My father left us, eternally. He has been industrious all the way his life. The bitter life breeds his industrious. Industrious alleviates us from extreme poverty in a frantic society - not a single person, not a single family, it is all the country in that catastrophic period.
With his hardworking on the soil, by sweat and toil, he foraged four of us. And 3 of us gained the bachelor degree, among which two gained master degree. It is marvelous in the remote rural village - where people stick to the soil generatiion by generation, from people to people. But there are 3 graceful high education registered in our family. This made him so proud!! Life is still hard in the early time. Just in the turning point when I backed from SGP for only a few years, he got a stroke and he is so pessimistic about his illness. Even all offspring persuasion could not relief him a little bit.
Three years after his stroke, things became worse. All the stroke symdrom are reflected on him. He suffered a lot in his last time. That must be his most difficult time. God mercy his suffering and summoned him. Followed the God the Lord, he waved us off.
God Blessing my dear father....