tag 标签: it66121fn

  • 热度 23
    2013-6-8 11:14
    1660 次阅读|
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              IT66121FN是联阳科技(ITE)推出的一款低功率单通道HDMI传输器,该芯片符合HDMI 1.3a, HDCP 1.2以及DVI1.0等标准,IT66121为数字电视提供了有效的解决方案,如DVD播放器、A/V接收器、机顶盒等,QQ:1762516767 18675554078,原装现货,欢迎交流。(更多详情) IT66121FN的采购信息如下: IT66121FN的主要功能特性包括: 1、Single channel HDMI transmitter 2、Compliant with HDMI 1.3a, HDCP 1.2 and DVI 1.0 specifications 3、Supporting pixel rates from 25MHz to 165MHz 4、Various video input interface supporting digital video standards 5、Support HDMI1.4 3D feature 6、Bi-direction Color Space Conversion (CSC) between RGB and YCbCr color spaces with programmable coefficients. 7、Digital audio input interface supporting 8、Software programmable HDMI output current, enabling user to optimize the performance for fixed-cable systems or those with pre-defined cable length 9、MCLK input is optional for audio operation. Users could opt to implement audio input interface with or without MCLK. 10、Integrated pre-programmed HDCP keys 11、Purely hardware HDCP engine increasing the robustness and security of HDCP operation 12、Monitor detection through Hot Plug Detection and Receiver Termination Detection 13、Embedded full-function pattern generator 14、Intelligent, programmable power management 15、 Embedded hardware controlled CEC PHY 16、Ultra low power consumption, operation power is less than 70mw at 1080p@60Hz format. 17、64-pin (9x9 mm) QFN package IT66121FN的功能框图如下:   IT66121FN的管脚图如下:   (以上信息由深圳桑尼奇科技有限公司提供)