原创 一款替代TLC549(8-BITA/D转换器IC):SD549(CMOS12-BITADC)

2007-3-27 00:12 2750 5 5 分类: 模拟

纶阳企业2007年发布新款自行研制替代产品:一款替代TI-TLC549(8-BIT A/D转换器IC)- SD549 (CMOS 12-BIT A/D转换器)<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

我们自行设计研制推出SD549(CMOS 12-BIT A/D转换器)专门替代TI-TLC549(CMOS 8A/D转换器),完全PIN TO PIN不需任何变更直接替代使用!SD549有一个模拟输入端口,3态的数据串行输出接口可便于与微处理器或外围设备连接。SD549仅仅使用输入/输出时钟(I/O CLOCK)和芯片选择(/CS)信号控制数据。最大的输入输出时钟(I/O CLOCK)为1.1MHz。以开关电容逐次逼近原理工作的12-BIT串行A/D芯片。单电源3V6V供电范围,控制口线少,时序简单,转换速度比TLC549更快,功耗低,订购量越大价格比TLC549更便宜,适用于低功耗的袖珍仪器上的单路A/D采样,也可将多个器件并联使用。低功耗、易操作的SD54912-BIT A/D)可与通用微处理器、控制器通过I/O CLOCKCSDATA OUT三条口线进行串行接口。具有4MHz片内系统时钟和软、硬件控制电路,转换时间最长17μsSD549允许的最高转换速率为40 000/s。总失调误差最大为±0.5LSB,典型功耗值为6mW。采用差分参考电压高阻输入,抗干扰,可按比例量程校准转换范围,VREF-接地,VREF+VREF-1V,可用于较小信号的采样。SD5495提供DIP-8SOP-8封装并完全替代TLC549商规(TLC549CPTLC549CD)与工规(TLC549IPTLC549ID)方便工厂采购使用与工程师研发选用及降低生产成本,订购交期:(请与我们业务担当联系),可深圳、香港、台湾交货,性价比绝对优于TI同款物料!欢迎与我们联系索取样品与规格数据!

业务专员:马先生+86-13823751104 , mcy630207@126.com

The SD549 are CMOS analog-to-digital converter (ADC) integrated circuits built around an 12-bit switched-capacitor successive-approximation ADC. These devices are designed for serial interface with a microprocessor or peripheral through a 3-state data output and an analog input. The SD549 use only the input/output clock (I/O CLOCK) input along with the chip select (CS\) input for data control. The maximum I/O CLOCK input frequency of the SD549 is specified up to 1.1 MHz. SD549 provide an on-chip system clock that operates typically at 4 MHz and requires no external components. The on-chip system clock allows internal device operation to proceed independently of serial input/output data timing and permits manipulation of the SD549 as desired for a wide range of software and hardware requirements. The I/O CLOCK together with the internal system clock allow high-speed data transfer and conversion rates of 40 000 conversions per second for the SD549. Additional SD549 features include versatile control logic, an on-chip sample-and-hold circuit that can operate automatically or under microprocessor control, and a high-speed converter with differential high-impedance reference voltage inputs that ease ratiometric conversion, scaling, and circuit isolation from logic and supply noises. Design of the totally switched-capacitor successive-approximation converter circuit allows conversion with a maximum total error of ±0.5 least significant bit (LSB) in less than 17 us. The SD549 is characterized for operation from -40°C to 85°C.




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