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2024-9-12 22:54
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无线链路预算是一种定量评估通信链路是否会成功执行的计算。它提供了对功率预算的详细分析,说明了传输路径每个阶段的增益和损耗。包含天线架高计算,菲涅尔区半径计算,天线口径计算,自由空间损耗,接收信号电平计算,链路余量,可用度计算等等; 比如在南京地区部署 X 波段高速通信系统,通信距离 10 公里,全双工速率 2Gbps : link budget 步骤如下: 查阅气象资料得知:南京地区降雨 63mm/h ,年平均气温 15 ℃, 查阅通信站点的经纬度坐标,对天线架设高度高进行计算; 菲涅尔半径计算,确保第一菲涅尔区 60% 可用; 计算接收门限 Threshold= -114+10log(BW)+NF+Eb/No 确定链路余量 fade margin, 计算链路接收电平; 计算链路的系统增益; 计算自由空间链路损耗 Free space path loss =92.4+20log(freq)+20log(distance) 计算天线增益,确定天线口径尺寸; 根据统计信息,计算链路的可用度,比如上述链路通过计算得知:综合考虑多径传输和降雨影响 Multipath + Rain Availability ,其中垂直极化可用度 99.995% ,水平极化可用度 99.992% 验证:上述数据和参数输入 MATLAB 链路预算工具,仿真计算后得到的结果基本与上述计算结果一致。 Ref. Importance of Link Budgets Link budgets are essential for several reasons: 1. System Design : Link budgets guide the design and dimensioning of communication systems, ensuring that the transmitted power, antenna gains, and receiver sensitivity are appropriately chosen for reliable communication. 2. Performance Evaluation : By accounting for all gains and losses, link budgets provide a quantitative assessment of the system’s performance, helping engineers estimate the achievable data rates, coverage range, and signal quality. 3. Regulatory Compliance : Link budgets help ensure compliance with regulatory standards, such as maximum permissible transmit power levels, interference limits, and signal quality requirements.