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  • 热度 14
    2021-11-20 16:47
    4262 次阅读|
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    有关联发科 Dimensity 9000 发布会,给各位提取一些媒体 Q&A 环节有趣、有料的问答: 1.Cortex-A510 小核心在实现上,是共享的矢量管线设计,还是独立的?(回答:应该是 dependent instantiation,但不确定) 2.为什么 Cortex-A710 核心的 L2 cache 采用 512KB?(回答:是基于功耗性能的权衡考量)(这题我会答啊,Arm 官方给 A710 的推荐 L2 cache 大小就是 256KB/512KB。而且联发科给 X2 也配了 Arm 推荐的 1MB L2 cache) 3.ISP 部分是上一代的规模化扩展,还是架构上的重新设计?(回答:it's a completely re-design on the pipeline) 4.APU 部分的效率核心(flexible core)用的是不是 Cadence 的 DSP IP?性能核心的脉动阵列规模是多大(What are the size of the systolic array for the performance core?)?(回答:IP 是我们自己的,不是 DSP 架构;第二个问题,it's not systolic) 5.Modem 支持毫米波吗?(回答:不支持) 6.手机会持续成为联发科增长的最大业务吗?(回答:the quick answer is yes, mobile will be important, but we also got several different growth engine.)(回答 2:Mobile is really doing great for us when growing more than 100 % year over year, and occupies 57 % of our revenue...But mobile in many ways, especially the flagship mobile SoC, it's our technology driver. Our CPU Geekbench or AI...I don't know how to name those benchmarks...it is very complicated.(此处全场大笑)...we are getting faster and faster being deploying those technologies into our other applications or other markets.) 7.PPT 上提到联发科在发展高级封装技术,具体是什么?(回答前面提到了 2.5D/3D 封装的价值...后面有一句话比较关键:we are working with our very advanced foundry partner working on that 3D packaging technology. We look forward to come out some solution within 3 years.) 8.对 Nvidia 收购 Arm 是怎么看的?(回答:听到这个问题有点意外......(全场笑)) 9.在供货问题上,是否考虑通过 adding additional foundries or growing your capacity within TSMC 来扩张产能?(回答:I think given the revenue size, I think you can assume we pretty much work with globally every foundry partner. We do have our policy about different location, be across different process node. But in general, we do still aggressively are looking for...I will say new...because actually they're all been there for quite some time, but we do actively looking for a different partner and through from time to time. 不过在尖端工艺方面,台积电仍然是最重要的合作伙伴之一) 10.有没有计划推基于 Arm Neoverse 的服务器芯片?(几位高层听到这个问题有点懵圈,这位提问的记者发音 server 比较诡异,所以第一下大家都没听懂,然后主持人修正了一下 server 的发音...回答者:哦,server......回答的前面部分提到我们现在主要还是边缘设备供应商,但在往企业领域发展的问题上,会是渐进式的,也是战略方向之一。不过在方式上,会是 ASIC 业务模型为先-似乎是说和互联网公司的一些合作。So we will move in that direction, but we want to do that in a very solid manner.)