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2012-5-15 18:51
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My next real-time job was among the most fun, mainly because I got to recommend all the parts of our development system and tools. It was for yet another satellite tracking antenna, only this one was in an airplane, and therefore bopping around instead of bolted to the ground. We chose the Motorola 68332 chip. We used the Intermetrics C compiler, which included a very nice source-level debugger. For once, I didn't need floating-point software, but I still needed—guess what—functions for square root, sine, cosine, and arctangent. We also gave the customer an added feature. Instead of a readout showing hex numbers in green, uppercase characters, we gave him a Windows-based interface, complete with multicolored graphs, simulated compass needles, spin-dials, and point-and-click inputs. Nice. I'm particularly proud of the operating system I wrote for this job. First, it used all the real-time features of the 68332—watchdog timer, counter-timer, etc., to the fullest. More importantly, it was rather unique in that the interrupt handler was itself reentrant. That is, the system could tolerate one or more new interrupts coming in, while it was still processing the last one. The only requirement was that the average time required to service the interrupt had to be less than the interrupt time. We delivered this system on time and on budget, and it met its performance specs. We also did several other jobs for this company, all successful. As a "reward" the customer, thinking to save some money, cut me out of the next contract, and hired my ex-partner. My only satisfaction out of the deal came from learning that, because he didn't understand the OS, his job went two years over schedule, was way over cost, and under performance. The company is no longer in business. Payback is sweet, but I'd much more have preferred that both our companies had prospered. The medical business I have one more job to tell you about. A medical electronics firm wanted to replace their existing patient monitor, which used something like eight Z80's, with a new one using a single Intel 80286. Our job was to port the code from Z80 assembler to C. Now, as you might guess, medical electronics is special because if it fails, it has the potential to kill people. The FDA has very strict rules for certifying a given system as safe. To create the new patient monitor, we had to assure the FDA that it would perform exactly the same functions, using the same algorithms, as the old one. That's not easy when you're changing both the CPU(s) and the programming language. To make sure that happened, I first had to understand, in precise detail, the Z80 code in the old one. And that was the rub, because while the original programmer was superb, he wasn't big on comments. As in, there were none. So before I could write the first line of C, I had to psychoanalyze the Z80 code, commenting and studying it until I knew it as well as I know my own memories. To get that job done, I used every programming trick I'd ever learned, and then invented some more. It was a hard job, but also exciting and instructive. I extended the concept of the dataflow diagram, to include real-time interrupts, synchronous, asynchronous, and background tasks. My design evolved into a set of nested, hierarchical state machines. It was very slick, if I do say so myself. In any medical application (and most other real-time applications), it's important to quickly respond to, and recover from, errors. In my design, each state machine returned an enumerated state identifying, some of which were typically error conditions. Looking back, I see that the design amounted to sort of a do-it-yourself exception mechanism. It worked just fine, and the software turned out to be both robust and error-free. See Jack write I've always enjoyed writing. My first creation, as I recall, was a comic book when I was around 10. During my aerospace days, I wrote many technical reports, white papers, and some journal articles. The biggie was my Ph.D. dissertation, which ran to 140 pages. Later I was writing software requirements specs, test plans, etc., for NASA and DOD customers. When I got involved with microcomputers, I wrote a few articles for magazines like Byte, Kilobaud, and ProFiles, the house organ for the Kaypro computer. In 1988, I started writing a tutorial on compiler construction. It's still on the web here at www.freetechbooks.com/let-s-build-a-compiler-t56.html. JD Hildebrand, then editor of Computer Language magazine, saw the tutorial and asked me to write an article on the topic. I did, and presented a paper at the next Computer Language Conference. That article and paper started my long relationship with Computer Language and its sister publication, Embedded Systems Programming. Computer Language also maintained a forum (CLMFOR) on CompuServe, and I spent many hours chatting about computers, and almost any other topic, with its denizens. In 1992, I was laid off from my day job. It was most probably the shortest of unemployment periods on record. That night, I got on CLMFOR and said, "Guess what? I've been laid off. Anyone want me to write an article or two?" JD responded immediately, with "I can take an article every two months." Tyler Sperry, then editor of Embedded Systems Programming, said, "I'll take one a month." And that was that. I didn't stay "unemployed" forever. I worked at other companies, and ran my own company for a time. But my writing for Embedded Systems Programming started then, and has never stopped. And, as Paul Harvey used to say, "Now you know the rest of the story."