tag 标签: ios8

  • 热度 24
    2014-10-1 19:10
    1551 次阅读|
    0 个评论
    As an astute reader, you will doubtlessly find this issue mind-numbingly obvious. But what about the person sitting in the cubical next to you, or your "I know everything there is to know about everything" teenage son or daughter, or your "how do you make the DVD work again" non-technical significant other?   Apparently there is a hoax currently circulating the Internet, purporting to be a message from Apple, saying that iOS8 contains special drivers that interface with your iPhone or iPad's radio allowing it to synchronize with microwave frequencies and allow them to charge your device.     This hoax goes on to say that "Wave will become automatically activated when you upgrade to iOS8. You can now Wave-charge your device by placing it within a household microwave for a minute and a half."   Needless to say, the actual result will be "unfortunate" to say the least.     I leave it to you to decide how far and wide -- and in what manner -- you might wish to disseminate this information. In the case of your moody offspring who can’t be bothered to give you the time of day because they are too busy with their important texting (not that I'm bitter, you understand), for example, you might feel moved to leave a copy of this hoax advert casually laying around the family room LOL. You can always say "What? I cannot believe you fell for that obvious hoax!"
  • 热度 21
    2014-10-1 19:06
    1167 次阅读|
    0 个评论
    What I'm about to tell will doubtlessly appear mind-numbingly obvious to you, my astute readers. But what about the person sitting in the cubical next to you, or your "I know everything there is to know about everything" teenage son or daughter, or your "how do you make the DVD work again" non-technical significant other?   Apparently there is a hoax currently circulating the Internet, purporting to be a message from Apple, saying that iOS8 contains special drivers that interface with your iPhone or iPad's radio allowing it to synchronize with microwave frequencies and allow them to charge your device.     This hoax goes on to say that "Wave will become automatically activated when you upgrade to iOS8. You can now Wave-charge your device by placing it within a household microwave for a minute and a half."   Needless to say, the actual result will be "unfortunate" to say the least.     I leave it to you to decide how far and wide -- and in what manner -- you might wish to disseminate this information. In the case of your moody offspring who can’t be bothered to give you the time of day because they are too busy with their important texting (not that I'm bitter, you understand), for example, you might feel moved to leave a copy of this hoax advert casually laying around the family room LOL. You can always say "What? I cannot believe you fell for that obvious hoax!"
  • 所需E币: 0
    时间: 2021-3-18 17:50
    大小: 192.94KB
    上传者: Argent