热度 21
2014-10-24 17:06
1349 次阅读|
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Several days ago, my chum Paul was visiting me in my office. He'd wandered over from his cubicle in the next bay to take a brief coffee break. Paul had been admiring the current state of play of my Inamorata Prognostication Engine, so while he was here, I opened my browser and brought up my recent blog about my projects. I showed him a reader's feedback about providing an interface to the Rockwell Retro Encabulator, along with the image of a massive waterproof connector and the suggestion that we use this to implement a USB interface. Paul is a senior engineer and is extremely knowledgeable about all sorts of stuff, so I was flabbergasted when he said, "What's a Rockwell Retro Encabulator?" Incredulously, I asked if he had somehow missed the video on YouTube. His response was that, though his sons have been singing YouTube's praises for years, he didn't waste his time on it. He was convinced there was nothing worth seeing. On further querying, I quickly discovered that Paul knew nothing of such classics as "The Knack" or "Herding Cats." I was reeling in disbelief by this time, so I quickly brought up a few of my favorites. When I showed "Herding Cats," Paul ended up gasping with laughter and begging me to email him a link, so he could share it with his wife. By the time we'd finished, he was clamoring for more. (Ha, another one bites the dust.) Here are the first six videos that immediately came to my mind and that I shared with Paul. Rockwell Retro Encabulator Young Dilbert: The Knack Cowboys Herding Cats Jeb Corliss: Grinding The Crack OK Go: This Too Shall Pass Where the Hell Is Matt? (2008) I know I've talked about all of these before on one occasion or another, but they are so good that they always deserve another viewing. There are a couple more that I recall as being absolute classics, but I'm not sure what they were called. One was of a group of children who live in a village composed of boats. They wanted to learn to play soccer, so they built a raft and ended up playing competitively. The other was of a group of old folks (possibly Korean, possibly Japanese, maybe Taiwanese, I don't recall) taking one last motorbike ride in honor of a friend who had passed. That one was a real tear jerker. If you happen to have links to these, I'd love to see them again. (You can post links in the comments as text, so long as you omit the "http://" part.) In the meantime, if you were compiling a list of the best of the best videos on YouTube -- and I don't mean the pretty good ones, I mean the crème de la crème -- which ones would you choose?