tag 标签: blog

  • 热度 23
    2016-2-26 14:13
    934 次阅读|
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    来源: 中关村在线 作者:中关村在线 刘雪雯     根据最新消息显示,苹果有望在3月15日发布新系统iOS 9.3的正式版,届时一同亮相的还有iPhone 5SE和iPad Air 3。   iOS 9.3正式版即将来袭(图片来自idownloadblog)      iOS 9.3正式版即将来袭(图片来自idownloadblog)   外媒称,iOS 9.3的最新测试版中,苹果修复了“1970变砖”问题。其还进一步完善修复了Error 53错误,同时它还是OTA更新,之前的需要用户只能通过iTunes升级。除此之外,iOS 9.3正式版还恢复了手写笔在iPad Pro中的使用功能。  
  • 热度 33
    2015-6-24 21:52
    1447 次阅读|
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    I just got a jolly interesting email from a reader called Mark, who wrote as follows:   Hi Max, it's been a while since we've been in touch. I hope all is well in your corner of the universe. I think we're finally done with the snow for a little up here in New England! As a designer of circuit boards, and a believer that one should always have spares of everything handy, I've accumulated a variety of boards over the years, many of them un-populated. Until recently, they mostly just collected dust. Then I had a cool idea, based on my wife's tireless and wildly creative scrapbooking, I decided to scrapbook a bunch of my old PCBs. I think that you're able to appreciate the notion better than most of my non-geek friends! Anyway, if you have some time, I was wondering if you could pop over to this entry on my blog and check it out.   Well, I for one am a fan. I love the way in which different technologies have evolved, so I would really like to see a PCB scrapbook starting with the earliest techniques and progressing through to today's offerings. I'll have to ask Mark if he's planning on creating such a thing.     I also love the concept of blogging in general. Check out this link to the home page for Mark's blog and then scroll down to peruse and ponder his musings. If I weren't an editor at UBM Canon, I'd probably have a blog of my own. As it is, I effectively do have a blog of my own, because -- as this column shows -- I'm free to post articles about whatever's currently on my mind.   Mark closed by saying: "I'd be very interested to know what you think." I replied that I thought scrapbooking PCBs was a cool idea, and Mark responded with: "I'm very glad you like it! I worry sometimes that I'm an oddball, even among geeks."   Fear not Mark, you are not alone. How about you, dear reader? To what geeky hobbies do you subscribe? And do you sometimes worry that you would stand "proud in the crowd" at a geek convention?
  • 热度 25
    2015-4-20 03:46
    960 次阅读|
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    http://bbs.21ic.com/icview-923018-1-1.html http://bbs.21ic.com/icview-923016-1-1.html http://bbs.21ic.com/icview-923014-1-1.html http://www.eefocus.com/jameswangsynnex/blog/15-04/311743_f1d7f.html http://www.eefocus.com/jameswangsynnex/blog/15-04/311742_39774.html http://www.eefocus.com/jameswangsynnex/blog/15-04/311741_c1d57.html http://www.eefocus.com/jameswangsynnex/blog/15-04/311740_93f05.html http://www.eefocus.com/jameswangsynnex/blog/15-04/311739_d7d11.html http://www.eefocus.com/jameswangsynnex/blog/15-04/311738_4d9de.html http://www.eefocus.com/jameswangsynnex/blog/15-04/311737_1a592.html
  • 热度 27
    2013-12-25 13:26
    948 次阅读|
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    更新本地仓  与远程仓同步 #git fetch varremote      将远程仓取来 #git merge varremote /master master     远程仓与本地仓合并   =======进阶文章======= 参考文献: GotGitHub   http://www.worldhello.net/gotgithub/ Git分支管理策略  http://fancyoung.com/blog/githug-cheat-sheet/ Githug通关全攻略 http://fancyoung.com/blog/githug-cheat-sheet/
  • 热度 15
    2011-10-25 18:53
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    A friend emailed me a bunch of images that reflect life's little ironies. Some of these are really funny – others are a tad sad – and some make you wince when you think of the unintended juxtapositions that ensued (I can imagine doing something like this myself, taking a step back to look at "the bigger picture" and then slapping myself on the forehead and saying "Doh!" ) The funny thing is that these images have the caption "Friends of Irony" on the bottom, and if you do a Google search you find quite a few references that point to friendsofirony.com , but if you click on these links you end up at failblog.org/tag/irony Does this mean that Friends of Irony was a blog that failed? And, if so, who determines whether a blog fails or not? Are my blogs in danger? Eeekkk!!! Well, while we're pondering these posers, let's take a moment to scan the following images. Maybe we should start out own "Oh, the irony!" series ... if you send me your own picture(s) of this ilk along with some information as to where the picture was taken I'll post it/them here in a follow-up blog.