热度 31
2016-6-17 13:44
2423 次阅读|
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I9300手机解锁亮屏慢,是Exynos处理器的原因 三星I9300手机,全新刷的官方系统,没有装任何软件。 按电源键或HOME键,亮屏慢,需要1~2秒屏幕才亮起来,找遍网上,没有解法。 后来有人说是Exynos处理器的原因,哦明白了,无解。 https://www.reddit.com/r/GalaxyS3/comments/xxxb3/slow_wake_on_the_i9300_international/ I have the same problem and no matter what I tried it doesn't help. The S-Voice thingy did speed things up a bit, but only maybe about 10%. The ResurrectionRemix which is a 4.1.1 AOSP-based ROM doesn't have this problem, but it keeps the wakelock at all times, which means the battery barely lasts a day. It's also worth pointing out that the S2 and the Note also have the same problem, and I also read somewhere on XDA that nothing can be done about it (aside from keeping the wakelock) since it's an Exynos SoC problem.