原创 ADS:The third-party editor

2008-7-8 11:04 4056 6 6 分类: MCU/ 嵌入式

ADS has a bad editor, it can't chanage one file to another file easily. In order to have efficiency work, I use TKStudio which produces by Zhiyuan Electronic company, TKStudio has a good editor but I can't use the emulator as using printf library function, and there so little data about TKStudio.

so when I reintstall my ADS(Full Installing), I find that ADS can use a third-party text editor, I try, using programmer's notepad(my favorite programm edtior which is simple but strong) as a third-party editor.

Following "ADS_CodeWarrorIDEGuide.pdf":

You can configure the CodeWarrior IDE to use a third-party text editor in place of its
built-in text editor. To use a third-party editor:
1. Open the IDE Extras panel (see Configuring IDE extras on page 8-8).
2. Select the Use Third Party Editor checkbox. When this checkbox is selected,
the CodeWarrior IDE uses the third-party text editor you specify to open text files.
3. Enter the command line to invoke the text editor:
a. Type the name of the editor you want to use in the Launch Editor text field.
Configuring IDE Options
8-10 Copyright ? 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0065D
b. Type the name of the editor and an initial line of text to jump to on launch
in the Launch Editor w/Line # text field. The IDE invokes this command
line when you double-click on an error message to display the line in the
text file that caused the error message.
You can use two variables to specify the file you want to open, and the line you
want to jump to:
%file The CodeWarrior IDE expands this into the full pathname of the file.
%line The CodeWarrior IDE expands this into the initial line number for the
For example, to use the Emacs text editor to edit text files, type:
runemacs %file  
/*For example, I use programmer's notepad, I set <<"D:\S_Program\Programmer's Notepad\pn.exe"%file>> , (not include <<>>) by oChapman */
into the Launch editor text field, and type:
runemacs +%line %file
/*For example, I use programmer's notepad, I set <<"D:\S_Program\Programmer's Notepad\pn.exe"%file%line>> , (not include <<>>) by oChapman*/
into the Launch Editor w/Line # text field.
See your text editor documentation for more information on specifying line

After that, there is a note:
The CodeWarrior IDE does not recognize that files have been modified in a third party editor if the Use modification date caching option is selected. See
Configuring build extras on page 9-20 for more information.

Let's go to page 9-20 for more information:
Deselect this option(Target->Build Extra->Use modification date caching, ) if you have configured the CodeWarrior IDE touse a third-party editor, or you are working on a multi-user project with
shared access to source files. See Configuring IDE extras on page 8-8 for more information on using a third-party editor. See Configuring the CodeWarrior IDE for complex or multi-user projects on page 3-50 for more information on using the CodeWarrior IDE in a complex build environment.



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