三极管的Pspice模型参数<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
.Model <model name> NPN(PNP、LPNP) [model parameters]
模型参数 | 含 义 | 单 位 | 默认值 | 备 注 |
AF | flicker noise exponent |
| 1.0 | 噪声指数 |
BF | ideal maximum forward beta |
| 100.0 | 最大正向放大倍数 |
BR | ideal maximum reverse beta |
| 1.0 | 最大反向放大倍数 |
CJC | base-collector zero-bias p-n capacitance | farad | 0.0 | 集电结电容 |
CJE | base-emitter zero-bias p-n capacitance | farad | 0.0 | 发射结电容 |
CJS (CCS) | Substrate zero-bias p-n capacitance | farad | 0.0 |
EG | bandgap voltage (barrier height) | eV | 1.11 |
FC | forward-bias depletion capacitor coefficient |
| 0.5 |
GAMMA | epitaxial region doping factor |
| 1E-11 |
IKF (IK) | corner for forward-beta high-current roll-off | amp | infinite |
IKR | corner for reverse-beta high-current roll-off | amp | infinite |
IRB | current at which Rb falls halfway to | amp | infinite |
IS | transport saturation current | amp | 1E-16 | 饱和电流 |
ISC (C4) | base-collector leakage saturation current | amp | 0.0 | 集电结漏电流 |
ISE (C2) | base-emitter leakage saturation current | amp | 0.0 | 发射结漏电流 |
ISS | substrate p-n saturation current | amp | 0.0 |
ITF | transit time dependency on Ic | amp | 0.0 |
KF | flicker noise coefficient |
| 0.0 | 噪声系数 |
MJC (MC) | base-collector p-n grading factor |
| 0.33 |
MJE (ME) | base-emitter p-n grading factor |
| 0.33 |
MJS (MS) | substrate p-n grading factor |
| 0.0 |
NC | base-collector leakage emission coefficient |
| 2.0 | 集电结漏电系数 |
NE | base-emitter leakage emission coefficient |
| 1.5 | 发射结漏电系数 |
NF | forward current emission coefficient |
| 1.0 | 正向电流系数 |
NK | high-current roll-off coefficient |
| 0.5 |
NR | reverse current emission coefficient |
| 1.0 |
NS | substrate p-n emission coefficient |
| 1.0 |
PTF | excess phase @ 1/(2p•TF)Hz | degree | 0.0 |
QCO | epitaxial region charge factor | coulomb | 0.0 |
RB | zero-bias (maximum) base resistance | ohm | 0.0 | 最大基极电阻 |
RBM | minimum base resistance | ohm | RB | 最小基极电阻 |
RC | collector ohmic resistance | ohm | 0.0 |
RCO | epitaxial region resistance | ohm | 0.0 |
RE | emitter ohmic resistance | ohm | 0.0 |
TF | ideal forward transit time | sec | 0.0 | 正向传递时间 |
TR | ideal reverse transit time | sec | 0.0 | 反向传递时间 |
TRB1 | RB temperature coefficient (linear) | 0C -1 | 0.0 | RB的温度系数 |
TRB2 | RB temperature coefficient (quadratic) | 0C -2 | 0.0 |
TRC1 | RC temperature coefficient (linear) | 0C -1 | 0.0 |
TRC2 | RC temperature coefficient (quadratic) | 0C -2 | 0.0 |
TRE1 | RE temperature coefficient (linear) | 0C -1 | 0.0 |
TRE2 | RE temperature coefficient (quadratic) | 0C -2 | 0.0 |
TRM1 | RBM temperature coefficient (linear) | 0C -1 | 0.0 |
TRM2 | RBM temperature coefficient (quadratic) | 0C -2 | 0.0 |
T_ABS | absolute temperature | 0C |
T_MEASURED | measured temperature | 0C |
T_REL_GLOBAL | relative to current temperature | 0C |
T_REL_LOCAL | relative to AKO model temperature | 0C |
VAF (VA) | forward Early voltage | volt | infinite |
VAR (VB) | reverse Early voltage | volt | infinite |
VJC (PC) | base-collector built-in potential | volt | 0.75 |
VJE (PE) | base-emitter built-in potential | volt | 0.75 |
VJS (PS) | substrate p-n built-in potential | volt | 0.75 |
VO | carrier mobility knee voltage | volt | 10.0 |
VTF | transit time dependency on Vbc | volt | infinite |
XCJC | fraction of CJC connected internally to Rb |
| 1.0 |
XCJC2 | fraction of CJC connected internally to Rb |
| 1.0 |
XTB | forward and reverse beta temperature coefficient |
| 0.0 | 正向和反向放大倍数的温度影响系数 |
XTF | transit time bias dependence coefficient |
| 0.0 | 传递时间系数 |
XTI (PT) | IS temperature effect exponent |
| 3.0 | IS的温度影响系数 |
附件B、 PSpice Goal Function
特征函数 | 功能说明 |
Bandwidth (1, db_level) | 计算波形1从最大值下降db_level db的波形宽度。 |
BPBW (1, db_level) | Same as Bandwidth (1, db_level) |
CenterFreq (1, db_level) | 计算波形1从最大值下降db_level db的两点的中心频率。 |
Falltime (1) | 计算波形1的下降时间。 |
Gain Margin (1,2) | 计算波形1的相位为-180。时,波形2的分贝值。 |
GenFall (1) | 类似于Falltime (1),但它的下降时间相对的y轴是起点于终点,而不是最大值与最小值。 |
GenRise (1) | 与GenFall (1)类似,只是它是上升时间。 |
HPBW (1, db_level) | 查找第一次比最大值低db_level db的x坐标。(上升沿) |
LPBW (1, db_level) | 与HPBW类似,只是用于下降沿。 |
Maxr (1, begin-x, end-x) | 查找区间的最大值。 |
Overshoot (1) | 计算最大值与终点之间y轴坐标差与终点值的百分比。 |
Peak (1, n_occur) | 查找第n-occur个峰值点的Y值 |
Period (1) | 计算波形1的周期。 |
Phase Margin (1,2) | 查找波形1在0分贝时波形2的相位。 |
Pulsewidth (1) | 计算波形1的脉冲宽度。 |
Risetime (1) | 计算波形1的上升时间。 |
Swingr (1, begin-x, end-x) | 计算在指定范围内,波形1的最大值与最小值之差。 |
TPmW2 (1, Period) |
XatNthy (1, Y-value, n-occur) | 查找波形1上第n-occur个Y-value值时的X坐标值。 |
XatNthYn(1,Y_value,n_occur) | 与XatNthy类似,但它查找的Y值必须在下降沿上。 |
XatNthYp(1,Y_value,n_occur) | 与XatNthy类似,但它查找的Y值必须在上升沿上。 |
XatNthYpct(1,Y_PCT,n_occur) | 查找第n-occur个Y轴值为Y轴范围的Y_pct%时的X轴值。 |
YatX(1,X_value) | 查找X-value值处的Y值。 |
YatXpct(1,X_pct) | 查找X轴值为X轴范围的X_pct%时的Y轴值。 |