tag 标签: gl888f

  • 热度 22
    2013-12-2 15:07
    4542 次阅读|
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    一.USB2.0 1.读卡器 USB2.0 Card Reader GL827L,GL827S,GL826,GL823,GL822,GL836,GL823F GL834-LQFP48IN GL823A-QFN24 GL823B-QFN24 2.UBS2.0 HUB GL850G ,GL852G ,GL852GC ,GL850A, 3.USB2.0 TO SATA GL830 二.USB3.0 1.USB3.0 CardReader   GL3220-LQFP128   GL3221, GL3233-LQFP64PIN, GL3233-QFN46PIN 2.USB3.0 HUB GL3520-QFN88 GL3520-QFN64 可实现快速充电功能,符合BC1.2规格。最大可输出电流达到1.5A。可自动识别下行USB设备,进行智能调整输出电流大小。 3.USB3.0 TO SATA GL33103 GL3321G-QFN46PIN 4.USB2.0 充电控制端口芯片   GL888F-SOT23-5  GL888E-DFN10 GL888G-DFN10 香港TWG电子有限公司 丘宗文 TEL:13692176249
  • 热度 20
    2013-12-2 14:09
    2947 次阅读|
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    台湾创惟科技的 GL888 F 。它是一款为USB下行充电端口增加自动检测功能,提高兼容性,可兼容Apple,samsung,htc,SONY等一系列符合BC1.1或BC1.2规格的移动设备。GL888F具备自动调节输出电流大小功能的芯片。简单的说就是在移动电源充电端口增加 GL888 F 后,当用户插入任何一个品牌的充电移动设备后,都会与 GL888 F 有一个握手的动作,让 GL888 F 检测到这个设备,然后 GL888 F 针对这个移动设备的需求进行放电。全面做到智能简单化。GL888F最大输出电流可达到2.4A,完全支持New Pad.GL888F广泛被应用在移动电源,NB,TV,无线存储等产品 索取详细资料请与我们联系 Stephen(丘宗文)  TWG ELECTRONICS LIMITED. (台湾创惟科技)香港TWG电子有限公司 Mobile:136 9217 6249 Email: Stephen@twg-hk.com Msn:my-wen@hotmail.com QQ:327857878
  • 热度 17
    2013-12-2 13:32
    3555 次阅读|
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    The GL888F-20 is a USB fast-charging controller which complies with USB Battery Charging Specification (abbrev. as BC). Before the USB BC is released, most handheld devices have different charging mechanisms that are not compliant with each other. Generally speaking, old wall-chargers are useless when you have new handheld devices. Now with a USB enabled wall-charger, it provides unified charging mechanism by traditional USB current supply (0.5A) when charging devices through USB ports. With a USB enabled wall-charger which complies with USB BC, it provides unified charging mechanism by more USB current supply (up to 1.5A) when charging devices through USB ports, so called “fast-charging” mechanism. In another word, GL888F-20 is a high performance solution for “fast-charging” mechanism and it saves at most 66% of charging time. In addition, the GL888F-20 will automatically detect and charge not only USB BC compliant devices, but also Apple/Samsung/RIM devices. This feature implies wide range of end product applications and provides design flexibility for system manufactures. Supports Battery Charging Specification 1.2  Supports Chinese Communications Industry Standard YD/T 1591-2009  Auto detect and charge for Apple, Samsung, and BC compliant devices,  Ultra low power consumption  Target Application - USB universal wall charger - Car charger - Power bank - Wall wart 索取详细资料请与我们联系 Stephen(丘宗文)  TWG ELECTRONICS LIMITED. (台湾创惟科技)香港TWG电子有限公司 Mobile:136 9217 6249 Email: Stephen@twg-hk.com Msn:my-wen@hotmail.com QQ:327857878