tag 标签: pi

  • 热度 3
    2024-7-9 21:31
    912 次阅读|
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    经过一段时间学习,已经了解了--memuconfig的使用。现在要添加自己的代码了。做一个自己的LVGL demo容易实现,能看见效果,更能有成就感。 第一步,基于GUI Guider-1.6.0创建自己demo,并生成代码。到aic_demo目录下,创建一个文件夹(Air_demo),将生成的三个文件夹拷贝过来,如下图: 从Air_demo开始,每个文件夹内拷贝一个SConscript文件,我选的是meter_demo文件夹中的。 添加入口文件,air_demo_ui.c和air_demo_ui.h,在air-demo_ui.c中修改如下: lv_ui guider_ui; void air_demo_ui_init() { /* 用户APP 入口 */ setup_ui(&guider_ui); events_init(&guider_ui); custom_init(&guider_ui); } 修改aic_ui.c,因为是从二步骤中的SConsscript文件是从meter_demo文件夹中拷贝的,这里修改AIC_LVGL_METER_DEMO下的内容。 依次输入scons --list-def,scons --apply-def=13,scons --menuconfig,进行配置选择 保存配置后,输入scons编译。 编译后,如果有错误,根据提示查看代码,进行解决。之前没有用过scons,刚开始不习惯,但是用一段时间,感觉还是挺好用。 我遇到的问题: lvgl库版本和SDK不一致,导致部分函数提示错误;解决方法,查看SDK内库函数,修改自己的代码。我觉得可以更新SDK内的LVGL库,我还没有验证。 下面效果图。 特别感谢: Gui Guider 生成代码移植到匠芯创平台系列--手动添加移植代码_gui guider 移植-CSDN博客 【D133CBS RISC-V KunLun Pi】开发板评测 RISC-V + RT-Thread + LVGL初体验_评测-面包板社区 (eet-china.com)
  • 热度 4
    2024-4-26 14:19
    290 次阅读|
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    米尔、瑞米派、Remi Pi、 瑞萨RZ/G2L、RZ/G2L开发板、兼容树莓模块 概述 Remi Pi采用瑞萨RZ/G2L作为核心处理器,该处理器搭载双核Cortex-A55@1.2GHz+Cortex-M33@200MHz处理器,其内部集成高性能3D加速引擎Mail-G31 GPU(500MHz)和视频处理单元(支持H.264硬件编解码),16位的DDR4-1600 / DDR3L-1333内存控制器、千兆以太网控制器、USB、CAN、SD卡、MIPI-CSI等外设接口,在工业、医疗、电力等行业都得到广泛的应用。 在开发阶段,建议配合核心板配套的评估套件 MYD-YG2L23-8E1D-120-C-REMI来加速开发。评估套件的详细信息请访问: https://www.myir.cn/shows/23/14.html 实时内核设计 实时补丁我们选择RT-Preempt来实现 移植补丁 RT补丁可以从RT官网下载5.10.83对应的补丁 https://cdn.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/projects/rt/5.10/older/ 把补丁放到自己的工作目录下,然后解压,如图2-1: hjx@myir-server:~/renesas/04_Sources$ tar -xvf patches-5.10.83-rt58.tar.gz 图2-1. 内核源码解压 进入到内核源码打补丁,如图2-2: hjx@myir-server:~/renesas/04_Sources/myir-renesas-linux$ for p in `ls -1 ../patches/*.patch`; do patch -p1 < $p; done 图2-2. 打实时补丁 编译内核源码 hjx@myir-server:~/renesas/04_Sources/myir-renesas-linux$ /opt/remi-sdk/environment-setup-aarch64-poky-linux hjx@myir-server:~/renesas/04_Sources/myir-renesas-linux$ make ARCH=arm64 mys_g2lx_defconfig hjx@myir-server:~/renesas/04_Sources/myir-renesas-linux$ make ARCH=arm64 Image dtbs -j16 更新编译得到的Image即可 其他影响性能的配置 禁用CPU Freq自动调频,并设置主频为最高频率: cd /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0 scaling_governor scaling_setspeed (如不禁用cpufreq调频功能,系统会因动态调频产生极大的偶然延迟) 实时性测试 空载测试 cyclictest -p 99 -t 1 -d 100 -i 1000 -D 24h -m -a -n 图3-1.空载测试 CPU&内存满载 cyclictest -p 99 -t 1 -d 100 -i 1000 -D 24h -m -a -n 增加压力 stress-ng --cpu 4 --cpu-method all --io 4 --vm 50 -d 5 --fork 4 --timeout 36000s 图3-2.满载测试 数据对比: 板卡 MYD-YG2LX-REMI 测试时间 120min 指令 cyclictest &stress-ng 空载 平均 8us 最大 24us 满载 平均 13us 最大 136us 表4-1.数据信息 ethercat IGH移植 下载ethercat IGH源码 到官网下载1.5版本的ethercat源码,如图4-1: https://gitlab.com/etherlab.org/ethercat/-/tree/stable-1.5?ref_type=heads 图4-1. 下载源码 解压ethercat源码 hjx@myir-server:~/renesas/04_Sources$ tar -xvf ethercat-stable-1.5.tar.bz2 hjx@myir-server:~/renesas/04_Sources$ cd ethercat-stable-1.5 加载sdk环境变量 hjx@myir-server:~/renesas/04_Sources/myir-renesas-linux$ source /opt/remi-sdk/environment-setup-aarch64-poky-linux 编译ethercat源码 生成configure文件 由于篇幅有限,具体的代码步骤,请前往米尔公众号,点击链接: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/OA-LMmhi7lH3mSK2Z4pLDA 启动EtherCAT 配置主站的MAC地址 root@myir-remi-1g:~# depmod root@myir-remi-1g:~# modprobe ec_master main_devices=1E:ED:19:27:1A:B3 启动ethercat root@myir-remi-1g:~# /etc/init.d/ethercat start Starting EtherCAT master 1.5.2 done 至此所有步骤完成。 米尔瑞米派 Remi Pi 瑞萨第一款MPU生态板卡,兼容树莓派扩展模块 采用瑞萨RZ/G2L工业级处理器,便于企业客户产品开发; Remi Pi兼容树莓派所有配件,方便产品原型搭建和创新应用; 更多的工业接口,兼顾开发、学习和实际应用; 软件系统丰富,支持Debian/Ubuntu/Linux等。 如需了解板卡,您可以通过访问以下米尔电子官网链接: https://www.myir.cn/shows/23/14.html 更多关于Remi Pi技术问题讨论请登录米尔官方论坛: https://bbs.myir-tech.com/forum-66-1.html
  • 热度 10
    2023-8-12 11:48
    3441 次阅读|
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    DesignCon是一个年度的技术会议,专注于高速通信和电子设计领域。 该会议旨在为电子工程师、系统设计师、IC设计师、测试和测量工程师等专业人士提供一个交流和学习的平台。DesignCon是世界一流的高速通信和系统设计大会,个人觉得这是学习高速电路设计非常好的平台,提供的文章质量也非常高,是硬件及相关行业的工程师不可多得的学习资料。建议下载深入学习 DesignCon聚集了来自全球各地的行业专家和领导者,他们分享最新的技术趋势、挑战和解决方案。会议涵盖了广泛的主题,包括高速信号完整性、高速串行链接、射频和微波设计、电源完整性、信号完整性、电磁兼容性、电源管理、测试和测量等。 在DesignCon上,与会者可以通过参加技术演讲、研讨会、实验室教程和展览等活动,了解最新的设计技术、工具和产品。此外,与会者还可以与同行交流、建立业务联系,并参与各种专业讨论和解决方案。 DesignCon的目标是促进行业创新和技术进步,帮助设计工程师和相关专业人士在高速通信和电子设计领域取得成功。通过提供一个全面的平台,DesignCon为与会者提供了深入了解行业趋势、学习最佳实践和解决方案的机会。 DesignCon是一个年度的技术会议,专注于高速通信和电子设计领域。它提供了一个平台,让工程师、设计师和研究人员可以分享他们在电子设计中的最新发现和创新。 DesignCon的主题涵盖了 信号完整性、高速通信、电源完整性、射频和微波设计、电磁兼容性、嵌入式系统设计 等等。会议通常包括技术演讲、研讨会、展览和论坛等。 关于DesignCon的更多信息和链接,可以访问以下网站: 官方网站: https://designcon.com/ DesignCon论坛: https://designcon.com/technical-program/technical-forums 设计Con(DesignCon)是一个专注于高速电路和信号完整性领域的会议和展览,关注高速电路设计、信号完整性、射频(RF)设计等方面的技术和最佳实践。以下是下载链接: 历年 DesignCon下载链接分享: 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1BJIouvWeh4YlCNoNuWdtCA?pwd=qxcc 提取码:qxcc 持续更新中。。。。。
  • 热度 24
    2014-2-27 14:06
    2354 次阅读|
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    If you are an 80s kid in the United States, you undoubtedly remember a toy called "Teddy Ruxpin." Your feelings of this bear likely range from fondness, such as happy memories of it "reading" you a story; dread, possibly fear; or curiosity about how it worked. Maybe you even felt some envy at the time if you didn't have one, likely replaced years later by curiosity about what made you want one.   Nearly 30 years later, you might again think upon that doll and realise that with modern microcontrollers, like the Arduino, this doll could be made into something different and debatably better than what it was originally intended for. Fortunately, if you'd like to start tearing into one, you can build on the excellent work of others. Mechanically, the bear is extremely simple, using one servo to control both the eyes and the mouth. Although I haven't personally disassembled one, I would guess that here is a mechanical linkage (possibly a cam) that keeps the eyes open while the servo travels through a certain range. This would allow it to actuate the mouth to "read" the story while the eyes stare creepily ahead until the servo was fully lowered. To get to the electronic goodies, you'll have to remove a flap on the back of the bear's shirt. The tape player then needs to be removed to get to the three servo wires inside the bear's body cavity. There are also two apparent power wired in this space, but if you're going to replace its centrally-located "brain" with your own controller, these likely won't be needed. There are some more pictures on wgz.org that help illustrate what is needed here. The other three wires can then be hooked up to your own controller solution for whatever mischief you'd like to cause with it. An Arduino, Raspberry Pi, or even a pyMCU come to mind. This article on Ars Technica uses an Arduino as a method for a computer to "possess" the bear, and sync up mouth movements with the Windows voice synthesiser. If one wanted to go even further, a Raspberry Pi would seem like an idea candidate for a stand-alone system. Going even further, I'd love to see one with servos embedded in the shoulders to allow for some crude arm movement, or maybe something to actuate the eyes. LEDs might be an even better solution to allow them to glow at opportune times. Of course, that doesn't even get into the possibility of using some sort of sensors for feedback. Maybe a passive infrared sensor could be used to surprise unsuspecting passers-by. It's not too early to think about your Halloween display this year! Taking a different tack, maybe you'd rather see 80 of them talking in sequence . Maybe a Bluetooth or WiFi connection could be used for something similar if a stand-alone system was devised. It seems like a strange thing for kids to want today, but it was the best selling toy of 1985-1986. On the other hand, maybe I just don't possess or understand the psychology of a 5-year-old anymore. This is probably a good thing. Finally, if you're wondering what a "Teddy Ruxpin" is, or just want a reminder, check out this YouTube channel for a sampling of what this little animatronic bear is all about . Jeremy Cook is a manufacturing engineer with 10 years experience and has a BSME from Clemson University.  
  • 热度 19
    2013-3-31 16:07
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    天九电子科技,专业的电子元器件IGBT,MOSFET,集成电路IC,二三极管的现货库存代理商。 公司只做原装正品。大量现货库存。 深港两地。代英飞凌,西门康,TI,IXYS,maxim,IR ,FSC,PI,Sanken等国际品牌产品。www.igbtic.com   **一批现货:   TOP244PN            PI        35K   DIP FGH40N60UFD   FSC   64K    TO-247AC IKW40N120T2      INF   19K     TO-247 IKW40N120H3    INF    24K    TO-247 IXFK27N80Q       IXYS    6.5K   TO-264 SK70DT16          西门康   2K    ‘ UC3846N           TI            37.5K    DIP-16 UC3895DW       TI             35K      SOP 更多现货库存,请致电 0755-23345452    www.igbtic.com