原创 Arduino-based open-source robot construction kit

2014-10-2 19:10 1206 11 11 分类: 消费电子

Do you already know about the ScratchDuino? This little scamp is a simple, interactive, highly customisable open-source robot construction kit based on the Arduino.


The basic kit includes two light sensors, two contact sensors, two reflective object sensors, and an infrared eye. Everything is designed in a rugged, kid-resilient way; for example, each sensor is protected by an individual plastic shield.



One thing that makes this really easy and intuitive to use for younger experimenters is that the sensor packages attach to the robot base magnetically (up to five sensors can be attached to the platform simultaneously), thereby facilitating fast and easy reconfiguration and customization of the robot.


Another thing I really like for younger users and/or those who aren't experienced at creating programs is the use of the visual programming language MIT Scratch.



The Scratch user interface provides a visual representation of the program. Each command appears in an individual colored block (the blue blocks above), which is highlighted as that command is being executed. Meanwhile, control statements like "if-else" (the yellow shapes above) graphically surround their associated command blocks.


The reason I'm telling you all this is that I just heard the folks behind this little beauty have launched a ScratchDuino Kickstarter project. I must admit that I'm hard pressed to decide which I like best -- the glittering plastic version (ooh, shiny) or the more Steampunk look and feel of the laser-cut plywood implementation. I really want to get myself one of those laser cutters.


I'm really starting to get interested in hobby robotics and animatronics. I would have loved to have had access to something like the ScratchDuino when I was a kid. Heck, I would love to have one now (LOL). How about you?



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