tag 标签: photoshop

  • 热度 24
    2012-7-5 16:53
    1817 次阅读|
    5 个评论
    In 1827, Nicephore Niepce made the first photographic image with a camera obscura . By the mid-1850s, photography was everywhere. Somewhere around this time, the phrase "The camera never lies" was born. The idea was that, before photography, the main medium for capturing images was painting, but painting is a very subjective thing and the artist can easily affect the way things look. By comparison, a photograph was regarded as being totally objective – it was considered to reflect the absolute reality of a moment in time. Based on this, it was widely believed that a camera (or a photo) was not able to lie. Of course, people being what they are, it wasn't long before folks began to use photographs to "experiment with the truth." One classic case is known as the Cottingley Fairies, which involved five photographs taken by 16-year-old Elsie Wright and 10-year-0ld Frances Griffiths in England in 1917. One of these images is shown below.   Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle, creator of the Sherlock Homes stories, was very enthusiastic about these photographs and interpreted them as clear and visible evidence of psychic phenomena (actually he was somewhat gullible, and he interpreted most things as evidence of psychic phenomena). These days, of course, we have all sorts of incredibly sophisticated tools at our disposal, both to create fake images and to detect them. In my recent Have you heard of a href="http://forum.eetasia.com/BLOG_ARTICLE_12727.HTM%3Ethe%20Ancient%20Order%20of%20Froth%20Blowers%3C/a%3E%20blog,%20for%20example,%20I%20was%20waffling%20on%20about%20the%20recent%20Transit%20of%20Venus.%20Someone%20commented%20about%20a%20rather%20cool%20photograph%20showing%20a%20plane%20traversing%20the%20sun%20at%20just%20the%20right%20time%20as%20shown%20below:%20%3Cp%3E%3C/p%3E%0A%3Cdiv%20style=" text-align:="" center;"="" /aa data-cke-saved-href="http://forum.eetasia.com/images/attachments/201207/9950025849_TIME_1341478289634.jpg" href="http://forum.eetasia.com/images/attachments/201207/9950025849_TIME_1341478289634.jpg"/aa data-cke-saved-href="http://forum.eetasia.com/images/attachments/201207/9950025849_TIME_1341478289634.jpg" href="http://forum.eetasia.com/images/attachments/201207/9950025849_TIME_1341478289634.jpg"img alt="pshop-02.jpg" data-cke-saved-src="http://forum.eetasia.com/images/attachments/201207/9950025849_TIME_1341478289634.jpg" src="http://forum.eetasia.com/images/attachments/201207/9950025849_TIME_1341478289634.jpg" style="width: 400px; height: 398px;" border="0"/a /pp br The jury is still out on this one. I've seen lots of discussions covering little nuances about this image – most people seem to think it's genuine, but some commentators aren't so sure. /ppbr Fortunately, in addition to my incredible good looks and amazing sense of fashion, I have been blessed with an eagle eye and a razor-sharp intellect, so 99.9999% of the time I can tell at a glance whether an image is genuine or if it's been "Photoshopped." Take the following for example: /pp/p div style="text-align: center;" a data-cke-saved-href="http://forum.eetasia.com/images/attachments/201207/9950025849_TIME_1341478360448.jpg" href="http://forum.eetasia.com/images/attachments/201207/9950025849_TIME_1341478360448.jpg"/aa data-cke-saved-href="http://forum.eetasia.com/images/attachments/201207/9950025849_TIME_1341478360448.jpg" href="http://forum.eetasia.com/images/attachments/201207/9950025849_TIME_1341478360448.jpg"img alt="pshop-01.jpg" data-cke-saved-src="http://forum.eetasia.com/images/attachments/201207/9950025849_TIME_1341478360448.jpg" src="http://forum.eetasia.com/images/attachments/201207/9950025849_TIME_1341478360448.jpg" border="0" height="315" width="420"/a/div p br There is no doubt in my mind that this is 100% true-to-life. This was obviously taken in the swimming pool at our last family get-together. I would recognize my mother-in-law and father-in-law anywhere!br If you know of any interesting or amusing "Photoshopped" images on the web, please post a comment with a link to share them with the rest of us.br  /pp/p
  • 热度 19
    2011-6-29 11:44
    1550 次阅读|
    0 个评论
    This is reallu amazing. I saw an article on the website, StyleList.com, about a digital camera that essentially "Photoshop's" images on-the-fly... We're all familiar with the idea that you can use an arts program like Adobe Photoshop to retouch photos – perhaps to remove a small blemish or something. Also some cameras or post-processing programs can automatically reduce or remove "red eye" from pictures, which can be rather useful. But the new Panasonic Lumix DMC-FP7 digital camera has a bunch of advanced features that can do things like whiten teeth, erase wrinkles, and even apply makeup. Unlike some systems that require you to establish a bunch of settings before taking the photograph, the Lumix DMC-FP7's Beauty Retouch capabilities like Esthetic (for clearing skin texture and whitening teeth) and Make-up (for adding color options for foundation, eyes, lips, and cheeks) can be applied after a photo is taken.   You have to see the pictures in the original article to fully appreciate just how sophisticated the results can be. Of course some pictures work better than others, but I have to say that the good ones are really good ... goodness only knows what cameras will be capable of in the future.
  • 热度 15
    2011-6-29 11:44
    1665 次阅读|
    0 个评论
    This is truly quite amazing. I read an article on the StyleList.com website about a digital camera that essentially "Photoshop's" images on-the-fly... We're all familiar with the idea that you can use an arts program like Adobe Photoshop to retouch photos – perhaps to remove a small blemish or something. Also some cameras or post-processing programs can automatically reduce or remove "red eye" from pictures, which can be rather useful. But the new Panasonic Lumix DMC-FP7 digital camera has a bunch of advanced features that can do things like whiten teeth, erase wrinkles, and even apply makeup. Unlike some systems that require you to establish a bunch of settings before taking the photograph, the Lumix DMC-FP7's Beauty Retouch capabilities like Esthetic (for clearing skin texture and whitening teeth) and Make-up (for adding color options for foundation, eyes, lips, and cheeks) can be applied after a photo is taken.   You have to see the pictures in the original article to fully appreciate just how sophisticated the results can be. Of course some pictures work better than others, but I have to say that the good ones are really good ... goodness only knows what cameras will be capable of in the future.    