转贴:ATxmega128A1 software CRC that matches hardware
/* 摘自avrfreaks
* The Xmega manual Rev G lists the CRC Polynomial
* as: x^24 + 4x3 + 3x +1.
* Based on some untested code supplied by avr(at)atmel.com,
* I believe the correct Polynomial is:
* x^19 + x^4 + x^3 + x^1 + 1
* At any rate after cleaning up their code issues, the following C
* code generates the same values as the XMega 128A1 hardware.
* Any math grues out there than can tells how
* strong this non-standard Polynomial is?
* The hardware initializes the CRC register to all zeros,
* rather than all ones. This can lead to missing the
* detection of inserted leading zeros.
* - Bob Paddock
#include <stdint.h>
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
#include "sp_driver.h"
static inline LED_GREEN_TOGGLE( void )
/* Put your LED code here */
static inline LED_RED_TOGGLE( void )
/* Put your LED code here */
#define CRC32_POLY (0x0080001BUL) /* Polynomial for use with Xmega 'A' devices */
/* This CRC Routine is the corresponding routine implemented in Xmega hardware: */
uint32_t CRC_Reference( uint32_t startWord_u32, uint32_t endWord_u32 )
uint32_t addr_u32, data_reg_u32, help_a_u32, help_b_u32;
uint32_t crc_reg_u32 = 0;
for( addr_u32 = startWord_u32; addr_u32 <= endWord_u32; addr_u32 += 2 )
help_a_u32 = crc_reg_u32 << 1;
help_a_u32 &= 0x00FFFFFEUL; /* Always act as 24-bit variable */
help_b_u32 = crc_reg_u32 & (1UL << 23);
if( help_b_u32 > 0 )
help_b_u32 = 0x00FFFFFFUL;
data_reg_u32 = SP_ReadWord( addr_u32 );
crc_reg_u32 = (help_a_u32 ^ data_reg_u32) ^ (help_b_u32 & CRC32_POLY);
crc_reg_u32 = crc_reg_u32 & 0x00FFFFFFUL;
return( crc_reg_u32 );
int main( void )
uint32_t crc_u32;
crc_u32 = SP_BootCRC();
if( crc_u32 != CRC_Reference( BOOT_SECTION_START, (BOOT_SECTION_END-1) ) ) /* END-1 is due to use of words, not bytes */
for(;;)/* Boot CRC missmatch */
crc_u32 = SP_ApplicationCRC();
if( crc_u32 != CRC_Reference( APP_SECTION_START, (APP_SECTION_END-1) ) ) /* END-1 is due to use of words, not bytes */
for(;;)/* Application CRC missmatch */
/* CRCs match if we get here */