tag 标签: panel

  • 热度 14
    2014-6-8 16:35
    1212 次阅读|
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      Inverter-即逆变器,又叫电压升压板。它是专为Panel的背光灯提供工作电源的。   Panel使用的背光灯管的工作电压很高,正常工作时的电压为600~800V,而启动电压则高达1500~1800V,工作电流则为5~9mA。这样的工作特点需要Inverter有如下功能:   1)、能够产生1500V以上的高压交流电,并且在短时间内迅速降至800V左右,这段时间约持续1-2S。   2)、由于Inverter提供电流的大小将影响冷阴极荧光灯管的使用寿命,因此输出的电流应小于9mA,需要有过流保护功能。   3)、出于使用的考虑,要有控制功能,即在显示暗画面的时候,灯管不亮。   Inverter是一种DC TO AC的变压器,它其实与Adapter是一种电压逆变的过程。Adapter是将市电电网的交流电压转变为稳定的12V直流输出,而Inverter是将Adapter输出的12V直流电压转变为高频的高压交流电;两个部分同样都采用了目前用得比较多的脉宽调制(PWM)技术。其核心部分都是一个PWM集成控制器,Adapter用的是UC3842,Inverter则采用TL5001芯片。TL5001的工作电压范围3.6~40V,其内部设有一个误差放大器,一个调节器、振荡器、有死区控制的PWM发生器、低压保护回路及短路保护回路等。   以下将对Inverter的工作原理进行简要介绍:   Inverter工作原理框图   输入接口部分:   输入部分有3个信号,12V直流输入VIN、工作使能电压ENB及Panel电流控制信号DIM。VIN由Adapter提供,ENB电压由主板上的MCU提供,其值为0或3V,当ENB=0时,Inverter不工作,而ENB=3V时,Inverter处于正常工作状态;而DIM电压由主板提供,其变化范围在0~5V之间,将不同的DIM值反馈给PWM控制器反馈端,Inverter向负载提供的电流也将不同,DIM值越小,Inverter输出的电流就越大。   电压启动回路:   ENB为高电平时,输出高压去点亮Panel的背光灯灯管。   PWM控制器:   有以下几个功能组成:内部参考电压、误差放大器、振荡器和PWM、过压保护、欠压保护、短路保护、输出晶体管。   直流变换:   由MOS开关管和储能电感组成电压变换电路,输入的脉冲经过推挽放大器放大后驱动MOS管做开关动作,使得直流电压对电感进行充放电,这样电感的另一端就能得到交流电压。   LC振荡及输出回路:   保证灯管启动需要的1600V电压,并在灯管启动以后将电压降至800V。   输出电压反馈:   当负载工作时,反馈采样电压,起到稳定Inventer电压输出的作用。
  • 热度 18
    2013-3-11 20:56
    1692 次阅读|
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    FTDI 发布FT800,整合了TFT,MCU,电阻触摸,audio一体,可联络我QQ:1306014248,了解相关。 Targeted at QVGA and WQVGA resolution TFT displays with parallel RGB interface Dithering hardware provides 24-bit (true colour) support on an 18-bit interface 256k internal object memory Store up to 2000 objects in 8k byte display list Inbuilt controller supports 4-wire resistive touch panels PWM output for programmable display brightness Anti-aliasing support improves display perception Low-power - 35mA typical in active mode down, and 25uA in sleep mode Widgets (innovation mechanisms) allow easy creation of complex objects (e.g analog clocks) Integrated audio output - play beeps, tones or recorded audio SPI or I2C interface to system microcontroller Space saving 48LD QFN package
  • 热度 26
    2012-5-25 12:51
    1633 次阅读|
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    Semiconductor and solar panel production equipment vendor Applied Materials reported decent results for its fiscal second quarter, beating analysts' expectations with sales of $2.54 billion. But Applied's numbers for the quarter—including its $289 million net income—were driven almost exclusively by strength in its semiconductor equipment business, while the business environments for both its display and solar production equipment businesses remained weak. In a conference call with analysts following the company's quarterly report, Michael Splinter, Applied's chairman and CEO, said "robust" foundry spending buoyed the company's fiscal second quarter, with strong sales of front-end and implant products. Splinter said sales to foundries have made up almost 60 percent of Applied's revenue for the first two quarters of the company's fiscal 2012. Leading foundries have been aggressively ramping new production at advanced nodes, Splinter said. "We believe foundry investment will be maintained in the second half of 2012 and distributed over a broader base of customers," Splinter said. Availability of 28-nm capacity has been an issue for leading-edge chip suppliers, including Qualcomm and Nvidia, both of which acknowledged that tight supply at 28-nm cut into their sales in their most recent quarters. Qualcomm said last month it had engaged other foundries—presumably Globalfoundries, UMC and Samsung—because of tight supply at 28-nm. Also last month, TSMC Chairman and Founder Morris Chang acknowledged that the foundry giant did not have sufficient capacity to meet demand at 28-nm, but said he thought the worst of the capacity crunch was over. Splinter said that supply of 28-nm capacity is still constrained. He said the 28-nm ramp was about 50 percent faster than the previous-generation ramp to 40.45-nm. "We think 28-nm is going to be strong through the year," Splinter said. "It's going to be strong into 2013. Assuming that our customers can find a place to put equipment, they'll continue to add equipment as quickly as they can." But while foundry spending in particular is keeping sales strong for the largest portion of Applied's revenue, its Silicon Systems Group, the outlook for Applied's other businesses appears far less rosy. Splinter said sluggish television sales and excess solar manufacturing capacity were hurting the firm's display and solar production tool sales, respectively. A few weeks ago, Applied announced details of a restructuring of its solar business , including cutting about 250 jobs and moving production of some tools from Switzerland to Asia. The company said the actions were part of its plan to reduce the breakeven point for its Energy and Environmental Solutions (ESS) to about $500 million. Applied said that sales of its display tools increased 29 percent sequentially in the fiscal second quarter to $134 million. Display sales were above Applied's sales target due to earlier-than-anticipated tool sign-offs, according to George Davis, Applied's chief financial officer. Display orders increased to $84 million in the quarter, Applied said. Sales for Applied's EES group declined to $79 million in the fiscal second quarter, while orders nearly doubled to reach $62 million, reflecting what Davis called "very low levels of demand." Splinter said Applied remains confident in the long term potential of the EES business, but said the company was scaling back its development program for equipment to make light-emitting diodes significantly. He said Germany remains the leading consumer of photovoltaic panels and has once again delayed its feed-in tariff reduction. He said demand in the U.S., China and Japan is also accelerating. Splinter said that as manufacturing costs continue to fall, Applied was beginning to see the "economics of solar" working even in markets where no subsidies are offered on solar panels. Splinter said Applied expects growth in its "non-semiconductor" businesses to resume next year.  
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