今天刚给我们的这个队取了个名字叫”凌云之队“ ,先学校提交了我们的参赛报名表--准备参加有英飞凌公司资助的“电子设计大赛”主要做太阳能的逆变器控制器。现在开始要好好先消化下前辈门的论文,再提出个设计方案,然后取参加初评。希望顺利过关。
Today we made a name for our team as "The team of above the sky" meaning oneday we will sucessfull ---like eagle fling above the sky.
we decided to attendce the "competition of electronic design",supported by infineon technology company. We putted in our application to the office of organising. This competition's topic is "The photovoltaic inverter used MCU of infineon".
Now it is time for us to read the paper which writted by seniority ,and put out an ourself's project about the inverter. And then we will attendce a frist trail which decided we will or not can go on.