原创 Will COP15 just be a dream?

2009-12-8 15:45 1868 6 6 分类: 工程师职场


Sending our wishes

      Will COP15 just be a dream?  I have to ask the crucial question. Though the Danish Prime Minister said on Monday “A deal is within our reach,”  I still doubt whether these sorts of tactics are effective to reduce the CO2 emission. We all know that governments are supposed to develop economy and common living, which means that they should take balance between the profits of industries and environmental protection. In most cases, the governments give way to money. What's more, the way to evaluate the CO2 emission is still in trouble and the portion of every country is in the same situation. The officers are wigs on the green in the Copenhagen. In my point of view, most of developed countries and new industral countries, such as U.S, Japan, Europe, China, India, can be pioneers to resolve the global warm problem.

      However, facing the shaking future of human beings, we each have a duty to reduce such destroy trend. Except for daily life tips to protect environment, in the area of electronic industy, companies should use more environment-friendly materals and further cut off the on-chip power comsuption, and meanwhile engineers also should pay more attention to use such low-power chips.

      Ocean level being up to higher, some islands and precious lands are disappearing. There are alway solutions for us to deal with tough situation. Let down different politics and profits, or NO FUTURE, NO ANY MORE.

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         COP15是《联合国气候变化公框架公约》第十五次缔约方会议。这次大会定于2009年11月30日——12月11日在丹麦首都哥本哈根召开。 在这次大会上,世界各国领导人将就全球应对气候变化的新安排达成协议,以取代《京都议定书》,并在2012年后生效。协议的目标包含以下几个主要素:





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