tag 标签: TTL

  • 热度 3
    2022-5-16 09:31
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    晶振(XO)输出波形(Output Type)是与封装尺寸一样重要的一个技术指标,这些输出波形可简单归为两种:正弦波、方波。 在示波器上观察振荡器波形,虽然很多时候看到的还是不太好的正弦波,那是由于示波器的带宽不够。例如:有源晶振20MHz,如果用40MHz或60MHz的示波器测量,显示的是正弦波,这是由于方波的傅里叶分解为基频和奇次谐波的叠加,带宽不够的话,就只剩下基频20MHz和60MHz的谐波,所以显示正弦波。要完美再现方波需要至少10倍的带宽,5倍的带宽只能算是勉强,需要至少100M的示波器。 图1. 晶振厂商规格书截图 相较而言,方波输出功率大,驱动能力强,但谐波分量多,正弦波输出功率不如方波,但其谐波分量小很多。同时,两种波形还有各种不同的表现形式,分别适合不同的应用。 1.方波输出模式 数字通信系统中,一般采用方波输出模式的晶体振荡器,以匹配系统中驱动的负载。这些方波的通用输出类型有TTL和CMOS,还有LVPECL和LVDS,主要指标有输出电平、占空比、上升/下降时间、驱动能力等。 (1)TTL输出 TTL是晶体管-晶体管逻辑(Transistor-Transistor Logic)电路,传输延迟时间快、功耗高,属于电流控制器件。 (2)CMOS输出 CMOS输出是最常见一种,属于属于电压控制形式,用来驱动逻辑电平输入。 图2. 晶振的CMOS输出波形 CMOS输出的传输延迟时间慢、功耗低,相对TTL有了更大的噪声容限,输入阻抗远大于TTL输入阻抗。对应3.3V LVTTL,出现了LVCMOS,可以与3.3V的LVTTL直接相互驱动。HCMOS采用全静态设计、高速互补金属氧化物半导体工艺,CMOS采用互补金属氧化物半导体。 (3)LVPECL输出 LVPECL是低压正发射极耦合逻辑(Low-Voltage Positive Emitter-Couple Logic)。ECL电路速度快,驱动能力强,噪声小,很容易达到几百MHz的应用,但是功耗大,需要负电源。为简化电源,出现了PECL(ECL结构,改用正电压供电)和LVPECL的输出模式。 图3. 晶振的LVPECL输出波形 LVPECL由ECL和PECL发展而来,其典型输出为一对差分信号,射极通过一个交流源接地。ECL、PECL、LVPECL使用时应注意:不同电平不能直接驱动,中间可用交流耦合、电阻网络或专用芯片进行转换。 这三种结构必须有电阻拉到一个直流偏置电压。例如,用于时钟的LVPECL直流匹配时用130欧上拉,同时用82欧下拉;交流匹配时用82欧上拉,同时用130欧下拉,但两种方式工作后直流电平都在1.95V左右。 (4)LVDS输出 LVDS是低电压差分信号(Low-Voltage Differential Signaling),为差分对输入输出,内部有一个3.5-4mA恒流源,在差分线上改变方向和电平来表示“1”和“0”。 通过外部的100欧匹配电阻(并接在差分线上靠近接收端)转换为±350mV的差分电平。LVDS使用注意:可以达到600MHz以上,PCB要求较高,差分线要求严格等长,差最好不超过10mil(0.25mm);100欧电阻离接收端距离不能超过500mil,最好控制在300mil以内。 图4. 晶振的LVDS输出波形 LVDS的应用模式可以有三种形式: (1)单向点对点和双向点对点,能通过一对双绞线实现双向的半双工通信。 (2)多分支形式,即一个驱动器连接多个接收器(当有相同的数据要传给多个负载时,可以采用这种应用形式)。 (3)多点结构,此时多点总线支持多个驱动器,也可以采用BLVDS驱动器,它可以提供双向的半双工通信,但是在任一时刻,只能有一个驱动器工作,因而发送的优先权和总线的仲裁协议都需要依据不同的应用场合,选用不同的软件协议和硬件方案。 2. 正弦波输出模式 正弦波(Sine Wave)主要用于对EMI、频率干扰有特殊要求的电路,例如驱动RF组件、混频器或其它具有50Ω输入阻抗的器件。这时,振荡器产生的输出功率通常在0dBm到+13dBm(1mW到20mW)之间,尽管如果需要可以输出更高功率。 还有一种特殊的削顶正弦波(Clipped Sine Wave),相比方波的谐波分量少很多,但驱动能力较弱,在负载10K//10PF时Vp-p为0.8Vmin。SMD 7050、SMD5032、SMD3225等封装的表贴温补晶振通常使用这种形式的输出波形。 正弦波输出模式通常有谐波、噪声和输出功率等指标要求。这种电路要求输出的高次谐波成分很小,后面有模拟电路选用正弦波也是比较好的选择。 在厂商提供的晶振规格书里,除了输出模式或输出格式这个指标外,通常还附带相应的波形样式、输出负载和测试电路,有的晶振还兼容TTL、CMOS两者格式,应用灵活多样。
  • 热度 21
    2014-6-30 19:19
    2022 次阅读|
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    An alert reader Caron Williams advised me that 2014 marks the 50th anniversary of transistor-transistor logic ( TTL) . Wikipedia says that although TTL was invented in 1961, TI released the 5400 family of IC’s in 1964, and that the 7400 series in plastic came out two years later. Since TTL is practically synonymous with the 5400 and 7400 series, why not offer 50th birthday congratulations? Remember that the IC was invented just a few years before TTL came out. Other kinds of logic were commonly used, like DTL (diode-transistor logic) and RTL (resistor-transistor logic). In fact, the Apollo guidance computer was made entirely from RTL components, using several thousand identical ICs, each containing a pair of three input NOR gates.   The Apollo guidance computer IC.   The schematic is clear: RTL logic was barely digital. It wasn’t uncommon for RTL users to bias the transistors nearly linearly and use them as amplifiers. But RTL persisted into the 70s, and in the late 60s we were using gobs and gobs of Fairchild parts for Apollo ground support equipment. The perfect gate can only assume two states, and RTL’s linearity was exactly the opposite of what the digital world strived for. TTL was designed to approach that ideal. Like an op amp, we also want zero output impedance, and many TTL gates used a “totem pole” configuration of transistors to offer plenty of drive and sink capability.   A 74LS00 dual-input NAND gate. Note the “totem pole” output transistors.   As mentioned, the anonymous experts at Wikipedia believe the 5400 series predated the much more common 7400 family by a couple of years. The main difference between the two was the temperature range; 5400-series devices generally operated from -55 to 125C, while the 7400 parts, housed in inexpensive plastic packages, were rated from 0 to 70C. Though the 5400 family was often called the “military” version, a lot of commercial applications demanded their extended temperature range. TTL devices were either SSI (small scale integration), which meant one package contained a couple of flip flops or a few gates, or MSI (medium scale integration), which were more complex parts like multiplexors. The 74181 was an example: it contained an ALU that could add, subtract, and do logic operations on two four-bit inputs. The DIP package had 24 pins, which was enormous in those days. By the late 60s most computers had oceans of TTL components. The following picture is the CPU board from a Nova 1200 16-bit minicomputer. There were no MOS memories at the time; another board held core memory. All of these DIP packages are 7400-series TTL devices.   A Nova logic board. The dimensions are in inches. These boards were enormous. Components were so expensive that the earliest Novas used one 74181 four-bit ALU; it pushed a word through one nibble at a time. As time went on many versions of the 7400/5400 devices appeared. 74LS parts were lower power and faster than the original components. 74HCT used less power. Today there are a dizzying number of families, and it can be a chore to pick a component from the cornucopia. I’ve been using 74AUC08 gates recently, which are blazing fast. Most of the early parts are unavailable today. DigiKey doesn’t list any 7400-series parts, though they still supply 74LS and some others that are well into their dotage. Only 13 DIP devices appear from the thousands of TTL part numbers they sell. Though lots of vendors sold, and still sell, 7400 logic, old timers remember the industry bible: TI’s TTL Data Book. For many years it was beautifully hard-bound, though later editions were paperbacks. Every year it got thicker till they started producing multi-volume sets. Once a year the distributors would have an open-databook day; we’d fill the trunks of our cars with books about all sorts of components. Pre-PDF, pre-Internet, these tomes were how we sourced parts. The paperless office never appeared, but the datasheetless office sure did. PDFs are great as they are mostly up-to-date and take no room. And modern datasheets can be enormous, running to thousands of pages for a single component. But it sure was nice to have many books open on the bench or the drawing board. Oh, a “drawing board” was a six-foot long tilting table where engineers drew their schematics using “pencils,” “drawing machines,” and a variety of other tools. But that’s another bit of ancient history.   The TTL Data Book, by TI.
  • 热度 25
    2014-6-30 19:15
    1536 次阅读|
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    Caron Williams, an alert reader,  informed me that 2014 marks the 50th anniversary of transistor-transistor logic ( TTL) . Wikipedia says that although TTL was invented in 1961, TI released the 5400 family of IC’s in 1964, and that the 7400 series in plastic came out two years later. Since TTL is practically synonymous with the 5400 and 7400 series, why not offer 50th birthday congratulations? Remember that the IC was invented just a few years before TTL came out. Other kinds of logic were commonly used, like DTL (diode-transistor logic) and RTL (resistor-transistor logic). In fact, the Apollo guidance computer was made entirely from RTL components, using several thousand identical ICs, each containing a pair of three input NOR gates.   The Apollo guidance computer IC.   The schematic is clear: RTL logic was barely digital. It wasn’t uncommon for RTL users to bias the transistors nearly linearly and use them as amplifiers. But RTL persisted into the 70s, and in the late 60s we were using gobs and gobs of Fairchild parts for Apollo ground support equipment. The perfect gate can only assume two states, and RTL’s linearity was exactly the opposite of what the digital world strived for. TTL was designed to approach that ideal. Like an op amp, we also want zero output impedance, and many TTL gates used a “totem pole” configuration of transistors to offer plenty of drive and sink capability.   A 74LS00 dual-input NAND gate. Note the “totem pole” output transistors.   As mentioned, the anonymous experts at Wikipedia believe the 5400 series predated the much more common 7400 family by a couple of years. The main difference between the two was the temperature range; 5400-series devices generally operated from -55 to 125C, while the 7400 parts, housed in inexpensive plastic packages, were rated from 0 to 70C. Though the 5400 family was often called the “military” version, a lot of commercial applications demanded their extended temperature range. TTL devices were either SSI (small scale integration), which meant one package contained a couple of flip flops or a few gates, or MSI (medium scale integration), which were more complex parts like multiplexors. The 74181 was an example: it contained an ALU that could add, subtract, and do logic operations on two four-bit inputs. The DIP package had 24 pins, which was enormous in those days. By the late 60s most computers had oceans of TTL components. The following picture is the CPU board from a Nova 1200 16-bit minicomputer. There were no MOS memories at the time; another board held core memory. All of these DIP packages are 7400-series TTL devices.   A Nova logic board. The dimensions are in inches. These boards were enormous. Components were so expensive that the earliest Novas used one 74181 four-bit ALU; it pushed a word through one nibble at a time. As time went on many versions of the 7400/5400 devices appeared. 74LS parts were lower power and faster than the original components. 74HCT used less power. Today there are a dizzying number of families, and it can be a chore to pick a component from the cornucopia. I’ve been using 74AUC08 gates recently, which are blazing fast. Most of the early parts are unavailable today. DigiKey doesn’t list any 7400-series parts, though they still supply 74LS and some others that are well into their dotage. Only 13 DIP devices appear from the thousands of TTL part numbers they sell. Though lots of vendors sold, and still sell, 7400 logic, old timers remember the industry bible: TI’s TTL Data Book. For many years it was beautifully hard-bound, though later editions were paperbacks. Every year it got thicker till they started producing multi-volume sets. Once a year the distributors would have an open-databook day; we’d fill the trunks of our cars with books about all sorts of components. Pre-PDF, pre-Internet, these tomes were how we sourced parts. The paperless office never appeared, but the datasheetless office sure did. PDFs are great as they are mostly up-to-date and take no room. And modern datasheets can be enormous, running to thousands of pages for a single component. But it sure was nice to have many books open on the bench or the drawing board. Oh, a “drawing board” was a six-foot long tilting table where engineers drew their schematics using “pencils,” “drawing machines,” and a variety of other tools. But that’s another bit of ancient history.   The TTL Data Book, by TI.
  • 热度 24
    2013-12-29 09:36
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      TTL电平 :计算机中处理器控制的设备内部各部分之间通信的标准电平,+5V等价于逻辑“1”,0V等价于逻辑“0”,这被称做TTL(晶体管-晶体管逻辑电平)信号系统。(L电平:小于等于0.8V ;H电平:大于等于2V)   CMOS电平 :逻辑电平电压接近于电源电压,0逻辑电平接近于0V。而且具有很宽的噪声容限。(L电平:小于等于0.3Vcc ;H电平:大于等于0.7Vcc)    电平转换电路 :因为TTL和COMS的高低电平的值不一样,TTL:5V,CMOS:3.3V,所以CMOS与TTL相连接时,需要用某种芯片转换,例如USART的应用中,微处理芯片与计算机电脑相连时就需要用如MAX232转换芯片一样(一般微芯片都是CMOS3.3V电平,而计算机就是5V电平)   以下是互联网搜索结果,挺有用:   TTL:Transistor-Transistor Logic 三极管结构。  Vcc:5V;VOH=2.4V;VOL=0.5V;VIH=2V;VIL=0.8V。  因为2.4V与5V之间还有很大空闲,对改善噪声容限并没什么好处,又会白白增大系统功耗,还会影响速度。 所以后来就把一部分“砍”掉了。也就是后面的LVTTL。  LVTTL又分3.3V、2.5V以及更低电压的LVTTL(Low Voltage TTL)。 3.3V LVTTL: Vcc:3.3V;VOH=2.4V;VOL=0.4V;VIH=2V;VIL=0.8V。 2.5V LVTTL: Vcc:2.5V;VOH=2.0V;VOL=0.2V;VIH=1.7V;VIL=0.7V。  更低的LVTTL不常用就先不讲了。多用在处理器等高速芯片,使用时查看芯片手册就OK了。 TTL使用注意:TTL电平一般过冲都会比较严重,可能在始端串22欧或33欧电阻; TTL电平输入脚悬空时内部认为是高电平。要下拉的话应用1k以下电阻下拉。TTL输出不能驱动CMOS输入。   CMOS:Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor PMOS+NMOS。 Vcc:5V;VOH=4.45V;VOL=0.5V;VIH=3.5V;VIL=1.5V。  相对TTL有了更大的噪声容限,输入阻抗远大于TTL输入阻抗。 对应3.3V LVTTL,出现了LVCMOS,可以与3.3V的LVTTL直接相互驱动。 3.3V LVCMOS:Vcc:3.3V;VOH=3.2V;VOL=0.1V;VIH=2.0V;VIL=0.7V。 2.5V LVCMOS: Vcc:2.5V;VOH=2V;VOL=0.1V;VIH=1.7V;VIL=0.7V。  CMOS使用注意:CMOS结构内部寄生有可控硅结构,当输入或输入管脚高于VCC一定值(比如一些芯片是0.7V) 时,电流足够大的话,可能引起闩锁效应,导致芯片的烧毁。   ECL:Emitter Coupled Logic 发射极耦合逻辑电路(差分结构)   Vcc=0V;Vee:-5.2V;VOH=-0.88V;VOL=-1.72V;VIH=-1.24V;VIL=-1.36V。 速度快,驱动能力强,噪声小,很容易达到几百M的应用。但是功耗大,需要负电源。 为简化电源,出现了PECL(ECL结构,改用正电压供电)和LVPECL。 PECL:Pseudo/Positive ECL   Vcc=5V;VOH=4.12V;VOL=3.28V;VIH=3.78V;VIL=3.64V  LVPELC:Low Voltage PECL   Vcc=3.3V;VOH=2.42V;VOL=1.58V;VIH=2.06V;VIL=1.94V   ECL、PECL、LVPECL使用注意:不同电平不能直接驱动。中间可用交流耦合、电阻网络或专用芯片进行转换。  以上三种均为射随输出结构,必须有电阻拉到一个直流偏置电压。(如多用于时钟的LVPECL:直流匹配时用130欧上拉,同时用82欧下拉;交流匹配时用82欧上拉,同时用130欧下拉。但两种方式工作后直流电平都在1.95V左右)  前面的电平标准摆幅都比较大,为降低电磁辐射,同时提高开关速度又推出LVDS电平标准。   LVDS:Low Voltage Differential Signaling 差分对输入输出,内部有一个恒流源3.5-4mA,在差分线上改变方向来表示0和1。通过外部的100欧匹配电阻(并在差分线上靠近接收端)转换为±350mV的差分电平。  LVDS使用注意:可以达到600M以上,PCB要求较高,差分线要求严格等长,差最好不超过10mil(0.25mm)。100欧电阻离接收端距离不能超过500mil,最好控制在300mil以内。   RS485是一种差分结构,相对RS232有更高的抗干扰能力。传输距离可以达到上千米。   下面的电平用的可能不是很多、只简单做一下介绍。 CML:是内部做好匹配的一种电路,不需再进行匹配。三极管结构,也是差分线,速度能达到3G以上。只能  点对点传输。  GTL:类似CMOS的一种结构,输入为比较器结构,比较器一端接参考电平,另一端接输入信号。1.2V电源供 电。  Vcc=1.2V;VOH=1.1V;VOL=0.4V;VIH=0.85V;VIL=0.75V  PGTL/GTL+:  Vcc=1.5V;VOH=1.4V;VOL=0.46V;VIH=1.2V;VIL=0.8V  HSTL是主要用于QDR存储器的一种电平标准:一般有V¬CCIO=1.8V和V¬¬CCIO=1.5V。和上面的  GTL相似,输入为输入为比较器结构,比较器一端接参考电平(VCCIO/2),另一端接输入信号。对参考电平  要求比较高(1%精度)。  SSTL主要用于DDR存储器。和HSTL基本相同。V¬¬CCIO=2.5V,输入为输入为比较器结构,比较器一端接参考电平1.25V,另一端接输入信号。对参考电平要求比较高(1%精度)。 HSTL和SSTL大多用在300M以下。    
  • 热度 22
    2012-7-25 12:42
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            常用逻辑电平:TTL、CMOS、LVTTL、LVCMOS、ECL(Emitter Coupled Logic)、PECL(Pseudo/Positive Emitter Coupled Logic)、LVDS(Low Voltage Differential Signaling)、GTL(Gunning Transceiver Logic)、BTL(Backplane Transceiver Logic)、ETL(enhanced transceiver logic)、GTLP(Gunning Transceiver Logic Plus);RS232、RS422、RS485(12V,5V,3.3V);TTL和CMOS不可以直接互连,由于TTL是在0.3-3.6V之间,而CMOS则是有在12V的有在5V的。CMOS输出接到TTL是可以直接互连。TTL接到CMOS需要在输出端口加一上拉电阻接到5V或者12V。        cmos的高低电平分别为:Vih=0.7VDD,Vil=0.3VDD;Voh=0.9VDD,Vol=0.1VDD. ttl的为:Vih=2.0v,Vil=0.8v;Voh=2.4v,Vol=0.4v.       用cmos可直接驱动ttl;加上拉电阻后,ttl可驱动cmos. 1、当TTL电路驱动COMS电路时,如果TTL电路输出的高电平低于COMS电路的最低高电平(一般为3.5V),这时就需要在TTL的输出端接上拉电阻,以提高输出高电平的值。 2、OC门电路必须加上拉电阻,以提高输出的搞电平值。 3、为加大输出引脚的驱动能力,有的单片机管脚上也常使用上拉电阻。 4、在COMS芯片上,为了防止静电造成损坏,不用的管脚不能悬空,一般接上拉电阻产生降低输入阻抗,提供泄荷通路。 5、芯片的管脚加上拉电阻来提高输出电平,从而提高芯片输入信号的噪声容限增强抗干扰能力。 6、提高总线的抗电磁干扰能力。管脚悬空就比较容易接受外界的电磁干扰。 7、长线传输中电阻不匹配容易引起反射波干扰,加上下拉电阻是电阻匹配,有效的抑制反射波干扰。       上拉电阻阻值的选择原则包括: 1、从节约功耗及芯片的灌电流能力考虑应当足够大;电阻大,电流小。 2、从确保足够的驱动电流考虑应当足够小;电阻小,电流大。 3、对于高速电路,过大的上拉电阻可能边沿变平缓。综合考虑 以上三点,通常在1k到10k之间选取。对下拉电阻也有类似道理 //OC门电路必须加上拉电阻,以提高输出的搞电平值。 OC门电路要输出“1”时才需要加上拉电阻不加根本就没有高电平 在有时我们用OC门作驱动(例如控制一个LED)灌电流工作时就可以不加上拉电阻 OC门可以实现“线与”运算 OC门就是  集电极开路输出 总之加上拉电阻能够提高驱动能力。 以上的是我参考网络的一些个人总结,希望对大家有所帮助。
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    基于STM32F103的can转TTL模块 带隔离。含原理图pcb。
  • 所需E币: 1
    时间: 2023-6-27 09:36
    大小: 2MB
    上传者: 张红川
  • 所需E币: 0
    时间: 2022-10-26 00:07
    大小: 104.56KB
    上传者: samewell
  • 所需E币: 5
    时间: 2021-9-29 14:10
    大小: 228.91KB
    上传者: 牛一样的大叔
  • 所需E币: 1
    时间: 2021-3-31 18:10
    大小: 690.1KB
    上传者: Argent
  • 所需E币: 0
    时间: 2021-3-4 09:46
    大小: 260.27KB
    上传者: 西风瘦马
  • 所需E币: 1
    时间: 2020-11-20 20:58
    大小: 3.71KB
    上传者: symic
  • 所需E币: 3
    时间: 2020-11-16 22:57
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    上传者: stanleylo2001
  • 所需E币: 0
    时间: 2020-9-10 03:53
    大小: 475.99KB
    上传者: Goodluck2020
  • 所需E币: 5
    时间: 2019-12-26 00:48
    大小: 33.6KB
    上传者: wsu_w_hotmail.com
  • 所需E币: 5
    时间: 2019-12-25 21:34
    大小: 171.01KB
    上传者: 2iot
  • 所需E币: 5
    时间: 2019-12-28 21:22
    大小: 80.85KB
    上传者: 16245458_qq.com
  • 所需E币: 3
    时间: 2019-12-28 21:22
    大小: 80.85KB
    上传者: 微风DS
  • 所需E币: 4
    时间: 2019-12-28 21:21
    大小: 31.18KB
    上传者: 238112554_qq
  • 所需E币: 5
    时间: 2019-12-28 21:38
    大小: 60.04KB
    上传者: quw431979_163.com
  • 所需E币: 4
    时间: 2019-12-28 21:49
    大小: 401.64KB
    上传者: 16245458_qq.com
  • 所需E币: 5
    时间: 2019-12-28 23:20
    大小: 629.72KB
    上传者: rdg1993
  • 所需E币: 3
    时间: 2019-12-25 15:55
    大小: 137.71KB
    上传者: 微风DS
  • 所需E币: 5
    时间: 2019-12-25 15:26
    大小: 276.37KB
    上传者: 二不过三