tag 标签: static analyzers

  • 热度 16
    2011-7-8 12:37
    1925 次阅读|
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    At the Embedded Systems Conference in Silicon Valley a few months ago, I had the chance to talk to various vendors of static analyzers. These are the tools that evaluate your program to find potential runtime problems, like variables going out of bounds or dereferences of null pointers. Static analyzers are relatively new ideas that still have little market penetration, but that offer the chance to rid a program of a large class of bugs long before loading a debugger. Though in many cases these are still somewhat immature, I think that over the course of the next decade most of us will consider them an essential part of how we build systems. However, a pattern is emerging that makes me think the current crop of tools are missing a valuable opportunity. Consider the following snippet: int divide(int value1, value2) { return value1/value2; } Very simple code, of course. At least some of the current static analyzers will return a message saying that a divide by zero is possible, though the tool cannot predict if indeed such a case will ever occur. To be fair, the tools are pretty smart and will not emit an error if the code looks like: int divide(int value1, value2) { if(value2!=0) return value1/value2; } Others do deeper analysis and will look at how the function is called, but all can get tripped up since many cases are simply not analyzable. For instance, if a calculation is based on a reading from a peripheral, none of the commercial tools can predict the possible input ranges. So they'll issue a warning, and it's up to the developer to insure that the code will be safe. Why don't the tools take this a bit further? If there's a chance that an error will occur if an un-analyzable input assumes some value, perhaps the tool should generate a new version of the source file annotated with an assertion that tests for the potential error condition. Pour the code into the tool and let it generate: int divide(int value1, value2) { assert (value2!=0); // WARNING! Possible error return value1/value2; } The upside is that the code will fail if the possible error does occur, and it's a signal to the developer that the tool has found a limitation on the range of values a variable is allowed to assume. This is but a trivial example, but I suspect there are a vast number of situations where a static analyzer cannot provide a definitive answer, but could generate the appropriate assertions to insure that if bad things occur at runtime and exception will be thrown.