/* * file:http_session.c */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <sys/select.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include "http_session.h" #include "get_time.h"
int http_session(int *connect_fd, struct sockaddr_in *client_addr) { char recv_buf[RECV_BUFFER_SIZE + 1]; /* server socket receive buffer */ unsigned char send_buf[SEND_BUFFER_SIZE + 1]; /* server socket send bufrer */ unsigned char file_buf[FILE_MAX_SIZE + 1]; memset(recv_buf, '\0', sizeof(recv_buf)); memset(send_buf, '\0', sizeof(send_buf)); memset(file_buf, '\0', sizeof(file_buf));
char uri_buf[URI_SIZE + 1]; /* store the the uri request from client */ memset(uri_buf, '\0', sizeof(uri_buf));
int maxfd = *connect_fd + 1; fd_set read_set; FD_ZERO(&read_set);
struct timeval timeout; timeout.tv_sec = TIME_OUT_SEC; timeout.tv_usec = TIME_OUT_USEC;
int flag = 1; int res = 0; int read_bytes = 0; int send_bytes = 0; int file_size = 0; char *mime_type; int uri_status; FD_SET(*connect_fd, &read_set); while(flag) { res = select(maxfd, &read_set, NULL, NULL, &timeout); switch(res) { case -1: perror("select() error. in http_sesseion.c"); close(*connect_fd); return -1; break; case 0: /* time out, continue to select */ continue; break; default: /* there are some file-descriptor's status changed */ if(FD_ISSET(*connect_fd, &read_set)) { memset(recv_buf, '\0', sizeof(recv_buf)); if((read_bytes = recv(*connect_fd, recv_buf, RECV_BUFFER_SIZE, 0)) == 0) { /* client close the connection */ return 0; } else if(read_bytes > 0) /* there are some data from client */ { if(is_http_protocol(recv_buf) == 0) /* check is it HTTP protocol */ { fprintf(stderr, "Not http protocol.\n"); close(*connect_fd); return -1; } else /* http protocol */ { memset(uri_buf, '\0', sizeof(uri_buf)); if(get_uri(recv_buf, uri_buf) == NULL) /* get the uri from http request head */ { uri_status = URI_TOO_LONG;
} else { printf("URI:%s\n", uri_buf); uri_status = get_uri_status(uri_buf); switch(uri_status) { case FILE_OK: printf("file ok\n"); mime_type = get_mime_type(uri_buf); printf("mime type: %s\n", mime_type); file_size = get_file_disk(uri_buf, file_buf); send_bytes = reply_normal_information(send_buf, file_buf, file_size, mime_type); // send(*connect_fd, send_buf, send_bytes, 0);
break; case FILE_NOT_FOUND: /* file not found on server */ printf("in switch on case FILE_NOT_FOUND\n"); send_bytes = set_error_information(send_buf, FILE_NOT_FOUND); break; case FILE_FORBIDEN: /* server have no permission to read the request file */ break; case URI_TOO_LONG: /* the request uri is too long */
break; default: break; } send(*connect_fd, send_buf, send_bytes, 0); } } } }
return 0; }
int is_http_protocol(char *msg_from_client) { /* just for test */ return 1;
int index = 0; while(msg_from_client[index] != '\0' && msg_from_client[index] != '\n') { index++; printf("%d%c",index - 1, msg_from_client[index - 1]); } if(strncmp(msg_from_client + index - 10, "HTTP/", 5) == 0) /* HTTP Request firt line like this 'GET /index.html HTTP/1.1' , so last 10 byte are HTTP/1.1\r\n*/ { return 1; }
return 0;
char *get_uri(char *req_header, char *uri_buf) { int index = 0; while( (req_header[index] != '/') && (req_header[index] != '\0') ) { index++; } int base = index; while( ((index - base) < URI_SIZE) && (req_header[index] != ' ') && (req_header[index] != '\0') ) { index++; } if( (index - base) >= URI_SIZE) { fprintf(stderr, "error: too long of uri request.\n"); return NULL; } if((req_header[index - 1] == '/') && (req_header[index] == ' ')) { strcpy(uri_buf, "index.html"); return uri_buf; } strncpy(uri_buf, req_header + base + 1, index - base - 1); return uri_buf;
int get_uri_status(char *uri) { if(access(uri, F_OK) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "File: %s not found.\n", uri); return FILE_NOT_FOUND; } if(access(uri, R_OK) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "File: %s can not read.\n", uri); return FILE_FORBIDEN; } return FILE_OK; }
char *get_mime_type(char *uri) { int len = strlen(uri); int dot = len - 1; while( dot >= 0 && uri[dot] != '.') { dot--; } if(dot == 0) /* if the uri begain with a dot and the dot is the last one, then it is a bad uri request,so return NULL */ { return NULL; } if(dot < 0) /* the uri is '/',so default type text/html returns */ { return "text/html"; } dot++; int type_len = len - dot; char *type_off = uri + dot; switch(type_len) { case 4: if(!strcmp(type_off, "html") || !strcmp(type_off, "HTML")) { return "text/html"; } if(!strcmp(type_off, "jpeg") || !strcmp(type_off, "JPEG")) { return "image/jpeg"; } break; case 3: if(!strcmp(type_off, "htm") || !strcmp(type_off, "HTM")) { return "text/html"; } if(!strcmp(type_off, "css") || !strcmp(type_off, "CSS")) { return "text/css"; } if(!strcmp(type_off, "png") || !strcmp(type_off, "PNG")) { return "image/png"; } if(!strcmp(type_off, "jpg") || !strcmp(type_off, "JPG")) { return "image/jpeg"; } if(!strcmp(type_off, "gif") || !strcmp(type_off, "GIF")) { return "image/gif"; } if(!strcmp(type_off, "txt") || !strcmp(type_off, "TXT")) { return "text/plain"; } break; case 2: if(!strcmp(type_off, "js") || !strcmp(type_off, "JS")) { return "text/javascript"; } break; default: /* unknown mime type or server do not support type now*/ return "NULL"; break; }
return NULL; }
int get_file_disk(char *uri, unsigned char *file_buf) { int read_count = 0; int fd = open(uri, O_RDONLY); if(fd == -1) { perror("open() in get_file_disk http_session.c"); return -1; } unsigned long st_size; struct stat st; if(fstat(fd, &st) == -1) { perror("stat() in get_file_disk http_session.c"); return -1; } st_size = st.st_size; if(st_size > FILE_MAX_SIZE) { fprintf(stderr, "the file %s is too large.\n", uri); return -1; } if((read_count = read(fd, file_buf, FILE_MAX_SIZE)) == -1) { perror("read() in get_file_disk http_session.c"); return -1; } printf("file %s size : %lu , read %d\n", uri, st_size, read_count); return read_count; }
int set_error_information(unsigned char *send_buf, int errorno) { register int index = 0; register int len = 0; char *str = NULL; switch(errorno) {
case FILE_NOT_FOUND: printf("In set_error_information FILE_NOT_FOUND case\n"); str = "HTTP/1.1 404 File Not Found\r\n"; len = strlen(str); memcpy(send_buf + index, str, len); index += len;
len = strlen(SERVER); memcpy(send_buf + index, SERVER, len); index += len;
memcpy(send_buf + index, "\r\nDate:", 7); index += 7; char time_buf[TIME_BUFFER_SIZE]; memset(time_buf, '\0', sizeof(time_buf)); get_time_str(time_buf); len = strlen(time_buf); memcpy(send_buf + index, time_buf, len); index += len;
str = "\r\nContent-Type:text/html\r\nContent-Length:"; len = strlen(str); memcpy(send_buf + index, str, len); index += len; str = "\r\n\r\n<html><head></head><body>404 File not found<br/>Please check your url,and try it again!</body></html>"; len = strlen(str); int htmllen = len; char num_len[5]; memset(num_len, '\0', sizeof(num_len)); sprintf(num_len, "%d", len);
len = strlen(num_len); memcpy(send + index, num_len, len); index += len;
memcpy(send_buf + index, str, htmllen); index += htmllen; break;
default: break; } return index; }
int reply_normal_information(unsigned char *send_buf, unsigned char *file_buf, int file_size, char *mime_type) { char *str = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nServer:Mutu/Linux(0.1)\r\nDate:"; register int index = strlen(str); memcpy(send_buf, str, index);
char time_buf[TIME_BUFFER_SIZE]; memset(time_buf, '\0', sizeof(time_buf)); str = get_time_str(time_buf); int len = strlen(time_buf); memcpy(send_buf + index, time_buf, len); index += len;
len = strlen(ALLOW); memcpy(send_buf + index, ALLOW, len); index += len;
memcpy(send_buf + index, "\r\nContent-Type:", 15); index += 15; len = strlen(mime_type); memcpy(send_buf + index, mime_type, len); index += strlen(mime_type);
memcpy(send_buf + index, "\r\nContent-Length:", 17); index += 17; char num_len[8]; memset(num_len, '\0', sizeof(num_len)); sprintf(num_len, "%d", file_size); len = strlen(num_len); memcpy(send_buf + index, num_len, len); index += len;
memcpy(send_buf + index, "\r\n\r\n", 4); index += 4;
memcpy(send_buf + index, file_buf, file_size); index += file_size; return index; }