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  • 热度 44
    2010-4-6 16:30
    10405 次阅读|
    30 个评论
    编者按:备受关注的驰创案正式审判已于2010年4月5日在波士顿开庭,整个审判过程预计将持续4-5周。为此,吴先生的挚友刘路新先生特意撰文,呼吁所有关心吴先生,关心驰创的人,一同见证驰创案件的审判。《 国际电子商情 》也将在第一时间持续报道本案的最新进展。 请您来见证,他是间谍吗? -- 刘路新博士的请求   “我不是间谍!”自2008年12月5日在芝加哥机场被捕以来,吴振洲一直这样坚持。 他的声音很微弱,很疲惫。人到中年的他,本已驼的背,经过一年多的监狱生活,弯得更厉害了。在狱中,接二连三的疾病,特别是肺结核,更使他面色苍白,受尽折磨。 他的案子被列为中美两国近年的要案。2009年11月,美国总统奥巴马访华不久,美中经济与安全委员会在提交给美国国会的报告中,即以吴振洲的驰创公司为例说明中国在美的间谍活动,说明中国窃取美国的军事技术。 而吴振洲依旧用自己微弱的声音坚持自己的清白。 作为吴振洲二十多年的朋友,我相信他的无辜。在2009年3月,曾专程前往位于罗得岛的联邦监狱探视我的朋友。 吴振洲先后毕业于南开大学和哈佛大学,是一位学贯中西的书生,一位顺应时代潮流的儒商。我相信:他不可能是任何人的间谍。 在被关押了一年半之后,在经过数十次法庭听证之后,吴振洲拒绝了检方提出的做交易的请求,因此,正式的审判将于今年4月5日在波士顿开庭,整个审判过程将持续4-5周。 作为吴振洲多年的好友,在这里,我以我个人的名义,同时,也代表我的朋友,诚挚地邀请您来法庭旁听,请您来见证我的朋友的清白。 法庭的地址: John Joseph Moakley U.S. Courthouse (即Boston Courthouse) 1 Courthouse Way Boston, Massachusetts 02210 Tel: 617-748-9152 审判时间表: 2010年4月5日- 4月16日:9:00-13:00; 2010年4月19日-4月23日:休庭一周; 2010年4月26日-5月初:9:00-13:00; 您的恭敬的 刘路新 博士 2010年4月5日 Email: liuluxin@gmail.com       PLEASE COME TO WITNESS HIS INNOCENCE -- A PLEA FROM LIU LUXIN, Ph.D. “I am not a spy”, ever since his arrest at the Chicago Airport on 5 December 2008, Wu Zhenzhou (Alex) has been insisting on his innocence. The voice is weak and tired. Having been detained for more than 16 months in American prison, the middle-aged and humpbacked Alex is now bending more. Also in the prison, he suffered a series of diseases in particular of tuberculosis. His case was listed a key one between China and America. Immediately after President Obama’s visit to China in November 2009, the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission mentioned his name in their Report to the Congress. His company, Chitron, was used to illustrate Chinese intelligence activities in America and the transhipment of controlled technology to China. However, Alex Wu continues to insist on his innocence, even with a weaker voice. I am his friend for more than 20 years, and I believe in his guiltlessness. Therefore, I went to visit him in March 2009 at the Rhode Island. Wu Zhenzhou graduated from Nankai University and Harvard University. He is only a knowledgeable scholar of the East and the West, and a Confucian-style businessperson. I do not think he is a spy for anybody. After more than 16 months’ detainment and dozens of court hearings, he refused a deal proposed by the Prosecutors. Now the trial has been scheduled from 5 April in Boston. As his friend for so many years, also on behalf of Mr Wu, I hereby sincerely invite you to attend the trial to be held in Boston from 5 April onwards, probably last for 4-5 weeks. The address of the court is John Joseph Moakley U.S. Courthouse 1 Courthouse Way Boston, Massachusetts 02210 Tel: 617-748-9152 The agenda of the Trail is Apr 5-16, 2010:9:00am-1:00pm; Apr 19 -23, 2010:Court Adjourn Apr 26-May, 2010:9:00am-1:00pm Sincerely yours, Liu Luxin, PhD