are pregnant or not, so flares durilouboutin shoesng your pregnancy are not exactly related to your pregnancy. Headaches, fatigue, shortness of breath and joint pain are all symptoms of a lupus flare as well as the possibility being a part of your pregnancy. The most likely risk is mlb jerseysthat women with lupus have a slightly higher chance of having a flare-up but for many women it can be controlled with medication. es the heart to beat abnormally. If you are known to have the anti-RO or anti-La antibodies, you will probably have an ultrasound at 18 to 24 weeks into the pregnancy to see if there is heart block. The doctor may


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