热度 16
2013-2-23 17:29
1692 次阅读|
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My friend Tom just sent me a link to an interesting piece on BuzzFeed.com . The posting in question is called 19 People Who Are Having a Worse Day Than You . I know we shouldn't laugh at other people's misfortunes, but what can I say? The reason the "man slipping on a banana" was used so often in the old black-and-white films is that ... it's funny. My favourite is #5 ( "Discovering you have superpowers at the worst possible moment" ), although #11 ( "Anyone who is best friends with a juggler" ) has a certain je ne sais quoi . But wait, #17 ( "Anyone trying to be Captain America" ) is a hoot. In fact they are all pretty amazing and funny, except for #19 which makes me sad. Click Here to bounce over and see these videos and then tell me which one(s) you like best.