热度 24
2012-9-14 13:47
1561 次阅读|
2 个评论
I'm too young for all of this thrill. I just saw the latest temptingly tasty treat from those little scamps at ThinkGeek – a Doctor Who Sonic Screwdriver Programmable TV Remote (I am Doctor Who's #1 Fan!). I do like the little photographs and captions on the ThinkGeek product page, like the image showing one of these sonic screwdrivers in someone's pocket with the caption "Fashionable!" I also like the accompanying description, which commences as follows: "The Sonic Screwdriver Programmable TV Remote lets you feel like a time lord while lounging on your couch eating fish fingers and custard." (A reference, of course, to the episode when Dr. Who first meets Amy Pond). If you check out this video , you'll see that you can teach the screwdriver to control things with a touch or a twitch or a gesture (like flicking the end up or down to move the TV channel up or down). Sad to relate however, I have to say that in some ways this video is a tad unrealistic. I mean to say, we see someone opening the box and ... taking out and reading the instructions BEFORE taking out the sonic screwdriver. As if! Should I be lucky enough to get one of these little beauties as a gift from an admiring fan (hint hint), the instructions would find themselves in the corner at the far side of the room as I scrabbled to get my very own sonic screwdriver in my sticky hands.