热度 16
2013-7-16 15:22
3417 次阅读|
4 个评论
2013半年已经过去了,SAE的论文一向是我个人比较看重的,这里写个半年的小结。 2013年至7月1日,SAE的Digital Library里面相关的论文共1764篇,其中最主要的还是4月份SAE 2013 World Congress,April 16-18, 2013,Cobo Center,Detroit, Michigan, USA中的论文,共计1369篇。 在这里将我下载下来,初步浏览的做个介绍: 1)首先是各个OEM的关于汽车电子电气的主要文章 1.1)通用 SAE_2013-01-0195 ASIL Decomposition The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly SAE_2013-01-0764 Idealized Vehicle Crash Test Pulses for Advanced Batteries SAE_2013-01-1528 Application of Insulation Standards to High Voltage Automotive Applications SAE_2013-01-1548 Accelerated Life Test Methodology for Li-Ion Batteries in Automotive Applications SAE_2013-01-0242 Li-ion Air-Cooled Battery System Interactions With the Vehicle HVAC System 1.2)丰田 SAE_2013-01-1447 Development of Electric Vehicle System for City Commuter Vehicle SAE_2013-01-1442 Development of Vehicle Power Connector Equipped with Outdoor Power Outlet Using Vehicle Inlet of Plug-In Hybrid Vehicle 1.3)日产 SAE_2013-01-1759 Development of an Integrated Electrified Powertrain SAE_2013-01-1543 Newly Developed Lithium-Ion Battery Pack Technology for a Mass-Market Electric Vehicle 1.4)福特 SAE_2013-01-1530_Li-Ion Battery SoC Estimation Using a Bayesian Tracker 1.5)克莱斯勒 SAE_2013-01-1475 DC Charging and Standards for Plug-in Electric Vehicles SAE_2013-01-0178 Impact of Functional Safety on EMC ISO 26262 SAE_2013-01-1546 Charge Capacity Versus Charge Time in CC-CV and Pulse Charging of Li-Ion Batteries SAE_2013-01-1526 Battery Development for Stop-Start Application in Brazilian Market 1.4)本田 SAE_2013-01-1478 Development of a New Powertrain for Subcompact Electric Vehicles SAE_2013-01-1476 Development of a New Two-Motor Plug-In Hybrid System SAE_2013-01-0501 Formulation of Model for Estimation of Battery Capacity Degradation Based on Usage History 1.6)BMW SAE2013-01-1399_Achieving a Scalable E/E-Architecture Using AUTOSAR and Virtualization SAE2013-01-1224_Tackling the Complexity of Timing-Relevant Deployment Decisions in Multicore-Based Embedded Automotive Software Systems SAE2013-01-0435_Control Flow Analysis of Automotive Software Components Using Model-Based Specifications of Dynamic Behavior 1.7)AUDI SAE 2013-01-1443_Model-Predictive Energy Management for the Integration of Plug-In-Hybrid Electric Vehicles into Building Energy Systems SAE2013-01-0174_Software Architecture Methods and Mechanisms for Timing Error and Failure Detection According to ISO 26262: Deadline vs. Execution Time Monitoring 1.8)大众 SAE2013-01-0988_The Algorithmic Research of Multi-operating Mode Energy Management System 2)其他新能源方向的论文 主要是供应商、学术机构和测试结构的文章: 2013-01-1521 Impact of Temperature on the A123 Li-Ion Battery Performance and Hybrid Electric Vehicle Range 2013-01-0181 High-Voltage Battery System Concepts for ISO 26262 Compliance 2013-01-0234 Reducing Temperature Gradients in High-Power, Large-Capacity Lithium-Ion Cells through Ultra-High Thermal Conductivity Heat Spreaders Embedded in Cooling Plates for Battery Systems with Indirect Liquid Cooling 2013-01-0499 A Load Balancing Strategy for Increasing Battery Lifetime in Electric Vehicles 2013-01-0500 A Techno-Economic Analysis of BEV Service Providers Offering Battery Swapping Services 2013-01-0557 Designing a High Voltage Energy Storage System for a Parallel-Through-The-Road Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle 2013-01-0564 Design of a High Voltage Lithium Ion Energy Storage System 2013-01-0939 Modeling of Lithium-Ion Battery Management System and Regeneration Control Strategy for Hybrid Electric Vehicles 2013-01-1183 An i-Electric System Architecture for EVs 2013-01-1429 Statistical Method Tools to Analyze Ageing Effects on Li-Ion Battery Performances 2013-01-1530 Li-Ion Battery SoC Estimation Using a Bayesian Tracker 2013-01-1537 Improved SOC Estimation for Lithium-Ion Cells Valid for Different Temperatures and States-of-Health 2013-01-1539 Modeling and Validation of Lithium-Ion Automotive Battery Packs 2013-01-1538 Lithium-Ion Battery Pack for Stop and Start System 2013-01-1540 Extraction of Battery Parameters for Optimal Performance Using the Circuit Model with a Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm 2013-01-1542 Hardware-in-the-Loop Test of Battery Management Systems 2013-01-1544 Simplified Extended Kalman Filter Observer for SOC Estimation of Commercial Power-Oriented LFP Lithium Battery Cells 2013-01-1546 Charge Capacity Versus Charge Time in CC-CV and Pulse Charging of Li-Ion Batteries 2013-01-1547 Battery Model Parameter Estimation Using a Layered Technique: An Example Using a Lithium Iron Phosphate Cell 2013-01-1755 Model-Based Analysis of Cell Balancing of Lithium-ion Batteries for Electric Vehicles 2013-01-1761 Novel Operating Mode for DC-to-DC Converters in PHEVs 2013-01-1764 Development of a Smart Main Relay Assembly using IGBTs for xEV Battery System Thermal Behavior Analysis of Polymer Composites in Lithium-Ion Battery Cell Virtual Test Environment for ZVS DC-DC Converter Using FPGAs of HIL Simulation A Method to Miniaturize the DC Link Capacitor of ISG Inverter A New Current Sensing Scheme for PMSM Drive Inverters in Automotive Applications A Study on Power Characteristic of Electric Motorcycle using Automotive Simulation Models Development of DC Motor Driven 3 Way Valve for FCEV Liquid Cooled Induction Motor: Computational Design, Heat Transfer Analysis, Parametric Study, and Performance Testing 3)汽车电子功能安全 ISO26262颁布,对于整个汽车电子模块中的安全件来说,多了规范性的要求。对于这项内容,有着较多的文章,我筛选了一下: Development of a Fail-Safe Control Strategy for Electro-Mechanical Brake System Development of the Quantitative Assessment Methods and Indices with HILS for Evaluating Performance of the EMB/CBS 2013-01-0174 Software Architecture Methods and Mechanisms for Timing Error and Failure Detection According to ISO 26262: Deadline vs. Execution Time Monitoring 2013-01-0176 Development and Comparison of Monitoring Functions for Electric Vehicles 2013-01-0178 Impact of Functional Safety on EMC: ISO 26262 2013-01-0179 Application of Accelerated Processing Units in Safety-Critical Systems 2013-01-0180 Using Vehicle Simulation to Investigate Controllability 2013-01-0182 Performing Safety Evaluation on Detailed Hardware Level according to ISO 26262 2013-01-0183 Effort Reduction for Analysis of Safety Critical Software with Criticality Analysis 2013-01-0184 Model-based Application of ISO 26262: The Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment 2013-01-0185 A New Approach to Input and Output Monitoring for Microcontrollers Supporting Functional Safety 2013-01-0189 System Modeling for Integration and Test of Safety-Critical Automotive Embedded Systems 2013-01-0191 Functional Safety Industry Best Practices for Introducing and Using ISO 26262 2013-01-0192 A Contract-Based Installation Methodology for Safety-Related Automotive Systems 2013-01-0193 Safety Analysis and Design for ISO 26262 - Model Based and Tool Supported 2013-01-0196 Virtualization Technology and Using Virtual CPU in the Context of ISO26262: The E-Gas Case Study 2013-01-0197 Functional Safety for Cooperative Systems 2013-01-0198 Techniques and Measures for Improving Domain Controller Availability while Maintaining Functional Safety in Mixed Criticality Automotive Safety Systems 2013-01-1233 Impact of Electrical Transients on Functional Safety - A Special Case of Electrification of Conventional Vehicle Platforms 2013-01-1234 Fault Detection in Automotive Semi-Active Suspension: Experimental Results 以上的文章,说实话,很多我都没时间细看。不过就有些特别精彩和有信息量和视野的文章,我将整理笔记和导图后进行分享。 看英语的论文和书籍,真是一件考验知识水平、精力和英语能力的事情,苦练英语水平ing……