tag 标签: youtube

  • 热度 22
    2015-9-18 18:32
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    My chum Alvin sent me an email with the subject Things you wish you could do .   Alvin is a man of few words -- he likes to make each one count -- so his email simply contained a one-line link to this video on YouTube. "OMG!" is all I can say. Some of the things the folks in this video are doing make you gasp with astonishment and squeal in delight.     All of these clips are amazing, but one that really caught my eye was the guy flying through the air on the unicycle at 2"05' into the video. This took me back deep into the mists of time (cue harp music) to when I'd just purchased my own off-road unicycle. Sad to relate, this little beauty is currently leaning and languishing against the wall in the Pleasure Dome (my office).     Now I've seen the People are awesome video, however, I'm starting to feel a tad guilty that my poor little unicycle has been denied the opportunity to fulfill its role in life. I'm tempted to dust it off and take it out for a spin (look for my next column to be posted from a hospital bed).
  • 热度 14
    2014-10-24 17:13
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    About a week ago ago, my chum Paul was visiting me in my office. He'd wandered over from his cubicle in the next bay to take a brief coffee break.  Paul had been admiring the current state of play of my Inamorata Prognostication Engine.   I showed him a reader's feedback about providing an interface to the Rockwell Retro Encabulator, along with the image of a massive waterproof connector and the suggestion that we use this to implement a USB interface.   Paul is a senior engineer and is extremely knowledgeable about all sorts of stuff, so I was flabbergasted when he said, "What's a Rockwell Retro Encabulator?" Incredulously, I asked if he had somehow missed the video on YouTube. His response was that, though his sons have been singing YouTube's praises for years, he didn't waste his time on it. He was convinced there was nothing worth seeing.   On further querying, I quickly discovered that Paul knew nothing of such classics as "The Knack" or "Herding Cats." I was reeling in disbelief by this time, so I quickly brought up a few of my favorites. When I showed "Herding Cats," Paul ended up gasping with laughter and begging me to email him a link, so he could share it with his wife. By the time we'd finished, he was clamoring for more. (Ha, another one bites the dust.) Here are the first six videos that immediately came to my mind and that I shared with Paul.   Rockwell Retro Encabulator Young Dilbert: The Knack Cowboys Herding Cats Jeb Corliss: Grinding The Crack OK Go: This Too Shall Pass Where the Hell Is Matt? (2008)   I know I've talked about all of these before on one occasion or another, but they are so good that they always deserve another viewing. There are a couple more that I recall as being absolute classics, but I'm not sure what they were called. One was of a group of children who live in a village composed of boats. They wanted to learn to play soccer, so they built a raft and ended up playing competitively. The other was of a group of old folks (possibly Korean, possibly Japanese, maybe Taiwanese, I don't recall) taking one last motorbike ride in honor of a friend who had passed. That one was a real tear jerker. If you happen to have links to these, I'd love to see them again. (You can post links in the comments as text, so long as you omit the "http://" part.)   In the meantime, if you were compiling a list of the best of the best videos on YouTube -- and I don't mean the pretty good ones, I mean the crème de la crème -- which ones would you choose?
  • 热度 21
    2014-10-24 17:06
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    Several days ago, my chum Paul was visiting me in my office. He'd wandered over from his cubicle in the next bay to take a brief coffee break.  Paul had been admiring the current state of play of my Inamorata Prognostication Engine, so while he was here, I opened my browser and brought up my recent blog about my projects.   I showed him a reader's feedback about providing an interface to the Rockwell Retro Encabulator, along with the image of a massive waterproof connector and the suggestion that we use this to implement a USB interface.   Paul is a senior engineer and is extremely knowledgeable about all sorts of stuff, so I was flabbergasted when he said, "What's a Rockwell Retro Encabulator?" Incredulously, I asked if he had somehow missed the video on YouTube. His response was that, though his sons have been singing YouTube's praises for years, he didn't waste his time on it. He was convinced there was nothing worth seeing.   On further querying, I quickly discovered that Paul knew nothing of such classics as "The Knack" or "Herding Cats." I was reeling in disbelief by this time, so I quickly brought up a few of my favorites. When I showed "Herding Cats," Paul ended up gasping with laughter and begging me to email him a link, so he could share it with his wife. By the time we'd finished, he was clamoring for more. (Ha, another one bites the dust.) Here are the first six videos that immediately came to my mind and that I shared with Paul.   Rockwell Retro Encabulator Young Dilbert: The Knack Cowboys Herding Cats Jeb Corliss: Grinding The Crack OK Go: This Too Shall Pass Where the Hell Is Matt? (2008)   I know I've talked about all of these before on one occasion or another, but they are so good that they always deserve another viewing. There are a couple more that I recall as being absolute classics, but I'm not sure what they were called. One was of a group of children who live in a village composed of boats. They wanted to learn to play soccer, so they built a raft and ended up playing competitively. The other was of a group of old folks (possibly Korean, possibly Japanese, maybe Taiwanese, I don't recall) taking one last motorbike ride in honor of a friend who had passed. That one was a real tear jerker. If you happen to have links to these, I'd love to see them again. (You can post links in the comments as text, so long as you omit the "http://" part.)   In the meantime, if you were compiling a list of the best of the best videos on YouTube -- and I don't mean the pretty good ones, I mean the crème de la crème -- which ones would you choose?
  • 热度 20
    2011-6-1 08:33
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    YouTube本月庆祝6岁生日时宣布,每分钟在该视频网站上的上传视频长度超过48小时,较去年11月份平均每分钟视频上传长度35小时提高37%;较2009年每分钟视频上传长度24小时提高100%。 视频上传数量明显滞后,但YouTube表示每日视频观看次数已突破30亿次,较去年每日视频观看次数逾20亿次提高50%。YouTube表示,每日视频观看次数相当于全球一半人口每天观看一段YouTube视频或每位美国居民每天至少观看9段视频。 观众通过逾3.5亿台设备观看视频,设备涵盖计算机、智能手机和平板电脑范畴。视频消费是YouTube的关键衡量标准。 YouTube于6年前的5月份问世,当时是一个纯粹的用户生成视频平台,但最近4年,Google希望通过视频发展广告业务。没有大规模观众观看视频,Google广告努力将付诸东流。 YouTube目前正在经历另一次重大转型,以Google TV为主要平台,YouTube试图进入观众起居室,同美国电视观众抢夺用户。在YouTube Movies新服务支撑下,如果YouTube能够成功,Google将通过用户家庭娱乐系统轻松控制该全球最大的显示广告平台,更好地同 Facebook竞争。
  • 热度 31
    2009-9-16 09:43
    1268 次阅读|
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    ——作者:In-Stat中国分析师 张强 在上个月Ebay出售Skype业务的时候,关于Skype业务为何不能服务于Ebay业务的讨论就引发了我的思考。Skype能丰富Ebay的业务,从传统的文字和图片形式提升到音频交流,无疑将极大的增加交易沟通上的速度和质量; 而同时Ebay的买卖双方的隐私性也确实缺乏足够的保障。 Skype对于Ebay是把双刃剑,Ebay出售Skype业务,很疼,很无奈。 这几天又看到了Youtube的带宽成本的预测,预计Youtube每年花在带宽上的费用就有3亿美元,这是个相当令人咋舌的数字,只靠后向收费是肯定入不敷出的。那么Google这个大款又该怎样让Youtube服务于其搜索业务呢? Google曾经尝试过在搜索网站插视频广告的方式,但似乎并不太成功。上周谷歌又尝试了新的视频广告方式,就是在文字中加插视频广告,用户可根据需要选择是否点击观看视频广告。 谷歌在2006年斥资16.5亿购买Youtube之后,在Youtube上可谓花钱无数。到现在Youtube已经成为全美国最大的视频网站,拥有42%的市场份额。如何将份额转化成收入,如何更多样化视频网站的商业模式,如何利用Youtube以更好的拉动Google的核心搜索业务是Google能否用好Youtube这把双刃剑的关键。而从目前看,一方面Google确实有钱,Youtube发展的不错,如果能多发展视频广告加插的结合方式的话,Youtube和Google的蜜月期还将继续。 由此也不免想到中国互联网视频网站的明天在哪? 在2008年底又一轮风投之后,经济危机下的视频网站市场在全球广告投入缩减的背景下显得风雨飘摇。在中国视频网站试图通过互联网机顶盒登陆电视以扩大用户群的法子在政策限制下也不再明朗,也许Google和Youtube的模式也能给国内的视频网站带来点灵感? 点击浏览更多 张强博客文章