原创 Flaresim 2.0 火炬模拟设计软件

2011-3-9 17:12 1199 7 7 分类: 软件与OS

Flaresim 2.0 火炬模拟设计软件

Flaresim is a computer program designed to assist professional engineers in the design and evaluation of flare systems. The program calculates the thermal radiation and noise generated by flares and estimates the temperatures of exposed surfaces.

The following features highlight the main capabilities of Flaresim.

Equally applicable to the design of flare systems for offshore oil platforms, gas plants, refineries and chemical plants.
Data may be entered and reported in the users choice of units and may be converted at any time.
Correlations are available for modelling a range of flare tips including sonic tips, pipeflare tips and steam or air assisted tips. For steam and air assisted flares the quantity of steam or air required for smokeless operation can be calculated.
A number of correlations are provided to predict the fraction of heat radiated from flames of a wide range of hydrocarbon fluids with different types of flare tip.

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Liquid flaring systems can be handled.
A wide range of algorithms for calculation of thermal radiation. This include integrated multipoint methods in addition to both the Hajek/Ludwig and Brzustowski/Sommer methods which are presented within the API guidelines for flare system design.
Full three dimensional flame shape analysis with complete flexibility in specification of the location and orientation of multiple stacks.
A range of options for defining and analysing the noise spectrum generated by flare systems including user defined spectra.
Ability to define multiple environmental scenarios to allow rapid evaluation of flare system performance under different wind speeds and directions.



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