tag 标签: grid

  • 热度 20
    2014-5-28 19:26
    1554 次阅读|
    0 个评论
    Several days ago, I got an email asking if I were aware of any PCB tool that supported Radial Grids. To be honest, I have never had occasion to require this capability myself, so I was blissfully unaware of what was available out there.   I emailed a bunch of folks I know at the various EDA companies, which prompted Ben Jordan to write a column showing his use of Radial Grids in Altium Designer on one of his hobby projects.   As part of his article, Ben said:   I honestly do not know if there are any other PCB design tools that can do this -- I’ve yet to see one -- but I do know that radial grids are allowed in Altium Designer. In fact, users can set up a number of different grids and have them overlaid and in effect for either components or other items to be placed.   Well, in response to Ben's column, PADS user Mike Kraynak sent me an email saying, "Hi Max, the image below shows a Radial Grid in PADS. This capability has been in the tool since the 1990s."     Cool Beans indeed. Now I'm wondering how many other PCB layout tools also support the Radial Grid feature. If you know of one, please share it with the rest of us by posting a comment below.
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