tag 标签: nexus

  • 热度 26
    2015-9-29 22:10
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    三星I9250 GALAXY NEXUS 刷机驱动单独安装方法 wxleasyland@sina.com 2015.9.29 以前是什么手机助手装的,现在不采用手机助手。 手机启动到刷机模式。 WIN7 X64系统设备管理器显示:未知设备,名称是“Android 1.0”。 VID是18D1,PID是4E30,这个是谷歌的设备。 从ZOL网站http://xiazai.zol.com.cn/detail/42/418713.shtml下载“Android 驱动 1.0”,是android-usb-driver.zip。 解压出来,修改android_winusb.inf文件内容: 因为是X64系统,所以在 段中加入以下内容: ; I9250 %SingleAdbInterface%        = USB_Install, USB\VID_18D1PID_4E30 %CompositeAdbInterface%     = USB_Install, USB\VID_18D1PID_4E30MI_01 再在那个“未知设备”上,更新驱动,选到驱动的目录,安装,OK了。 显示:“Android ADB Interface”  
  • 热度 16
    2014-12-4 18:11
    1699 次阅读|
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    Apple and Google put forth their best efforts with the iPhone 6 Plus and Nexus 6. These oversized handsets are chock full of features that consumers and mobile professionals alike will enjoy. After spending a month using each phone, I found clear differences in both hardware and software that are worth pointing out. Let's take a deep dive into what sets these two behemoths apart.   The iPhone 6 Plus and Nexus 6 are both large smartphones. The Nexus 6 is slightly wider, but the two are otherwise comparable in terms of height and thickness. Due to their size, they often require both hands to operate comfortably. Apple and Motorola (which made the Nexus 6 for Google) did a great job with materials and the quality of manufacturing. Winner: Tie   The Nexus 6 has a bigger, more pixel-rich screen. While the 6 Plus's screen looks fantastic, the Nexus 6's display is sharper and more colorful. Apple's screen is somewhat brighter. Winner: Nexus 6, by an eyelash.   The 6 Plus has an 8-megapixel camera with optical image stabilization, while the Nexus 6 has a 13-megapixel camera with a dual-LED flash. Despite its higher pixel count, the camera on the Nexus 6 doesn't compete well with that of other flagship devices. The iPhone 6 Plus's camera, on the other hand, is one of the best available, boasting incredible clarity and exposure capabilities. Winner: iPhone 6 Plus by a wide margin.   Storage is an interesting story. The iPhone 6 Plus comes in 16-GB, 64-GB, and 128-GB models, while the Nexus 6 comes with either 32 or 64 GB. Google charges $649 for the 32-GB Nexus 6, which is the same price Apple charges for the 16-GB iPhone 6 Plus. Google wants $699 for the 64-GB model, and Apple wants $749 for the 64-GB model. Neither device supports expandable storage, though cloud storage is available to both. Winner: Tie. Battery life has come a long way. Despite their monstrous screens, both the iPhone 6 Plus and Nexus 6 manage to deliver a full day of usable battery life. That means I was able to consistently use each phone from 8:00 a.m. to midnight with no trouble. That said, the 6 Plus tends to last several hours longer than the Nexus 6, which could make all the difference in the world when you're nowhere near a charger. Winner: iPhone 6 Plus.   Android 5.0 Lollipop and iOS 8 are similar, yet vastly different. Each includes a core set of apps, such as messaging, email, media, productivity, video, and more. Users can manage notifications, reach controls quickly, and manage their apps with various tools. In my experience over the past two months, iOS 8 is much more stable than Android 5.0 Lollipop, though Apple has pushed out several updates to its mobile platform since it was released in late September. Google hasn't yet delivered an initial stability/bug fix update to the Nexus 6.   Android is much more flexible than iOS 8, though, and it offers a much greater degree of customization. Lollipop has a punchy new design that's attractive and modern -- more so than iOS 8. Further, Android integrates with Google's online services seamlessly in a way Apple has yet to be able to replicate with iOS and iCloud. Winner: Nexus 6.   Productivity is essential for mobile professionals. Android and iOS both offer productivity suites that work on their devices as well as online. Creating and editing documents on smartphones is a clunky process no matter which of these platforms you pick, but I think Google and the Nexus 6 have at least a small advantage.   Google Drive, its tool for managing cloud-based documents, works really well both online and on the device. Users must download separate apps to actually interact with those documents, but these apps are light on their feet and don't take up too much room on the Nexus 6. For example, Docs (for editing Google Drive documents) is about 90 MB. In contrast, Pages (for editing documents on iPhones/iPads) weighs in at 346 MB -- that's nearly four times larger, just for the app itself, not to mention the files. It's only fair to point out that Google Drive is available to the iPhone 6 Plus too, but it works more seamlessly on the Nexus 6. Winner: Nexus 6. If you have to pick one big phone this year, you can't go wrong with either the Apple iPhone 6 Plus or the Google Nexus 6. Each does at least a few things better than its rival, but the choice should ultimately come down to your preference of platform: Are you an Apple person or a Google person?   Eric Zeman Freelance Writer  InformationWeek
  • 热度 21
    2014-11-7 16:57
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    The Google Nexus 9 has been available for purchase from the Play Store since November 3. The $400 slate is among the first batch of devices to ship with Android 5.0 Lollipop on board. It is a huge step up from last year's Nexus 7 in terms of size, specs, and cost. Does the performance increase match the size and price jump? Well, not entirely.   The Nexus 9 is an attractive and well-made piece of hardware. As far as looks go, it represents a natural evolution from the minimalist design of the 2013 Nexus 7. The slate is made of aluminum, but it's covered in a soft-touch finish that gives it a nice amount of grip so the device won't slip out of your hands.   Google increased the screen size and changed the aspect ratio compared to the N7, jumping from 7 inches with a 16:9 ratio to 8.9 inches with a 4:3 ratio. This change means the N9 is significantly bigger and heavier -- its footprint lands smack in between the Apple iPad Mini and iPad Air. Some users might find it the perfect size, but it is a bit heavy for my taste.   The N9's screen is fantastic. It squeezes the same number of pixels (2,048 x 1,536) into a smaller space than the iPad Air, which means it has higher pixel density. I found the display bright, colorful, and incredibly sharp.   Buttons and controls are kept to the bare minimum. The screen lock button and volume toggles are both on the right side of the tablet. The lock button is rather hard to find and somewhat weak; the volume toggle has a better profile and better action. There's a headphone jack on top and a microUSB port on the bottom.   The N9 doesn't support memory cards, and it comes in only 16-GB and 32-GB variants. Since the device is made by HTC, the device features stereo speakers when it's held sideways. They sound great, and the N9 is an awesome video machine. Battery life is quite good; I charged the device only once prior to testing it for five days. The 8-megapixel camera also does a decent job, as long as you have plenty of light available. Google Nexus 9   After spending a few days with it, you could say I'm smitten with the hardware. But the software is an entirely different story.   The N9 runs Android 5.0 Lollipop. I'm won't say much about the operating system, other than that it is gorgeous. Google's Material Design is colorful, modern, and simply beautiful. The basic usability of the OS is about the same as earlier versions of Android, but every app has been overhauled with the new look and new features. Trust me -- you're going to like it.   However, the N9 is completely riddled with bugs, as if termites have infested the core. Apps crashed all over the place, the system froze frequently, and the device is almost completely unable to access the Internet.   I communicated back and forth with Google over the weekend and received an updated build of the operating system late Sunday. According to Google, the build of my review unit is the same one consumers will have when they receive their devices. The new OS build improved some aspects of the N9's performance – including app crashes and freezing -- but didn't resolve the connectivity issues. For example, I was unable to load basic Web pages in the Chrome browser while surfing, nor could I download or update apps from the Play Store. I received a second review unit, and it exhibited many of the same problems. In short, I don't think Google and HTC have truly finished baking the N9's software. Until they do, it is next to useless -- which is a shame.   Hopefully Google and HTC have new builds of the operating system on deck that resolve the problems facing the Nexus 9. For my money, the WiFi connectivity problems are the most severe. A tablet that's unable to load a simple Web page is not a tablet I'd spend $400 to buy.   Eric Zeman is a freelance writer for InformationWeek specializing in mobile technologies.
  • 热度 32
    2012-8-3 13:46
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        设计师Bob Freking设计的一系列Google Nexus 2013概念图。 Google Nexus 2013采用4.8英寸1600×900像素分辨率的AMOLED显示屏,内置SIM卡,1.6GHz的Nvidia Tegra 4四核处理器和高清摄像头。操作系统是最新的 Android 4.2系统(预计是Android4.2 Key Lime Pie)。 这款概念手机的背后有可提醒用户短信以及通话的Nexus Logo发光系统,聚碳酸酯外壳、Gorilla显示屏、3000毫安的电池。 概念手机还集成Google的光纤服务Google Fiber。 售价方面,设计师Bob Freking预计采用Google无线运营商的签约价约为49美元,解锁版售价约299美元。   原文来自: http://www.ithome.com/html/digi/22571.htm   如果对于我们公司的产品技术感兴趣,欢迎随时联系我们。 可以直接留言或登录WIZnet官方网站: http://www.iwiznet.cn 或者来电:86-10-84539974(转166),QQ:2377211388, 邮箱: wiznetbj@wiznettechnology.com  联系人:Jerry ,谢谢! 公司微博是:  http://weibo.com/wiznet2012 公司博客是: http://blog.csdn.net/ WIZnet2012  
  • 热度 36
    2012-8-3 13:30
    1426 次阅读|
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      谷歌Nexus2013概念手机:四核CPU+Android4.2 设计师Bob Freking设计的一系列Google Nexus 2013概念图。 Google Nexus 2013采用4.8英寸1600×900像素分辨率的AMOLED显示屏,内置SIM卡,1.6GHz的Nvidia Tegra 4四核处理器和高清摄像头。操作系统是最新的Android4.2系统(预计是Android4.2 Key Lime Pie)。 这款概念手机的背后有可提醒用户短信以及通话的Nexus Logo发光系统,聚碳酸酯外壳、Gorilla显示屏、3000毫安的电池。 概念手机还集成Google的光纤服务Google Fiber。 售价方面,设计师Bob Freking预计采用Google无线运营商的签约价约为49美元,解锁版售价约299美元。   原文来自:http://www.ithome.com/html/digi/22571.htm     如果对于我们公司的产品技术感兴趣,欢迎随时联系我们。 可以直接留言或登录WIZnet官方网站:http://www.iwiznet.cn 或者来电:86-10-84539974(转166),QQ:2377211388, 邮箱:wiznetbj@wiznettechnology.com 联系人:Jerry ,谢谢! 公司微博是: http://weibo.com/wiznet2012 公司博客是:http://blog.csdn.net/WIZnet2012
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