热度 8
2012-3-10 12:03
903 次阅读|
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松下nais江苏一级供应商 南通正泰科技有限公司 电话:0513-87111800 0513-87111836 传真: 0513-87111804转818 联系人:周经理 兰小姐(销售部) 手机:13773662679,18994233520 QQ:909467519 E-mail: my_ckc@yahoo.com 公司网址:http://www.jszjgzt.cn/aboutme.asp AFPX-C14R AFPX-C14T AFPX-C14TD AFPX-C30R AFPX-C30T AFPX-C30TD AFPX-C60R AFPX-C60T AFPX-C60TD AFPX-E16R AFPX-E16T AFPX-E30T AFPX-E30TD AFPX-E30R AFPX-IN4T3 AFPX-EFP0 AFPX-COM1 AFPX-COM2 AFPX-COM3 AFPX-COM4 AFPX-COM5 AFPX-COM6 AFPX-EC08 AFPX-EC30 AFPX-EC80 AFPX-IN8 AFPX-TR8 AFPX-TAN1 AFPX-AD2 AFPX-PLS AFPX-MRTC AFPX-BATT FPX-L14 FPX-L30 FPX-L60 Control unit FPO AFP02123 AFP02123C AFP02223 AFP02223C AFP02343 AFPO2343C AFP02543 AFP02543C AFP02643C Control unit FP SIGMA AFPG2543 AFPG2643 AFPG2423 AFPG2543TM AFPG2643TM AFPG2423TM AFPG2653TM AFPG2543T02 FPO/∑Expansion unit AFP03003 AFP03020 AFP03023 AFP03040 AFP03303 AFP03323 AFP03340 AFP03343 AFP03543 FP∑Expansion units AFPG3467 AFPG430 AFPG432 AFPG431 AFPG433 AFPG201 FPO/∑Communication unit AFPG801 AFPG802 AFPG803 AFPG806 FPO/∑Analog unit AFP0480 AFP0401 AFP04121 AFP04123 FPO/∑Thermocouple unit AFP0420 AFP0421 FPO/∑Power supply unit AFP0631 AFP0634 FP∑Option AFPG804 Control unit AFP12113-F AFP12117-F AFP12143-F AFP12147-F AFP12213-F AFP12213C-F AFP12217-F AFP12217C-F AFP12243-F AFP12243C-F AFP12247-F AFP12247C-F AFP12313-F AFP12317-F AFP12343-F AFP12347-F AFP12413-F AFP12413C-F AFP12417-F AFP12417C-F AFP12443-F AFP12443C-F AFP12447-F AFP12447C-F AFP12513-F AFP12513C-F AFP12517-F AFP12517C-F AFP12543-F AFP12543C-F AFP12547-F AFP12547C-F AFP12713-F AFP12713C-F AFP12717-F AFP12717C-F AFP12743-F AFP12743C-F AFP12747-F AFP12747C-F Expansion units AFP13103-F AFP13110-F AFP13113-F AFP13140-F AFP13143-F AFP13213-F AFP13217-F AFP13243-F AFP13247-F AFP13413-F AFP13417-F AFP13443-F AFP13447-F AFP13803-F AFP13810-F AFP13813-F AFP13840-F AFP13843-F Analog unit AFP1402 AFP1406 AFP1412 AFP1416 Link units AFP15401 AFP15402 AFP1732 AFP1736 AFP1752 AFP1756 AFP8532 AFP8536 Control unit Fpe AFPE224300 AFPE224302 AFPE224305 AFPE214325 AFPE214322 FP3 CPU AFP3210C-F AFP3211C-F AFP3212C-F AFP3220C-F FP10SH CPU AFP6211V3 AFP6221V3 FP3 optional memory AFP5202 AFP5204 AFP5205 AFP5206 FP ROM writer AFP5520 AFP5523 Master backplane AFP3501-F AFP3502-F AFP3505-F Expansion backplane AFP3503-F AFP3504-F AFP3506-F Power supply unit AFP3631 AFP3634 AFP3638 AFP3639 Input unit AFP33014-F AFP33017-F AFP33023-F AFP33024-F AFP33027-F AFP33041 AFP33043 AFP33051 AFP33053 AFP33428 AFP33103-F AFP33203-F AFP33483-F AFP33484-F AFP33487-F AFP33583-F AFP33584-F AFP33587-F AFP33703 Mainteance parts AFP3300 AFP3801 AFP8801 AFP88021 AFP88032 AFP88042 AFP8805 MEWNET-W(OPTICAL) Link unit and peripherals AFP3710 AFP3790 NEWNET-W(wire)Link unit AFP3720 computer communication unit and peripherals AFP3462 AFB85833 AFB85853 C-NET Link unit and peripherals AFP3463 AFP8532 AFP8536 MEWNET-TR(remote I/O)System AFP3750 I/O Transmitter unit and expansion FP I/O terminal unit AFP87521 AFP87522 AFP87523 AFP87524 AFP87525 AFP87527 MENWNET-F(remote I/O)System AFP3742 Slane unit AFP3745 FP I/O terminal board and cable AFP8521 AFP8522 AFP8531 AFP8532 AFP87432 AFP87444 AFP87445 AFP87446 APL9511 FP I/O terminal unit AFP87421 AFP87422 AFP87423 AFP87424 modbus unit AFP3493 Intelligent unit AFB85813 AFB85843 AFP32091 AFP32092 AFP3400 AFP3402 AFP3403 AFP3405 AFP3406 AFP3407 AFP3408 AFP3410 AFP3411 AFP3412 AFP3413 AFP3414 AFP3415 AFP3416 AFP3417 AFP3418 AFP3419 AFP3420 AFP3421 AFP3431 AFP3431E AFP3432 AFP3432E AFP3434 AFP3435 AFP3436 AFP3452 AFP3460 AFP3461 AFP3480 AFP3621 AFP3622 AFP5134 AFP866518 APC33125 IMPLUSE CONTROLER AAD01010 AAD02010 Programming tools AFC8513 AFC8521 AFC8523 AFP1113V2 AFP1114V2 AFP8670 SH8513 SH8523 SH1523 SH8550 FP3/10SH Expansion cable AFP3510 AFP3511 AFP35110 AFP35115 AFP35125 AFP3513 FP0/∑ Maintenance parts AFP0521 AFP0523 AFP0551 AFP0553 AFP0581 AFP0801 AFP0802 AFP0803 AFP0804 AFP0805 AFP0806 AFP0807 AXY52000 AFP0811 AFPG804 FP1 Maintenance parts AFP15101 AFP15103 AFP15105 AFP1801 AFP1802 AFP1803 AFP1821 AFP1822 AFP1823 AFP1824 AFP1825 AJK3346B01 APA3316M01 APC33165 Memory(for C24,C40and C72 serier) AFP1201 AFP1202 AFP1203 AFP1810 C-NET Link unit AFP15401 AFP15402 AFP8532 AFP8536 Deta access unit AFP1682 PC WAY AFW10402 FP WIN AFPS10820-F FP0RTD6D FPWEBD FPWEBTOOL2D FPWINPROFEN5 FPWINPROSEN5 AIGT0030B1 AIGT0032B1 AIGT0030H1 AIGT0032H1 AIGT0030B AIGT0032B AIGT0030H AIGT0032H AIGT2030B AIGT2030H AIGT2032B AIGT2032H AIGT3100B AIGT3300B AIG32MQ02D AIG32MQ03D AIG32MQ04D AIG32MQ05D AIG32TQ02D SH8192 AIGT8142 AIGT8152 VFO-200V BFV00022D BFV00042G BFV00072G BFV00152G VFOC-200V BFV0C0022D BFV0C0042G BFV0C0072G BFV0C0152G BFV0C0222G VFO-400V BFV00074 BFV00154 BFV00224 BFV00374 VFOC-400V BFV0C0074 BFV0C0154 BFV0C0224 BFV0C0374 VFOC-Option BFV917 VF7F-200V BFV70042FBP BFV70072FBP BFV70152FBP BFV70222FBP VF7F-400V BFV70074FP BFV70154FP BFV70224FP BFV70374FP VF8Z-400V BFV80554Z BFV80754Z BFV81104Z BFV81504Z BFV81904Z BFV82204Z BFV83004Z BFV83704Z VF7F/8Z Option BFV9060 BFV9502U BFV9047E BFV9047F BFV9061 BFV9063 BFV9065 S1DX-A2C 1S-AC120V S2DX-A2C 3S-AC120V S21DX-A2C10S-AC120V S1DX-A2C30S-AC120V S1DX-A2C60S-AC120V S1DX-A2C 3M-AC120V S1DX-A2C10M-AC120V S1DX-A2C30M-AC120V S1DX-A2C 1S-AC220V S1DX-A2C 3S-AC220V S1DX-A2C10S-AC220V S1DX-A2C30S-AC220V S1DX-A2C60S-AC220V S1DX-A2C 3M-AV220V S1DX-A2C10M-AC220V S1DX-A2C30M-AC220V S1DX-A2C 1S-DC24V S1DX-A2C 3S-DC24V S1DX-A2C10S-DC24V S1DX-A2C30S-DC24V S1DX-A2C60S-DC24V S1DX-A2C 3M-DC24V S1DX-A2C10M-DC24V S1DX-A2C30M-DC24V S1DX-A4C 1S-AC120V S1DX-A4C 3S-AC120V S1DX-A4C10S-AC120V S1DX-A4C30S-AC120V S1DX-A4C60S-AC120V S1DX-A4C 3M-AC120V S1DX-A4C10M-AC120V S1DX-A4C30M-AC120V S1DX-A4C 1S-AC220V S1DX-A4C 3S-AC220V S1DX-A4C10S-AC220V S1DX-A4C30S-AC220V S1DX-A4C60S-AC220V S1DX-A4C 3M-AC220V S1DX-A4C10M-AC220V S1DX-A4C30M-AC220V S1DX-A4C 1S-DC24V S1DX-A4C 3S-DC24V S1DX-A4C10S-DC24V S1DX-A4C30S-DC24V S1DX-A4C60S-DC24V S1DX-A4C 3M-DC24V S1DX-A4C10M-DC24V S1DX-A4C30M-DC24V S1DX-A2C 1S-AC120V S1DX-A2C 3S-AC120V S1DX-A2C 10S-AC120V S1DX-A2C 30S-AC120V S1DX-A2C 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HJ2-DC24V HJ2-L-AC24V HJ2-L-AC100V HJ2-L-AC120V HJ2-L-AC200V HJ2-L-AC240V HJ2-L-DC12V HJ2-L-DC24V HJ4-AC24V HJ4-AC100V HJ4-AC120V HJ4-AC200V HJ4-AC240V HJ4-DC12V HJ4-DC24V HJ4-L-AC24V HJ4-L-AC100V HJ4-L-AC120V HJ4-L-AC200V HJ-L-AC240V HJ4-L-DC12V HJ4-L-DC24V HJ2-SFD-S HJ4-SFD-S AHN11012 AHN11024 AHN110X0 AHN110X1 AHN110Y0 AHN110Y2 AHN12005 AHN12006 AHN12012 AHN12024 AHN12048 AHN120X0 AHN120X1 AHN12205 AHN12206 AHN12212 AHN12224 AHN12248 AHN122X0 AHN122X1 AHN11112 AHN11124 AHN111X0 AHN111X1 AHN111Y0 AHN111Y2 AHN12105 AHN12106 AHN12112 AHN12124 AHN12148 AHN121X0 AHN122X1 AHN12305 AHN12306 AHN12312 AHN12324 AHN12348 AHN123X0 AHN123X1 AHNA11 AHN21012 AHN21024 AHN210X0 AHN210X1 AHN210Y0 AHN210Y2 AHN22005 AHN22006 AHN22012 AHN22024 AHN22048 AHN220X0 AHN220X1 AHN22205 AHN22206 AHN22212 AHN22224 AHN22248 AHN222X0 AHN222X1 AHN21112 AHN21124 AHN211X0 AHN211X1 AHN211Y0 AHN211Y2 AHN22105 AHN22106 AHN22112 AHN22124 AHN22148 AHN221X0 AHN222X1 AHN22305 AHN22306 AHN22312 AHN22324 AHN22348 AHN223X0 AHN223X1 AHNA21 AZD1000 AZD1001 AZD1002 AZD1004 AZD1008 AZD1050 AZD1051 AZD1052 AZD1054 AZD1058 AZ7100 AZ7110 AZ7120 AZ7121 AZ7124 AZ7140 AZ7141 AZ7144 AZ7166 AZ7310 AZ7311 AZ7312 AZ8104 AZ8107 AZ8108 AZ8111 AZ8112 AZ8122 AZ8166 AZ8169 AFP3743 GT21C