原创 Re: Welcome to the Customer Service Forum! 1

2009-10-9 09:36 1294 4 4 分类: 智能手机
Re: Welcome to the Customer Service Forum! 1

Do not post about locked or deleted threads. Posts that are moderated have a reason behind the moderation. We lock before we post on a locked thread to stop the violation in question as soon as possible, so if you have yet to see a comment by a member of the community team on a locked thread, please wait for it and do not post on the subject. If you do have questions regarding forum moderation, please use the contact list below. If you have a post to report or a sticky to request, use the biohazard symbol or e-mail wowreportedpost@blizzard.com. wow gold Please do not post linking to threads you feel should be moderated or stickied. By using the methods we have in place, we can moderate more efficiently.wow power leveling Do not recruit for a guild outside your guild’s realm forum or the Guild Recruitment forum. This includes either advertising/recruiting for your guild, or requesting characters to transfer to your realm to join your guild through:wow power leveling Forum posts outside of your guild’s realm forum or the Guild Recruitment forum If a player is found to have participated in such actions,sxcs1009 he/she will:wow powerleveling Be given a final warning, any further Code of Conduct violations may result in a permanent ban from the forums Be permanently banned from the World of Warcraft forums In addition, wow power leveling there is a cooldown period we institute during times of high forum traffic. If you are violating policy during one of these times due to frustration, you will be given a three-hour cooldown suspension. This does not get logged on your record, and is simply in place to keep the forums readable and civil. Serious violations will still have the appropriate action taken against them as documented in the Code of Conduct, and we do keep track of these cool down periods separately; if one is found to be repeatedly violating policy, appropriate action will be taken. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Magnae clunes mihi placent, nec possum de hac re mentiri.


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