热度 17
2011-5-8 18:46
1680 次阅读|
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I always wondered what it would be like to be six inches tall. I just saw a site that creates custom figurines. These look really tasty – I think it would be mega-cool to have a mini-me on my desk... Do you remember that old science fiction file called The Incredible Shrinking Man ? Actually, I just found out that this was made in 1957, which was the year I was born, but we digress... The idea is that Robert Scott Carey (played by Grant Williams), is a 6ft 1in tall businessman who is on vacation on a boat, off the Californian coast, with his 5ft 8in wife Louise, when he suddenly is contaminated by a radioactive cloud (I hate it when this sort of thing happens). As an aside, Robert might have been able to save himself from his subsequent problems if he had had his own personal Geiger Counter, which makes me even more keen to get my counter up and running... Anyway, in the film, Louise was below deck getting refreshments, so she wasn't affected. One morning, six months later, Scott notices that his shirt seems too big. He blames it on the cleaners. Then his wedding ring falls off his finger. Then other things start to happen. Eventually Scott realizes that he's shrinking. This is dramatically illustrated when he looks his wife, previously six inches shorter than he, in the eye. Gradually Scott gets smaller and smaller – three feet, two feet, one foot, six inches ... and onwards (or downwards, depending on your point of view). Anyway, as I mentioned, when I was a kid I always wondered what it would be like to be six inches tall. Of course I now hope that this will never happen, but it would be interesting to see a mini-me. Which brings me to a rather cool website I just ran across called Sculpteo.com where they create custom figurines. It seems that all you have to do is upload two pictures of your head (a front view and a side view) and they can use these to create a 3D model of you. On the one hand I'm tempted toward the bare-chested Rugby Figurine (on the basis he has the 6-pack abs I used to have, so it would be a way of remembering days gone by ). On the other hand they offer a Custom Figurine – I wonder if they can do one in cargo shorts and a Hawaiian shirt, because this would more accurately reflect today's "me". Maybe they have a special deal if you get the same head on multiple figurines (in which case I might be tempted to both versions). I shall have to make enquiries, so I must away...