tag 标签: n25s40

  • 热度 8
    2013-1-31 14:40
    796 次阅读|
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             N25S40是Nantronics半导体公司推出的一款4MB闪存芯片,该芯片采用了优秀的保护写入机制,并支持标准的SPI,同时很好地保护用户数据以避免由错误或擦除造成的损失。其主要应用在:机顶盒、DVD、电视机、蓝牙、MP3 播放器、DSL 调制解调器、光存储、硬盘、主板BIOS、打印机、数码相框、无线LAN、LCD 显示器、数字收音机等。 N25S40的采购信息如下:  N25S40的主要功能特性包括: 1、Single power supply operation F - Full voltage range: 2.7-3.6 volt 2、4 Mbit Serial Flash - 4 M-bit/512 K-byte/2048 pages - 256 bytes per programmable page - Uniform 4K-byte Sectors - Uniform 32K and 64K-byte Blocks  3、Standard and Dual - Standard SPI: CLK, CS#, DI, DO, WP#, HOLD# - Dual SPI: CLK, CS#, DIO, DO, WP#, HOLD# - Fast Read Dual Output instruction - Auto-increment Read capability 4、High performance - 104MHz clock rate for one data bit - 85MHz clock rate for two data bits 5、Low power consumption - 12 mA typical active current - 1 uA typical power down current 6、Flexible Architecture with 4KB sectors    - Sector Erase (4K-bytes) - Block Erase (32K and 64K-bytes) - Page Program up to 256 bytes  - More than 100K erase/write cycles  - More than 20-year data retention 7、Software and Hardware Write Protection: - Write Protect all or portion of memory via software - Enable/Disable protection with WP# pin 8、High performance program/erase speed    - Page program time: 1.8ms typical  - Sector erase time: 45ms typical - Block erase time: 450ms typical - Chip erase time: 3.5 Seconds typical 9、Package Options -  8-pin SOIC 150/208-mil  -  8-pad WSON 6x5-mm   -  8-pin PDIP 300-mil     -  All Pb-free packages are RoHS compliant N25S40的功能框图如下: N25S40的管脚图如下: