原创 消灭bug的十条固件编程规则

2009-5-21 18:31 2458 3 3 分类: MCU/ 嵌入式

Rule #1:

Braces ({ }) shall always surround the blocks of code (also known as compound statements) following if, else, switch, while, do, and for keywords. Single statements and empty statements following these keywords shall also always be surrounded by braces.



if (timer.done)

timer.control = TIMER_RESTART;


while (!timer.done)


// 就算是一个空的语句也应该用括号括起来


Reasoning: Considerable
risk is associated with the presence of empty statements and single
statements that are not surrounded by braces. Code constructs of this
type are often associated with bugs when nearby code is changed or
commented out. This type of bug is entirely eliminated by the
consistent use of braces.


 Rule #2:

The const keyword shall be used whenever possible, including:

To declare variables that should not be changed after initialization,

To define call-by-reference function parameters that should not be modified (for example, char const * p_data),

define fields in structs and unions that cannot be modified (such as in
a struct overlay for memory-mapped I/O peripheral registers), and

As a strongly typed alternative to #define for numerical constants.

Reasoning: The upside of using const as much as possible is compiler-enforced protection from unintended writes to data that should be read-only.



用于定义一个通过引用的方式来被函数使用,并且不希望其改变的参数,如char const * p_data




 Rule #3: The static
keyword shall be used to declare all functions and variables that do
not need to be visible outside of the module in which they are declared.


Reasoning: C's static keyword has several meanings. At the module-level, global variables and functions declared static are protected from inadvertent access from other modules. Heavy-handed use of static in this way thus decreases coupling and furthers encapsulation.


Rule #4:

The volatile keyword shall be used whenever appropriate, including:

To declare a global variable accessible (by current use or scope) by any interrupt service routine,

To declare a global variable accessible (by current use or scope) by two or more tasks, and

To declare a pointer to a memory-mapped I/O peripheral register set (for example, timer_t volatile * const p_timer).

Reasoning: Proper use of volatile
eliminates a whole class of difficult-to-detect bugs by preventing the
compiler from making optimizations that would eliminate requested reads
or writes to variables or registers that may be changed at any time by
a parallel-running entity




用于声明一个指向外设寄存器组内存映射的指针,如timer_t volatile * const p_timer


 Rule #5:

Comments shall neither be nested nor used to disable a block of code,
even temporarily. To temporarily disable a block of code, use the
preprocessor's conditional compilation feature (for example, #if 0 ... #endif).

注释符号不应该嵌套,也不应用来注释掉某个代码块,就算是暂时的。如果需要暂时注释某个代码块,使用预处理条件编译特性,如#if 0 ... #endif



a = a + 1;

/* 注释 */

b = b + 1;


Reasoning: Nested
comments and commented-out code both run the risk of allowing
unexpected snippets of code to be compiled into the final executable.



 Rule #6:

the width, in bits or bytes, of an integer value matters in the
program, a fixed-width data type shall be used in place of char, short, int, long, or long long. The signed and unsigned fixed-width integer types shall be as shown in Table 1.

无论何时,整形数的位长度在编程中总是要注意的,应该使用一个定宽的类型来代替char, short, int, long, long long。如上图所示。

Reasoning: The ISO C standard allows implementation-defined widths for char, short, int, long, and long long
types, which leads to portability problems. Though the 1999 standard
did not change this underlying issue, it did introduce the uniform type
names shown in the table, which are defined in the new header file <stdint.h>;. These are the names to use even if you have to create the typdefs by hand.

准C允许编译器实现定义char, short, int, long, long
<stdint.h> 中。应该使用这些名字,就算是你需要自己动手去写typdef。 

 Rule #7:

None of the bit-wise operators (in other words, &, |, ~, ^, <<, and >>) shall be used to manipulate signed integer data.

任何位操作(也就是 &, |, ~, ^, <<, 与 >>)都不应该对有符号的整形数来使用。


int8_t signed_data = -4;

signed_data >>= 1; // not necessarily -2 

Reasoning: The
C standard does not specify the underlying format of signed data (for
example, 2's complement) and leaves the effect of some bit-wise
operators to be defined by the compiler author.

理由:标准C并没有指定一个有符号数的底层实现(如二补数 2's complement),位操作的效果是由编译器作者来定义的。

Rule #8:

Signed integers shall not be combined with unsigned integers in
comparisons or expressions. In support of this, decimal constants meant
to be unsigned should be declared with a 'u' at the end.



uint8_t  a = 6u;

int8_t   b = -9;

if (a + b &lt; 4)


   // 如果如预料中的 -9+6=-3 < 4,这个正确的部分会运行




   // 实际上会运行这个错误的分支程序

   // 因为 -9 + 6 变为

   // (0xFF - 9) + 6 = 252.


Several details of the manipulation of binary data within signed
integer containers are implementation-defined behaviors of the C
standard. Additionally, the results of mixing signed and unsigned data
can lead to data-dependent bugs.


 Rule #9:

Parameterized macros shall not be used if an inline function can be written to accomplish the same task



// 不应该这样 ...

#define MAX(A, B) ((A) > (B) ? (A) : (B))

// ... 如果你可以通过这种方式实现

inline int max(int a, int b)

Reasoning: There are a lot of risks associated with the use of preprocessor #defines,
and many of them relate to the creation of parameterized macros. The
extensive use of parentheses (as shown in the example) is important,
but doesn't eliminate the unintended double increment possibility of a
call such as MAX(i++, j++). Other risks of macro misuse include comparison of signed and unsigned data or any test of floating-point data.

用预处理 #define
MAX(i++, j++)这样的调用。其他的风险包括有符号与无符号数的比较,或者对浮点数的任何检验。

 Rule #10:

The comma (,) operator shall not be used within variable declarations.



char * x, y; // 你是要y为指针还是非指针?

The cost of placing each declaration on a line of its own is low. By
contrast, the risk that either the compiler or a maintainer will
misunderstand your intentions is high.





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