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E-MAIL:tosstar@163.com QQ:152623914
产品名称: 程控电源 HP66312A
品 牌: HP
产品型号: 66312A
产品指标: 20V-2A
产品信息: 编程电源 HP66312A
The Agilent 66312A Dynamic Measurement dc Source provides dynamic measurement and analysis of voltage and current waveforms. It is ideal for testing digital wireless communications products/components because it not only provides the power for testing, but also performs the peak current measurements required to characterize the pulsed current demands of these products.
Dynamic voltage and current pulse measurements
High accuracy current measurement
Current sinking
Low power supply output noise
High speed output programming
Smaller size
Product reliability and worldwide support
VXI plug&play drivers
Visualize and characterize current and voltage waveforms (requires 14565A Device Characterization Software)
For complete details on related products for this application see Mobile Communications dc Sources (45 W, 100 W): 663xx Series