tag 标签: 警报器

  • 热度 2
    2022-6-7 08:43
    2155 次阅读|
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    本项目BOM很简单,只有PIR传感器、蜂鸣器、LED和按钮开关几个元件。按照电路图组装后可以使用了,报警后按下按钮就关闭蜂鸣声。 首先,将Arduino UNO开发板的 +5V、GND连接到面包板。 LED的阴极接地,阳极(长引脚)通过330 or 220欧姆的上拉电阻器连接到Arduino开发板的6#引脚。 蜂鸣器的正极连接到Arduino板子的5#引脚,负极引脚接GND。 按钮开关的一个引脚通过1k欧姆电阻器接GND,另一引脚连接到Arduino的12引脚。 PIR运动传感器的+Vcc、GND、output三个引脚分别连接于Arduino开发板的+Vcc、GND、pin 7引脚。 按照上述步骤连接正确后,接下来取Arduino IDE上传代码到。再检查Serial Monitor的读数,移动手掌到传感器前面,LED将闪亮,蜂鸣器将会报警。 CODE;C/C++ // Declaring Pins const int buzzerPin = 5; const int ledPin = 6; const int motionPin = 7; const int buttonPin = 12; // Setting Buzzer mode to False boolean buzzer_mode = false; // For LED int ledState = LOW; long previousMillis = 0; long interval = 100; // Interval at which LED blinks void setup() { //The Following are our output pinMode(ledPin,OUTPUT); pinMode(buzzerPin,OUTPUT); //Button is our Input pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT); // Wait before starting the alarm delay(5000); } void loop() { // To chech whether the motion is detected or not if (digitalRead(motionPin)) { buzzer_mode = true; } // If alarm mode is on,blink our LED if (buzzer_mode){ unsigned long currentMillis = millis(); interval) { previousMillis = currentMillis; if (ledState == LOW) ledState = HIGH; else ledState = LOW; // Switch the LED digitalWrite(ledPin, ledState); } tone(buzzerPin,1000); } // If alarm is off if (buzzer_mode == false) { // No tone & LED off noTone(buzzerPin); digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); } // If our button is pressed Switch off ringing and Setup int button_state = digitalRead(buttonPin); if (button_state) {buzzer_mode = false;} } 如果你觉得这个小制作有用处,就把它装进小盒子里,固定到窗台、门框和阳台的不显眼位置,一个属于自己的防盗警报器就诞生了。