Pull In Range?Pull Out Range? Hold In Range? Lock Range? 关系?大小?
Pull In Range是我见得最多的,凡是一个VCXO都有这个参数,不知道内行人士怎么叫,偶叫他牵引范围。在PLL中,表示输入的ref的差频(偶习惯这么说,表示输入ref和PLL的中心频率之间的差值)在这个范围内,PLL始终可以通过调节,锁定到这个频率上,至于需要多少时间那就要看造化了,这个可以认为是一个静态的参量,是一个可以跟踪的范围。PLL好像更加具体叫做捕捉带吧!
Pull Out Range,牵引出范围,表示是在锁定状态下(locking and tracking),突然发生频率跳变,也就是出现了较大的差频,Pll失锁的最大频差范围,看来十一个动态范围,而且可以看出他是从锁定到不锁定,一个动态变化时的衡量范围。
Hold In Range,保持范围,也有革命同志认为是同步带,表示频率缓慢变化时,锁相环从锁定到失锁的范围,至于多慢的缓慢变化,那是相当相当的慢,记住是很慢的表示很长时间就行了,以致可以认为是一个静态的范围。这就可以与Pull Out Range的频率的跳变相比较了,这个是瞬时跳开一个频率,产生了频差,PLL失锁了,而你要是慢慢的变,PLL一点一点的Tracking,直到一个较大的范围才失锁。
Lock Range,有人叫做锁定带,也就是传说中的快捕带,在环路捕捉过程中不产生频率牵引现象(A PLL can become locked within one single-beat note between reference frequency and output frequency, provided the frequency offset is reduced below a critical value called the lock range.)。也就是说一次锁定的频差范围。
Pull out range与Hold in range的区别前面已经说过了,变化快慢而已,慢的PLL自己还可以Tracking上,直到不能Tracking了就叫做Hold In Range,变化快的,PLL很快就抓不着了,Pll 拉不做了叫做Pull Out Range。所以啊,Hold In Range是最大的静态的极限。Pull out range 叫做dynamic limits of stability;Hold In Range那自然就是static limits of stability。
Pull in range是总能Tracking上的,只是时间问题,来回的Ring总能把它拉住,而Lock range是不用振荡就能一次锁定的范围(operating range),Pull In Range肯定大于Lock Range了,他们之间的地带被称之为conditionally stable也不足为奇了。
Hold in range和Pull in range之间被称为dynamically unstable,也是不难理解的了。
google>baidu>hold range > pull in > pull out > lock range>me
在网上看到一张表示频率范围的图比较容易说明问题,估计也是来自于Roland E.Best "PLL Design, Simulation and Application"。
1、Range of the input signal frequencies to which a Phase Lock Loop (PLL) is able to lock.
Once locked the PLL generally has a greater input frequency range known as Hold Range.
2、如果时钟已经和输入定时信号锁定,能够维持这种锁定的输入定时信号最大频带宽度为牵引出范围(pull-out range,又称失锁范围)
3、The hold range: This is the frequency range in which an LPLL can statically maintain phase tracking. A PLL is conditionally stable only within this range.
4、The pull-out range: This is the dynamic limit for stable operation of a PLL. If tracking is lost within this range, an LPLL normally will lock again, but this process can be slow if it is a pull-in process.
5、The pull-in range: This is the range within which an LPLL will always become locked, but the process can be rather slow.
6、The lock range: This is the frequency range within which a PLL locks within one single-beat note between reference frequency and output frequency. Normally the operating-frequency range of an LPLL is restricted to the lock range.