tag 标签: code inspection

  • 热度 8
    2011-4-27 18:39
    1863 次阅读|
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    Regular readers know I'm a big fan of code inspections. Overwhelming evidence – and common sense – has shown that two heads are better than one at finding problems, and adding another team member or two yields even better code.   But inspections suck. Few developers really enjoy them. I sure don't, but we're professionals hired to build systems as efficiently and as perfectly as possible. A doctor might not enjoy giving prostate exams much, but to avoid such tests just out of personal distaste is both unprofessional and unacceptable. The same goes for the unsavory bits of our work.   Because of this common aversion it's not uncommon for a team that starts with all of the best intentions to slowly find reasons to avoid reviewing code; that nearly always eventually results in inspections becoming completely abandoned.   Because of this I feel inspections are one of the few areas where Genghis Khan software management is appropriate. A strong leader insists on their continued use. That person both supplies the resources needed and audits the process to insure compliance.   But you don't want management on the inspection team ( developers tend to avoid pointing out errors when the boss is around, out of respect for their colleagues ). So how can one insure the team is doing the right things?   The solution is root cause analysis , used statistically. From time to time the boss should identify a bug that was found and perhaps fixed, and have the team or even a member of the team figure out how the mistake made it into the code.   Was an inspection on the affected code ever done? How much time was devoted to it? Were other problems identified? ( This implies collecting metrics, which is nearly painless when automated with tools like SmartBear's Code Collaborator ). It's possible the function was unusually complex and the review did find many other problems. So, were complexity metrics taken?   Or – gasp – did the developers shortchange the inspection or skip it altogether?   Perhaps the bug slipped in later, post-inspection, due to poor change management procedures.   Bugs are part of the process, but proper bug management should be an equally important component. It's not possible to do a root-cause analysis of every, or even most, problems. But some level of it keeps the developers on the proper track and can identify flaws in the system that cause delays and quality problems.   C.A.R. Hoare said: "The real value of tests is not that they detect bugs in the code but that they detect inadequacies in the methods, concentration, and skills of those who design and produce the code." And that observation is also true for looking for root causes of at least some of the bugs.
  • 热度 11
    2011-4-19 19:57
    1654 次阅读|
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    Almost a decade ago a number of static analyzers began to appear in the market. A number of such products exist now, including those from Coverity, PolySpace ( now part of The MathWorks ), Grammatech, Green Hills, Klocwork and others.   Static analyzers examine your code to find runtime bugs. While quite expensive today, most of the developers I know who are using the tools agree that they are effective. Expensive, yes. Sometimes slow. And they hardly find all of the bugs. But they do find some of the tough ones.   C programs are, of course, particularly vulnerable to problems like memory leaks, so it seems the biggest market for these products is in that domain. But even safe " or at least safer " lingos like Ada are not immune to difficult-to-find bugs. AdaCore has teamed with SofCheck to bring the latter's static analyzer into the world of Ada systems. The resulting CodePeer product seems like a worthwhile addition to an Ada programmer's toolbox.   But CodePeer is much more than that.   One of the oldest precepts in programming is to check your goesintas and goesoutas. A square root routine that's grounded in the real domain should toss an exception if one passes a negative number to it. But how many functions check their parameters?   Nearly a quarter century ago Betrand Meyer invented "Design By Contract" which codifies these checks.   In DBC one defines formal contracts that check functions' inputs and outputs. Some languages, like Eiffel, provide built-in support for contracts. In C one uses work-arounds with a preprocessor or tortured assert() statements. Regardless, DBC is a philosophy of the developer manually writing out the contracts.   CodePeer twists this idea in an intriguing way. It examines the code and creates the contracts for you. They get embedded into comments and are not executable, but they provide clear cues to the developer that things may not be as they should. For instance, in the snippet below from AdaCore's web site the postcondition ( labeled "post" ) immediately makes it clear that the function has a glaring bug:     Just imagine how much more effective a code inspection would be given this information!   The tool does much more, but this is an indispensable aid to the Ada developer. Bugs are tough to find and potentially hugely expensive.