2025-2-27 08:56
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请移步 gitee 仓库 https://gitee.com/Newcapec_cn/LiteOS-M_V5.0.2-Release_STM32F103_CubeMX/blob/main/Docs/%E5%9F%BA%E4%BA%8ESTM32F103RCT6%E7%A7%BB%E6%A4%8DLiteOS-M-V5.0.2-Release.md 基于STM32F103RCT6移植LiteOS-M-V5.0.2-Release 下载源码 kernel_liteos_m: OpenHarmony-v5.0.2-Release third_party_bounds_checking_function: OpenHarmony-v5.0.2-Release third_party_cmsis: OpenHarmony-v5.0.2-Release 进入 gitee 界面后点击 克隆/下载 按钮,下载 ZIP 压缩包后解压缩。下载路径自定义。 使用STM32CubeMX创建工程模板 配置晶振和烧写口 NVIC配置(默认配置,未修改) 晶振配置 系统配置 时钟配置 工程配置 生成路径根据实际情况配置 代码生成配置 生成代码 配置使用Jlink+SWD方式下载程序 配置 Jlink 配置 SWD 模式 配置烧写成功后复位运行 编译成功 模板添加目录 原有目录结构 增加目录 APP - 应用代码 Config - 配置文件 Lib - 库文件 Middleware - 中间件 现有目录 添加日志库-simplelogger simplelogger: 一款简易的日库库,主要对接 J-Link RTT 使用 - Gitee.com 下载源文件 进入 Middleware 文件夹 使用 Git Base Here 进入 Git 控制台 执行命令 git clone https://gitee.com/Newcapec_cn/simplelogger.git 添加源文件 添加 Middleware\simplelogger\ src \* .c 添加 Middleware\simplelogger\port\*.c 添加 Middleware\simplelogger\rtt\*.c 配置头文件路径 增加头文件路径 ..\Middleware\simplelogger\inc 增加测试代码 APP 文件夹创建 APP_main.c 文件,文件内容为 #include "slog.h" voidapp_main ( void ){ slog_test (); while ( 1 ) { ; }} 添加 APP_main.c 文件到工程 在模板 main 函数的 while 循环中添加 app_main 函数 voidapp_main (void); app_main (); 完整 main 函数如下 /** * @brief The application entry point. * @retval int */ intmain (void){ /* USER CODE BEGIN 1 */ /* USER CODE END 1 */ /* MCU Configuration--------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Reset of all peripherals, Initializes the Flash interface and the Systick. */ HAL_Init (); /* USER CODE BEGIN Init */ /* USER CODE END Init */ /* Configure the system clock */ SystemClock_Config (); /* USER CODE BEGIN SysInit */ /* USER CODE END SysInit */ /* Initialize all configured peripherals */ MX_GPIO_Init (); /* USER CODE BEGIN 2 */ /* USER CODE END 2 */ /* Infinite loop */ /* USER CODE BEGIN WHILE */ while ( 1 ) { voidapp_main (void); app_main (); /* USER CODE END WHILE */ /* USER CODE BEGIN 3 */ } /* USER CODE END 3 */ } 编译运行测试 测试成功界面 移植LiteOS-M 移植源码 将 kernel_liteos_m - OpenHarmony - v5 .0 .2 - Release 的 arch 、 kal 、 kernel 、 utils 文件夹拷贝至项目 Middleware\liteos-m 文件夹 删除文件夹 Middleware\liteos-m\ arch \arm\arm9 Middleware\liteos-m\ arch \arm\arm4 Middleware\liteos-m\ arch \arm\arm7 Middleware\liteos-m\ arch \arm\arm33 Middleware\liteos-m\ arch \arm\arm55 Middleware\liteos-m\ arch \csky Middleware\liteos-m\ arch \risc-v Middleware\liteos-m\ arch \xtensa Middleware\liteos-m\kal\libc Middleware\liteos-m\kal\libsec Middleware\liteos-m\kal\posix 在 Middleware\liteos-m 路径下创建文件夹 bounds_checking 将 third_party_bounds_checking_function - OpenHarmony - v5 .0 .2 - Release 的 include 和 src 文件夹拷贝至项目 Middleware\liteos-m\bounds_checking 文件夹中 删除非源码文件(可不操作) 文件结构为: liteos-m ├── arch │ ├── arm │ │ ├── common │ │ │ ├── los_common_interrupt.c │ │ │ └── los_common_interrupt.h │ │ ├── cortex-m3 │ │ │ └── keil │ │ │ ├── los_arch_atomic.h │ │ │ ├── los_arch_context.h │ │ │ ├── los_arch_interrupt.h │ │ │ ├── los_arch_timer.h │ │ │ ├── los_atomic.S │ │ │ ├── los_context.c │ │ │ ├── los_dispatch.S │ │ │ ├── los_exc.S │ │ │ ├── los_interrupt.c │ │ │ ├── los_startup.s │ │ │ └── los_timer.c │ │ └── include │ │ └── arch_elf.h │ └── include │ ├── los_arch.h │ ├── los_atomic.h │ ├── los_context.h │ ├── los_interrupt.h │ ├── los_mpu.h │ └── los_timer.h ├── bounds_checking │ ├── include │ │ ├── securec.h │ │ └── securectype.h │ └── src │ ├── fscanf_s.c │ ├── fwscanf_s.c │ ├── gets_s.c │ ├── input.inl │ ├── memcpy_s.c │ ├── memmove_s.c │ ├── memset_s.c │ ├── output.inl │ ├── scanf_s.c │ ├── secinput.h │ ├── securecutil.c │ ├── securecutil.h │ ├── secureinput_a.c │ ├── secureinput_w.c │ ├── secureprintoutput_a.c │ ├── secureprintoutput.h │ ├── secureprintoutput_w.c │ ├── snprintf_s.c │ ├── sprintf_s.c │ ├── sscanf_s.c │ ├── strcat_s.c │ ├── strcpy_s.c │ ├── strncat_s.c │ ├── strncpy_s.c │ ├── strtok_s.c │ ├── swprintf_s.c │ ├── swscanf_s.c │ ├── vfscanf_s.c │ ├── vfwscanf_s.c │ ├── vscanf_s.c │ ├── vsnprintf_s.c │ ├── vsprintf_s.c │ ├── vsscanf_s.c │ ├── vswprintf_s.c │ ├── vswscanf_s.c │ ├── vwscanf_s.c │ ├── wcscat_s.c │ ├── wcscpy_s.c │ ├── wcsncat_s.c │ ├── wcsncpy_s.c │ ├── wcstok_s.c │ ├── wmemcpy_s.c │ ├── wmemmove_s.c │ └── wscanf_s.c ├── kal │ └── cmsis │ ├── cmsis_liteos2.c │ ├── cmsis_os2.h │ ├── cmsis_os.h │ ├── hos_cmsis_adp.h │ └── kal.h ├── kernel │ ├── include │ │ ├── los_config.h │ │ ├── los_event.h │ │ ├── los_membox.h │ │ ├── los_memory.h │ │ ├── los_mux.h │ │ ├── los_queue.h │ │ ├── los_sched.h │ │ ├── los_sem.h │ │ ├── los_sortlink.h │ │ ├── los_swtmr.h │ │ ├── los_task.h │ │ └── los_tick.h │ └── src │ ├── los_event.c │ ├── los_init.c │ ├── los_mux.c │ ├── los_queue.c │ ├── los_sched.c │ ├── los_sem.c │ ├── los_sortlink.c │ ├── los_swtmr.c │ ├── los_task.c │ ├── los_tick.c │ └── mm │ ├── los_membox.c │ └── los_memory.c └── utils ├── internal │ ├── los_hook_types.h │ └── los_hook_types_parse.h ├── los_compiler.h ├── los_debug.c ├── los_debug.h ├── los_error.c ├── los_error.h ├── los_hook.c ├── los_hook.h ├── los_list.h └── los_reg.h 19 directories, 106 files 项目添加源文件 添加头文件路径 ..\Middleware\simplelogger\inc ..\Middleware\liteos-m\ arch \include ..\Middleware\liteos-m\ arch \arm\include ..\Middleware\liteos-m\ arch \arm\cortex-m3\keil ..\Middleware\liteos-m\ arch \arm\common ..\Middleware\liteos-m\kernel\include ..\Middleware\liteos-m\utils ..\Middleware\liteos-m\bounds_checking\include 编译器选择 Use default compiler version 6 Use MicroLlB C语言使用 C11 规则 C语言优化等级 -0 解决 target_config.h 未找到问题 在 Config 文件夹下创建空文件 ARMCM3.h 和 target_config.h target_config.h 添加以下内容 /* * Copyright (c) 2013-2019 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of * conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list * of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used * to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /**@defgroup los_config System configuration items * @ingroup kernel */ # ifndef _TARGET_CONFIG_H# define _TARGET_CONFIG_H# include "ARMCM3.h" # include "stm32f1xx_hal.h" # include "los_common_interrupt.h" # ifdef __cplusplus# if __cplusplusextern "C" {# endif /* __cplusplus */ # endif /* __cplusplus */ /*============================================================================= System clock module configuration =============================================================================*/ # define OS_SYS_CLOCK SystemCoreClock# define LOSCFG_BASE_CORE_TICK_PER_SECOND (1000UL)# define LOSCFG_BASE_CORE_TICK_WTIMER 0# define LOSCFG_BASE_CORE_TICK_RESPONSE_MAX (0xFFFFFFFFUL) /*============================================================================= Hardware interrupt module configuration =============================================================================*/ # define LOSCFG_PLATFORM_HWI 0# define LOSCFG_USE_SYSTEM_DEFINED_INTERRUPT 0# define LOSCFG_PLATFORM_HWI_LIMIT 128 /*============================================================================= Task module configuration =============================================================================*/ # define LOSCFG_BASE_CORE_TSK_LIMIT 24# define LOSCFG_BASE_CORE_TSK_IDLE_STACK_SIZE (0x500U)# define LOSCFG_BASE_CORE_TSK_DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE (0x2D0U)# define LOSCFG_BASE_CORE_TSK_MIN_STACK_SIZE (0x130U)# define LOSCFG_BASE_CORE_TIMESLICE 1# define LOSCFG_BASE_CORE_TIMESLICE_TIMEOUT 20000 /*============================================================================= Semaphore module configuration =============================================================================*/ # define LOSCFG_BASE_IPC_SEM 1# define LOSCFG_BASE_IPC_SEM_LIMIT 48 /*============================================================================= Mutex module configuration =============================================================================*/ # define LOSCFG_BASE_IPC_MUX 1# define LOSCFG_BASE_IPC_MUX_LIMIT 24 /*============================================================================= Queue module configuration =============================================================================*/ # define LOSCFG_BASE_IPC_QUEUE 1# define LOSCFG_BASE_IPC_QUEUE_LIMIT 24 /*============================================================================= Software timer module configuration =============================================================================*/ # define LOSCFG_BASE_CORE_SWTMR 1# define LOSCFG_BASE_CORE_SWTMR_ALIGN 1# define LOSCFG_BASE_CORE_SWTMR_LIMIT 48 /*============================================================================= Memory module configuration =============================================================================*/ # define LOSCFG_SYS_EXTERNAL_HEAP 0# define LOSCFG_SYS_HEAP_SIZE 0x00008000# define LOSCFG_MEM_MUL_POOL 1# define OS_SYS_MEM_NUM 20 /*============================================================================= Exception module configuration =============================================================================*/ # define LOSCFG_PLATFORM_EXC 0 /* ============================================================================= PM module configuration ============================================================================= */ # define LOSCFG_KERNEL_PM 0 /* ============================================================================= printf module configuration ============================================================================= */ # define LOSCFG_KERNEL_PRINTF 2# ifdef __cplusplus# if __cplusplus}# endif /* __cplusplus */ # endif /* __cplusplus */ # endif /* _TARGET_CONFIG_H */ 添加 Config 文件夹为头文件路径 解决 HWI_PROC_FUNC 未定义问题 在 Middleware\liteos-m\ arch \arm\common\los_common_interrupt.h 中添加以下代码 /* --- liteos-m add */ #if (LOSCFG_PLATFORM_HWI_WITH_ARG == 1 ) typedefVOID (*HWI_PROC_FUNC)(VOID *parm); #elsetypedefVOID (*HWI_PROC_FUNC)(void); #endif /* ---/ */ 强制内存池4字节对齐 Middleware\liteos-m\kernel\ src \mm\los_memory .c 53行 由 STATIC UINT8 g_memStart ; 修改为 STATIC UINT8 __attribute__ ((aligned( 4 ))) g_memStart ; 增加 __attribute__ ((aligned( 4 ))) 预处理 修改 SysTick_Config 参数 将 Middleware\liteos-m\ arch \arm\cortex-m3\keil\los_timer.c 文件中调用 SysTick_Config 接口的参数 由 LOSCFG_BASE_CORE_TICK_RESPONSE_MAX 修改为 OS_SYS_CLOCK / LOSCFG_BASE_CORE_TICK_PER_SECOND 移植 PendSV_Handler 在 PendSV_Handler 函数中调用 HalPendSV 接口 voidPendSV_Handler (void){ /* USER CODE BEGIN PendSV_IRQn 0 */ voidHalPendSV (void); HalPendSV (); /* USER CODE END PendSV_IRQn 0 */ /* USER CODE BEGIN PendSV_IRQn 1 */ /* USER CODE END PendSV_IRQn 1 */ } 移植 OsTickHandler 在 SysTick_Handler 函数中调用 OsTickHandler 接口 /** * @brief This function handles System tick timer. */ voidSysTick_Handler (void){ /* USER CODE BEGIN SysTick_IRQn 0 */ voidOsTickHandler (void); OsTickHandler (); /* USER CODE END SysTick_IRQn 0 */ /* USER CODE BEGIN SysTick_IRQn 1 */ /* USER CODE END SysTick_IRQn 1 */ } 增加内核打印接口 HalConsoleOutput 增加调用 Jlink-RTT 打印功能 WEAK VOID HalConsoleOutput (LogModuleType type, INT32 level, const CHAR *fmt, ...) { /* --- liteos-m add */ # include "../rtt/SEGGER_RTT.h" va_list ParamList; va_start(ParamList, fmt); SEGGER_RTT_vprintf(0, fmt, ParamList); va_end(ParamList); /* ---/ */ } 测试LiteOS-M APP_main.c 添加测试代码,其完整文件为: #include "slog.h" #include "los_task.h" VOID taskSampleEntry2 ( VOID ){ while ( 1 ) { LOS_TaskDelay ( 1000 ); log_v ( "taskSampleEntry2 running..." ); }} VOID taskSampleEntry1 ( VOID ){ while ( 1 ) { LOS_TaskDelay ( 2000 ); log_v ( "taskSampleEntry1 running..." ); }} UINT32 taskSample ( VOID ){ UINT32 uwRet; UINT32 taskID1, taskID2; TSK_INIT_PARAM_S stTask1 = { 0 }; stTask1. pfnTaskEntry = ( TSK_ENTRY_FUNC )taskSampleEntry1; stTask1. uwStackSize = 0X1000 ; stTask1. pcName = "taskSampleEntry1" ; stTask1. usTaskPrio = 6 ; uwRet = LOS_TaskCreate (taskID1, stTask1); if (uwRet != LOS_OK ) { log_v ( "create task1 failed\n" ); } stTask1. pfnTaskEntry = ( TSK_ENTRY_FUNC )taskSampleEntry2; stTask1. uwStackSize = 0X1000 ; stTask1. pcName = "taskSampleEntry2" ; stTask1. usTaskPrio = 7 ; uwRet = LOS_TaskCreate (taskID2, stTask1); if (uwRet != LOS_OK ) { log_v ( "create task2 failed\n" ); } return LOS_OK ;} voidapp_main ( void ){ unsignedint ret; slog_test (); ret = LOS_KernelInit (); if (ret == LOS_OK ) { taskSample (); LOS_Start (); } while ( 1 ) { ; }} 测试成功界面为 适配 CMSIS 添加源码 Middleware\liteos-m\kal\cmsis\cmsis_liteos2.c 修改源码 third_party_cmsis-OpenHarmony-v5 .0 .2 -Release\ CMSIS \RTOS2\Include\cmsis_os2.h 覆盖 Middleware\liteos-m\kal\cmsis\cmsis_os2.h 添加头文件路径 ..\Middleware\liteos-m\kal\cmsis 创建使用 cmsis_os2 接口的源码 在 APP 文件夹中创建源文件 cmsis_os2_creat_thread.c ,代码如下: /** * @file cmsis_os2_creat_thread.c * @author TianBeiBei (tianbeibei5628 @dingtalk .com) * @brief * @version 0.1 * @date 2025-02-25 * * @copyright Copyright (c) 2025 * */ #include "slog.h" #include "cmsis_os2.h" #define MINI_TASK_DELAY_MS ( 1 * 1000 ) /* Definitions for BelowNormalTask */ osThreadId_t BelowNormalTaskHandle ; const osThreadAttr_t BelowNormalTask _attributes = { . name = "BelowNormalTask" , . stack_size = 1024 * 4 , . priority = (osPriority_t)osPriorityBelowNormal,}; /* Definitions for NormalTask */ osThreadId_t NormalTaskHandle ; const osThreadAttr_t NormalTask _attributes = { . name = "NormalTask" , . stack_size = 1024 * 4 , . priority = (osPriority_t)osPriorityNormal,}; /* Definitions for LowTask */ osThreadId_t LowTaskHandle ; const osThreadAttr_t LowTask _attributes = { . name = "LowTask" , . stack_size = 1024 * 4 , . priority = (osPriority_t)osPriorityLow,}; voidlow_task ( void *argument ){ for (;;) { log_v ( "low_task runing" ); osDelay ( MINI_TASK_DELAY_MS * 3 ); }# if 0 osThreadExit (); /* 任务退出 */ #endif} voidnormal_task ( void *argument ){ for (;;) { log_v ( "normal_task runing" ); osDelay ( MINI_TASK_DELAY_MS * 2 ); }# if 0 osThreadExit (); /* 任务退出 */ #endif} voidbelow_normal_task ( void *argument ){ for (;;) { log_v ( "below_normal_task runing" ); osDelay ( MINI_TASK_DELAY_MS * 1 ); }# if 0 osThreadExit (); /* 任务退出 */ #endif} voidliteos_m_thread_init ( void ){ /* Create the thread(s) */ /* creation of NormalTask */ NormalTaskHandle = osThreadNew (normal_task, NULL , NormalTask _attributes); /* creation of BelowNormalTask */ BelowNormalTaskHandle = osThreadNew (below_normal_task, NULL , BelowNormalTask _attributes); /* creation of LowTask */ LowTaskHandle = osThreadNew (low_task, NULL , LowTask _attributes);} voidcmsis_os2_main ( void ){ /* Init scheduler */ osKernelInitialize (); /* Call init function for freertos objects (in freertos.c) */ liteos_m_thread_init (); /* Start scheduler */ osKernelStart ();} 将 cmsis_os2_creat_thread.c 文件添加到工程中 修改 APP_main.c 源码,添加调用 cmsis_os2 接口的代码,不再调用源码接口,修改后的源码如下: #include "slog.h" #include "los_task.h" VOID taskSampleEntry2 ( VOID ){ while ( 1 ) { log_v ( "taskSampleEntry2 running..." ); LOS_TaskDelay ( 1000 ); }} VOID taskSampleEntry1 ( VOID ){ while ( 1 ) { log_v ( "taskSampleEntry1 running..." ); LOS_TaskDelay ( 2000 ); }} UINT32 taskSample ( VOID ){ UINT32 uwRet; UINT32 taskID1, taskID2; TSK_INIT_PARAM_S stTask1 = { 0 }; stTask1. pfnTaskEntry = ( TSK_ENTRY_FUNC )taskSampleEntry1; stTask1. uwStackSize = 0X1000 ; stTask1. pcName = "taskSampleEntry1" ; stTask1. usTaskPrio = 6 ; uwRet = LOS_TaskCreate (taskID1, stTask1); if (uwRet != LOS_OK ) { log_v ( "create task1 failed\n" ); } stTask1. pfnTaskEntry = ( TSK_ENTRY_FUNC )taskSampleEntry2; stTask1. uwStackSize = 0X1000 ; stTask1. pcName = "taskSampleEntry2" ; stTask1. usTaskPrio = 7 ; uwRet = LOS_TaskCreate (taskID2, stTask1); if (uwRet != LOS_OK ) { log_v ( "create task2 failed\n" ); } return LOS_OK ;} voidapp_main ( void ){ unsignedint ret; slog_test ();# if 1 /* 0-原接口 1-cmsis_os2接口 */ voidcmsis_os2_main ( void ); cmsis_os2_main ();# else ret = LOS_KernelInit (); if (ret == LOS_OK ) { taskSample (); LOS_Start (); }#endifwhile ( 1 ) { ; }} 测试成功界面如下: