热度 7
2013-7-9 09:49
1311 次阅读|
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MAXIAM举行MAX98090评估板的抽奖活动,不过概率可能很低。 https://support.maximintegrated.com/contest/MAX98090.mvp?utm_campaign=6-10-13%20MAX98090utm_medium=emailutm_source=Eloquautm_source=UBM%20Push%20Emailutm_medium=newsletterutm_content=MAX98090%20Evkitutm_campaign=BBButm_term=Q413elq=bffa934f741547ccb1742be2f020b32aelqCampaignId=36 EV Kit for Ultra-Low-Power Audio Codec (MAX98090) Enter to Win a MAX98090 EV Kit Quickly explore the benefits of the MAX98090 ultra-low-power audio codec: Extended battery life for portable devices Accelerated time to market with an easy-to-tune EV kit GUI and optimized signal processing Flexibility to design with configurable interfaces, inputs, and outputs Learn more about our audio devices .